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  • Why kind of mental disorder do I have?

    Why kind of mental disorder do I have?

    Im pretty sure I have a bipolar disorder...but I never got diagnosed with it. My mood switches very rapidly. One minute I can be calm, and suddenly I can be yelling and screaming on top of my lungs. And then I can all happy again. It's usually over something small. I also go through these periods where I feel very depressed. It can be for months or days or hours. But for a month now I've been hearing voices. Most of the time it's very negative voice calling me horrible names. I feel like I'm slipping away from reality some times. I feel like I'm caving in to the voices.

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Help me! Does he even care about me?

    Okay so I've been seeing this guy for a few months. We both agree that a relationship was not right for us when we started to see each other, because he was still living with his ex. He claimed she was living with her sister until she/he could moved out. This bothered me so I told him maybe we can further our relationship once things got more figured. So we remain friends and helped through something major that happened to me about a month. I started to like him more and more we hanged out with each other. We became intimate (Even though I knew it was wrong, but he claimed he was not with his ex) I asked what we wanted of our relationship, and he told me he still not ready for a relationship so I decided cut ties with him. I figured it would be best before I got even more attached with him. But even if we talk at work he constantly ask me if I'm talking to anyone else. His attitude towards me has done a 180. I'm might be living the job next week, so I will not have to deal with him anymore. He told me he wants to remain friends, but I don't think that will work. I don't know why he constantly asking who I'm talking or seeing. But if I mention his ex he is like it's none of your business now that we are just friends.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I don't understand his motivation?

    Okay so I've been seeing this guy for a few months. We both agree that a relationship was not right for us when we started to see each other, because he was still living with his ex. He claimed she was living with her sister until she/he could moved out. This bothered me so I told him maybe we can further our relationship once things got more figured. So we remain friends and helped through something major that happened to me about a month. I started to like him more and more we hanged out with each other. We became intimate (Even though I knew it was wrong, but he claimed he was not with his ex) I asked what we wanted of our relationship, and he told me he still not ready for a relationship so I decided cut ties with him. I figured it would be best before I got even more attached with him. But even if we talk at work he constantly ask me if I'm talking to anyone else. His attitude towards me has done a 180. I'm might be living the job next week, so I will not have to deal with him anymore. He told me he wants to remain friends, but I don't think that will work. I don't know why he constantly asking who I'm talking or seeing. But if I mention his ex he is like it's none of your business now that we are just friends.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I forgot my pass code to my ipad 2?

    I have a ipad 2 and I stopped using it because i got a iphone so now I want to use it again but forgot pass code to it and I sold the laptop that I use it with so when I try to plug with my new laptop it keeps saying I need to unlock it with the pass code which I clearly dont know

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago
  • I think I might love you?

    Me and this guy were having sex and I said the L word. He continue kissing me but I was shocked that I was even moving so then he looked at me and said I think I might love you too. Was it just the sex? Or did he actually mean it

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What brand of wine should I buy?

    Trying to have a romantic night and want to buy wine but don't really know what kind should I buy and I don't have the greatest amount of money

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Do libra women and capricorn man make a real good match?

    Of course I'm a libra women and I have an attraction to a capricorn man. We started to flirt with each other at work and when we got to really talk we found out we have tones of the same interest. Well the second time we hanged out with each other we had sex. We cant stop having sex with each other. When I talked to him about a possible relationship he told me he might see us getting with each other. The maybe is not cutting with me. So we've been bumping heads on that. I notice he doesn't like hanging out with me for long periods of time. Again this frustrates me. When I let him decide on the days we hang out and stuff we usually hang out for longer periods of time. Should I walk away from this situation?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • I still in love with him?

    Couple of months ago I was hanging out with a work friend and becoming close friends with him. He told me he liked me and I told him I liked him. He just ended a relationship, and I was stupidly trying to work things out with my ex. He told my ex he thought I was cute and my ex pretty much was going beat the **** out of him. He is much smaller then my ex. So pretty much bothered this kid forever. My ex also found out we had sex and almost killed him again. So after so much drama we stopped talking. But I really can't stop thinking about him. I'm pretty much miserable with my life. I think I made the wrong choice of trying to get back my ex in the first place.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I love someone else and I have no clue what to do.?

    I've been on and off with this guy for several years he cheated on me and we separated for a while and while we weren't talking I started to hang out with this guy I came to like him and then my ex came back and wanted another chance so I try to work it out with him so when we separated for a few days I slept with the other guy and I told him that I liked him and wanted to be with him but he told me he didn't want a relationship so he pretty much used me for sex and so I went back with my ex but I still like the other dude and I try to hold myself back from calling him

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Blank messages with no sender?

    I got two messages with both blank and with no subject and no senders. I never got these messages before just wondering what they are.

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors9 years ago
  • Can my work do this to me?

    I work at a company that has a point system. I took a day off work last Tuesday because I was really sick. I was suppose to get a point for that. I didn't realizing that my points that was suppose to go away never did. I didn't take time off for two months. The policy does state that if you go two months without calling in the points are suppose to go away. I still have 3 points and have not got a point for that day I took off. So today still feeling sick and I went to my doctors and they did give me a doctors note to take today off because I had a bad sinus infection and told me I needed to rest. I looked in my handbook but it never clearly stated that I would get a point for having a doctors note. The policy is that if you get 4 points you get a day suspension. How long can they take to suspend me. They've been trying to tell for a week now that I would that one point and get a day suspend but it has not happen. I have been trying to use my vacation time for three weeks now but they keep denying me. I have three days worth of vacation time but not letting me use it. How am I suppose to get better if they are making me work over time on my days off. THIS IS TOTAL CRAP!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Custody laws and how do they work?

    I really think my boyfriend might try to get full custody of our will be soon borned child. I plan on moving to florida before the baby is born. i was wondering what custy laws could be apply for the baby if the baby is born in florida and if the father does not sign the birth certificate. I really do not want him getting custody of child because he is very abusive.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • pregnancy symptoms fading?

    I should be about 8 to 9 weeks pregnant my first appointment is not until the 30th on this month. So I don't really know how far long I am. I notice when I woke up two days ago I didn't feel really pregnant anymore. I called my doctor's office and they asked me if I was bleeding or having any discharged. Which I told them no because I'm not. They told that women can have symptoms for a couple of weeks and it can fade away. I'm so worried because I heard so many horrible stuff about women being pregnant and their baby stop growing and it dies. I still puked on those days I just don't feel sick all the time like I usually do. I still feel those stomach period cramps since the beginning of my pregnancy which is normal. My breast stop being as tender. They still can hurt some times but it's not as bad as it was. I also don't pee as frequent anymore. I heard your body can get use to the hormones. Should I be worried?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • how should I feel about this?

    Today my boyfriend got mad that one of my sister friend comment how they know I'm pregnant and congratulations. My boyfriend asked who told him and he said something about a friend told him through Facebook. Which he doesn't know the person at all. He got upset that people who he doesn't know is knowing is business. I'm confuse because if makes me feel like he is ashamed that I'm pregnant or something. I told him why does it bother him so much because people are going to know anyways regardless if he knows them or not. Why should I think about this reaction? Everyone knows in my family that I'm pregnant.

    Pregnancy9 years ago
  • What should I do about my periods?

    starting in October I went off the birth control pills. I starting lightly bleeding two weeks after that I went off it and then four weeks after that I starting bleeding which made me be about two weeks late. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I have been having unprotected sex since I went off it. I haven't yet gotten pregnant and my period was on time early this month but it was still light and it only lasted for about 4 days instead of my usual 6 days periods. My periods are always on time and I don't problems with irregular bleeding. I don't have health insurance to see a doctor and I would like to know some natural ways to get my period on track.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • I need a intro and a conclusion to my essay?

    I tied my hair back into a ponytail to keep it from falling in my face and forced myself to get up and around. I checked to see if I had my bag to get on the bus. I walked to the corner of my street to wait for the bus. I waited for about 35 minutes for it to hit 6:50, which is when the bus normally got there, but it never came. I began to worry but I waited for another 5 minutes. It finally showed up.

    I opened the door to my high school and walked through. I realized that I didn't have my paper that told me where my classes were. Now that was a problem. So I walked to the front desk where an older woman, with black hair, was sitting.

    “Hello, I forgot the paper that tells me my classroom numbers. Is there a way I can get a copy of my schedule?” I asked the lady.

    “Yes. I can print out a copy right now for you. Can you please tell me your name?”

    I told her my name and she handed me a piece of paper. I looked at my phone to see what time it was and I realize that it was 8:10 and I was missing my class, English. I rushed to the room and entered through the door. A short, skinny, man with a really weird nose was standing there. I thought to my self that he looked a bit like the guy from Everyone Loves Raymond. He gave me a stern look and asked my name.

    I said “Chontina.” and he told me where to sit.

    He stood at the front of the class and told us to turn to the person next to us. I hesitantly turned to see an awkward, medium sized kid, with dirty blond hair. “Okay class, your going to reveal something about yourself by saying two lies and one truth. The other person has to guess.” he proclaimed.

    He said “Hi my name is John.” timidly I introduced myself too. We decided that he could go first.“I live with my dad. I have only one brother. I have 11 toes,” he stated. I tried to guess, I didn’t think he had 11 toes, but I wasn’t sure about the other two.

    So I asked “Do you have one brother?”

    “Ding!Ding!Ding! We have a winner!” he exclaimed. I then knew this kid was slightly more than off his rocker. It was my turn. In all honesty I didn’t want to tell him anything not even lies. But I sucked it up.“I have a mouse.” “I collect Digimon cards.” “I hate ice cream.” I said. He stared at me for a moment.

    “You collect Digimon cards?” he asked.

    “Nope, I actually collect Pokemon cards. The truth is that I have a mouse.”

    So, even though I don’t like to come out of my shell, I decided to share some personal things and became friends with him.

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • i need a ending to my essay?

    I will never forget the time I got lost at WalMart. The horrible feeling of fear, loneliness, hopelessness. One day I would like to look back on this memory and learned that

    what i have so far

    please help me wrap up my conclusion

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • What should I do help?

    The story is I went this past weekend to my boyfriend mother's house and she dosn't seem to like me for some reason. This is miles away from my house. His mother lives in Brooklyn ny and I live in a small town five hours from it. Well the story is I was helping out a event his mom was putting on but as soon as we get to the park he leaves with his mother and im left with his aunt and cousin who I dont know at all I asked if I could with them but she decided to flip out and told I was causing bad vibes. NOW THEY DO DID THIS 5 TIMES. Because of the whole situtation went down me and my havnt been talking much we are back home but things are not the same he blames me for the whole situation and talking to him is not helping what should I do.l the story is I was helping out a event his mom was putting on but as soon as we get to the park he leaves with his mother and im left with his aunt and cousin who I dont know at all I asked if I could with them but she decided to flip out and told I was causing bad vibes. NOW THEY DO DID THIS 5 TIMES. Because of the whole situtation went down me and my havnt been talking much we are back home but things are not the same he blames me for the whole situation and talking to him is not helping what should I do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Could this guy like me?

    I catch this guy staring at me a lot. Our eyes would meet and we both turn our direction to some where else. We did talk middle of the year but he stopped talking me. I have no clue why? We are from different social groups. I'm consider as a nerd and he is way more popular then me. But he sat next to me in english class and we would talk. I would mention my bf a lot and he seem he wasn't bother about it. Last convo I had with him was when he was making a v-day for a reason I do not know and he asked me if I would like if someone made a video like his for me. I said sure and after that he wouldn't talk to me. Months past and just the other day I caught him staring. What is going with this guy? Why is staring at me? Could he like me or am I being paranoid?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what should I do if ex is ignoring me and has my stuff?

    Here is the story. We broke up after a huge argument and then the cop was called on us. He got mad at me so he is not speaking to me. So I just want my stuff back. How long should I wait until I get the cops involve? Should I get the cops involve at all?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago