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Favorite Answers37%
  • How big should I build my pheasant pen?

    So this summer, my family decided we want to try raising some pheasants. We'll probably only start off with like a half a dozen pheasants (6, for those who aren't good at math ;) ), and anyways I was just wondering how big I should make their pen for all 6 of them? I do have a decent sized yard, but please do keep in mind I don't want this pen overtaking a big chunk of it.

    Thank You,


    3 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • soft compression training softball vs. regular softball?

    Training Softball with soft rubber core vs. regular softball.

    Which softball generally is hit further and flies further? Is it harder to hit a training softball further than a regular softball (or other way around)?


    2 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Good size softball glove for 14yr old girl with small hands?

    So I am starting softball in a couple of weeks and I have to get a new glove. I've never played in a league before, just at home in like "neighborhood games" with friends. My mom and I were looking at gloves and I didn't know what size I should get so we didn't buy one right away. The next day she comes home and apparently bought a 13" softball glove for me. I tried it on and it felt kind of big, not huge, just a little big, and it looked big on my hand too.

    My hand is about 6.5" from my wrist to top of middle finger and about 5.5" from my thumb to directly across my hand. (I'm not sure if that helps any?)

    I'm going to be playing in a 16U modified pitch softball league (slow pitch) also. I'm not only going to play just one position, so I will be a utility player (probably not pitcher, and catcher mitts are supplied by team)

    So what size glove would you recommend for me? I'm a 14yr old girl and I have pretty small hands. I have used an 11" BASEBALL glove before, getting too small, and a 13" SOFTBALL glove, a little to big. I will be a utility player.


    2 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Discrimination of Women (main points for paper)?

    I am starting a research paper for English and doing it on discrimination of women. We need 3 main topics/points. I for sure want to do discrimination of women in the workplace. I am thinking about in sports/military but not sure yet.

    What are some other good ideas that I can find enough reputable sources on to write about?


    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Discrimination of women (main points for paper)?

    I am starting a research paper for English and doing it on discrimination of women. We need 3 main topics/points. I for sure want to do discrimination of women in the workplace. I am thinking about in sports/military but not sure yet.

    What are some other good ideas that I can find enough reputable sources on to write about?


    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • I want to get my First Communion (I'm 14)?

    Lately I have been very confused with my religion. My Mom was brought up as a Catholic, going to a Catholic school and all of that, because my Grandma is a pretty strict Catholic. My Dad on the other hand is Lutheran. I go to church usually only once a year (which I feel EXTREMELY bad for.) with my Mom (Christmas Eve) besides the ocassional youth group on Wednesdays. My Dad doesn't even go to church. My family isn't very religious, either am I, but I want to be closer with God. I was baptised as a baby but never received my First Communion or Conformation or anything like that. I have been thinking so much lately about if I want to receive my First Communion, but I also want to learn more about my Dad's religion (Lutheran). I have also talked with some of my close friends (who are Catholic) who have also not received their First Communion and they said that they would like to, and are pretty much in the same boat as I am. I have decided that I want to take classes to learn more about my religion and eventually get my First Communion (although I am still a bit confused as to what is actually is?).

    I would just like to know exactly what the classes are like for getting your First Communion and If I would have to take it with all those little kids? My friends and I also really want to get it done together.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should I buy this guitar?

    I really want to learn to play guitar and I've been looking at some less expensive guitars. I went to my local music store yesterday and tried out a Samick Greg Bennett ASDM acoustic guitar. It fit me pretty well (for being only 14) and it sounded pretty good! It was priced at $160. I was just wondering if it would be worth buying. I'm NOT looking to buy a expensive high end guitar so please dont tell me otherwise. I'm only a beginner, not looking for anything fancy or expensive (although I would like to get a Taylor some day!) and was just wondering if this guitar would be a good fit and if it would hold up through good care? Also, if you've had any experience with this guitar PLEASE feel free to give me a little review. :)

    Thanks in advance!


    Also, heres the guitar I'm talking about:

    Another note: People have talked to me about Jasmine by Takamine. Yes, they are cheaper, but unfortunately my Guitar center did not have them and I don't feel like having to go on an hour and a half long car ride there and back to another Guitar Center to find something that I may not even like.

    8 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Broadband connection / network help?

    I was trying to create a new network on my computer (for wifi, even though we dont have it) and I think I screwed something up. I created a network and named it Network. Before, my default network was Broadband Connection (PPPoe Conection). Now on my vista dock it says connected to Network, but I want to get it back so it is connected to Broadband Connection, My internet still works perfectly fine but I would like to get it back to Broadband Connection. I tried to set it up but it says you need a username and password and I don't know them? I tried without it and it said Failed to connect to Broadband Connection.

    I really want to fix this because I dont know if it will mess up my computer (now OR in the future) and I just want it back to the way it was.

    Should I system restore it ? Will that fix it?

    How can I get connected to Broadband Connection again?

    or should I just leave it?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Is the National Do Not Call Registry legit?

    I keep getting calls on my cell phone from telemarketers and its super annoying. I want to try the National Do Not Call Registry, but first I want to know if its legit? Also, I'm only 14 so does it matter what age you are to register?


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What days will certain twins players be at twinsfest?

    Usually there is a player schedule that says what days certain players will be at Twinsfest but I have not seen one this year? Maybe its because it moved to Blaine, but I dont know. Does anyone know if there is a schedule? I would like to know which days Danny Valencia will be at Twinsfest so I don't go on the wrong day.


    Katie :)

    1 AnswerBaseball1 decade ago
  • Will you please rate my short story (pt. 2)?

    “Hello? Anyone home?” I asked. But there was no response.

    Sure enough, sitting on the windowsill was a freshly baked pie. I couldn’t help myself enough but to have a slice because I was so hungry. It was filled with juicy cherries that stained the white fur around my mouth. It was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted!

    After I stuffed myself with more pie, I was about to leave when there was a knock on the door.

    “Grandma, are you home? It’s me, little red riding hood!” said a soft and squeaky voice on the other side of the door.

    What was I supposed to do? Where was I supposed to go? Panicking, I saw a spare set of clothes next to a bed. I put all of the clothes on and hopped into the bed.

    “Come in darling!” I said, pretending to be the girl’s grandmother. The door opened and a little girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes wearing a red cloak walked in.

    “Granny, you don’t sound like yourself. Is everything okay?” she said.

    “Oh, just a little cold I caught, but I‘m fine,” I said.

    “Grandmother! What big ears you have!” she said while looking confused. “The better to hear you with!” I replied.

    “But Grandmother! What big eyes you have!” the girl shouted.

    “Oh just better to see you with!” I grinned, becoming more nervous.

    “But grandmother! What big teeth you have!” she said frightened.

    “Oh just…uh…” I stuttered. “My big teeth are for…fo-”,

    She interrupted me. “You’re not my grandmother! Who are you?”

    Scared I replied, “I’m… uh… A wolf.”

    “What?!” she screamed at me. “Where’s my grandma? What have you done with her?”

    “I didn’t do anything with her! She was never even here! I just walked in and I-”, She interrupted me again. I was starting to get annoyed with how rude she was being. “Why is your mouth all red? You didn‘t…eat her? Did you?!”, and she ran out the door screaming. “Call the police! A wolf ate my grandma!”

    “But I didn’t!” I tried to scream back at her, but it was too late.

    I was about to leave and try to avoid getting into a big mess, when people with pitchforks and torches started to surround the house. They were yelling and me and I didn’t know what to do!

    I was afraid to go outside, so I just sat on the bed, with tears rolling down my face. I looked out the door and saw blue and red lights flashing. The police were here. Two officers marched up to the house, not even hesitating to knock, and threw open the door. “You’re coming with us, bud.” one of them said.

    “But I never even did anything!” I cried to them.

    “That’s not what the girl said! She said she witnessed it all, and saw you eat her grandma! So save it for the judge, pal!” they yelled at me.

    The cute little girl had lied to the police about the whole thing! She never even saw half of what happened! But with no one to back up my side up the story, the officers led me to their car and drove me to jail.

    So as I sit here in my jail cell, almost on my deathbed, I have finally let the truth out. What you have just read is not a lie. That is my side of the story, and it is the complete truth. That is exactly what happened that beautiful fall day.

    Let me know what you think!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Will you please rate my short story (pt. 1)?

    I am only in 8th grade and this is only my rough draft.. but anyways, I was assigned to pick a familiar fairytale and write it in the point of view of another character, so I picked Little Red Riding Hood in the point of view of the wolf. Could you please look over it to see what I can improve on and any mistakes I made? THANKS!

    Here I am, spending what seems to be an eternity in jail, for something I never even did. Today I am known as the “big bad wolf” all because of a cute little girl wearing a red cloak. Everyone took her word for what happened that day, but no one even thought about believing what I had to say. So after all my years of being stuck in this jail cell, I feel that I should share the truth with all of you. This is what really happened. This is my side of the story.

    It was a beautiful fall afternoon one day. The sun was shining, and the leaves were all different shades of red, orange, and yellow. I didn’t have anything going on that day, so I decided to take a little stroll. I walked through all of the woods, with a huge smile on my face. I waved to everyone I saw, and greeted everyone I knew. I was having a fantastic time!

    After hours and hours of walking that day, I was starting to get a little tired. I sat down at a nearby creek to rest. I drank from the creek, as I was very thirsty from all of the walking. I was starting to get hungry too, but I had forgotten to bring any food with me. I looked all around to see if there were any berries I could snack on, but I found nothing. My stomach growled, so I decided it was best for me to head back home. I started walking back when I smelt something absolutely mouthwatering. I began to follow the smell, thinking that I might get lucky enough to eat some of whatever it was. I finally reached a small house, right on the edge of the woods. I went up to the house and knocked on the door to see if anyone was home. No one answered, but I could tell that the delicious smell was coming from inside. I knocked again, but with no success, so I took a small risk, and I opened the door.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Short story/dialogue question?

    After I stuffed myself with more pie, I was about to leave when there was a knock on the door.

    “Grandma, are you home? It’s me, little red riding hood!” said a soft and squeaky voice on the other side of the door.

    What was I supposed to do? Where was I supposed to go? Panicking, I saw a spare set of clothes next to a bed. I put all of the clothes on and hopped into the bed.

    “Come in darling!” I said, pretending to be the girl’s grandmother. The door opened and a little girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes wearing a red cloak walked in.

    “Granny, you don’t sound like yourself. Is everything okay?” she said.

    “Oh, just a little cold I caught, but I‘m fine.” I said.

    “Grandmother! What big ears you have!” she said while looking confused. “The better to hear you with!” I replied.

    “But Grandmother! What big eyes you have!” the girl shouted.

    “Oh just better to see you with!” I grinned, becoming more nervous.

    “But grandmother! What big teeth you have!” she said frightened.

    “Oh just…uh…” I stuttered. “My big teeth are for…fo-”, she interrupted me, “You’re not my grandmother! Who are you?”

    ^^^That is PART of a rough draft of short story I wrote.. but I was just wondering if I have all of the dialogue correct (indenting, for example)? Please correct me if you notice a mistake!

    thank you very much!

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Short story/dialogue question?

    After I stuffed myself with more pie, I was about to leave when there was a knock on the door.

    “Grandma, are you home? It’s me, little red riding hood!” said a soft and squeaky voice on the other side of the door.

    What was I supposed to do? Where was I supposed to go? Panicking, I saw a spare set of clothes next to a bed. I put all of the clothes on and hopped into the bed.

    “Come in darling!” I said, pretending to be the girl’s grandmother. The door opened and a little girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes wearing a red cloak walked in.

    “Granny, you don’t sound like yourself. Is everything okay?” she said.

    “Oh, just a little cold I caught, but I‘m fine.” I said.

    “Grandmother! What big ears you have!” she said while looking confused. “The better to hear you with!” I replied.

    “But Grandmother! What big eyes you have!” the girl shouted.

    “Oh just better to see you with!” I grinned, becoming more nervous.

    “But grandmother! What big teeth you have!” she said frightened.

    “Oh just…uh…” I stuttered. “My big teeth are for…fo-”, she interrupted me, “You’re not my grandmother! Who are you?”

    ^^^That is PART of a rough draft of short story I wrote.. but I was just wondering if I have all of the dialogue correct (indenting, for example)? Please correct me if you notice a mistake!

    thank you very much!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Short story/dialogue question?

    After I stuffed myself with more pie, I was about to leave when there was a knock on the door.

    “Grandma, are you home? It’s me, little red riding hood!” said a soft and squeaky voice on the other side of the door.

    What was I supposed to do? Where was I supposed to go? Panicking, I saw a spare set of clothes next to a bed. I put all of the clothes on and hopped into the bed.

    “Come in darling!” I said, pretending to be the girl’s grandmother. The door opened and a little girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes wearing a red cloak walked in.

    “Granny, you don’t sound like yourself. Is everything okay?” she said.

    “Oh, just a little cold I caught, but I‘m fine.” I said.

    “Grandmother! What big ears you have!” she said while looking confused. “The better to hear you with!” I replied.

    “But Grandmother! What big eyes you have!” the girl shouted.

    “Oh just better to see you with!” I grinned, becoming more nervous.

    “But grandmother! What big teeth you have!” she said frightened.

    “Oh just…uh…” I stuttered. “My big teeth are for…fo-”, she interrupted me, “You’re not my grandmother! Who are you?”

    ^^^That is PART of a rough draft of short story I wrote.. but I was just wondering if I have all of the dialogue correct (indenting, for example)? Please correct me if you notice a mistake!

    thank you very much!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • 8th grade chemistry question?

    Helium does not react with any other substance. Is it accurate to say that helium has no chemical properties? Explain.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • What influence has Andrew Jackson had on America today?

    I know what he DID (indian removal act, second bank of the united states, etc..) but how has his achievements/success (or failure) affected the way america is today? how did his presidency change the way america is right now? or how would america be today if Andrew Jackson had never even been elected at all?

    If anyone could give me something to start on about him, that would be much appreciated!

    Thank you, very much!


    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Andrew Jackson questions?

    What were some MAJOR (please dont say something that isn't major) world/national events going on during his presidency?

    and also..

    How has Andrew Jackson influenced America today?

    Thank you. :)

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • How much recoil in an H&R 30-30?

    My Dad just recently purchased an H&R 30-30 single shot for me. I am familiar with the gun, but just not shooting it. How much recoil should I be looking at compared to a.243/.410 shotgun? I can handle a .243 and .410 with no problem at all. Just keep in mind I am on the smaller side.

    2 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • I think I still like my ex boyfriend...?

    So I've known him since before first grade..and about a year ago we were together for 10 months but then he broke up with me because he thought we would be better as friends. It was hard for me when he first broke up with me but eventually I just considered him as one of my best friends (because he is) and we hung out all the time. But I found out he likes one of my best friends.. and he asked her out two days ago. And she said yes. I was really happy for them. But now I've been thinking about him..I miss him and I think I still like him. I don't know what to do now...I'm so lost. I could still probably handle being friends with him..but would it wrong to hang out with him now? Since he has a girlfriend?

    I'm afraid to talk about this with my other friends because they might tell her..and ahh. Please help me, I really need some advice here.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago