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  • For really serious cooks, questions about best pro style cooktop to get...?

    This probably belongs in consumer electronics or something since it's about an appliance, but I wanted the opinion of some really serious cooks.

    I need to purchase a pro style range for a client and I'd like some real opinions on the best brand to get. They want burners, a grill, a griddle and oven. Maybe something like this:

    Is this a good brand? I see one called Five Star also. Is it any good? What would you look for in an appliance like that?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • IP vs Closed Circuit Security Systems?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

    I'm looking at pricing a security system for a client (new construction) and I'm seeing a lot of companies offering IP based systems and controlling everything from the cameras to lights with it. It all sounds nice and convenient but is it really worth it? How reliable are these types of systems? If you lose power or if you get a virus while you're connected to the internet, does your whole system fail? Is it better to stick with a more "old fashioned" closed circuit system for reliability?

    It's a beautiful new home and I don't want to make it seem ugly or outdated with an older system but I want what's going to deliver the best in terms of reliability. Does anyone have any thoughts on these system and/or maybe have some good suggestions for systems I should look into? I'm not opposed to IP, but just want to be sure that their safety won't be compromised for the sake of looks.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • What should I know about installing an in-ceiling sound system?

    Is in-ceiling better than in-wall? Who should do the installation; an electrician or is there another professional? What should I be looking for in purchasing a good quality system? How much should the install cost? How easy is it to upgrade the system once it goes in? Is this type of system even worthwhile?

    Flying blind here, as you can see, so any help is appreciated!

    2 AnswersHome Theatre1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy a basic baby bathtub?

    I'm not crazy about all the contours and specialty features I see on baby bathtubs...I just want something very simple; like a regular tub but plastic and baby sized :)

    Is such a thing even made anymore? If so, where can I find one?


    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Nursing bra/tank top question?

    I need to find some nursing bras and tank tops but I'm confused by some of the names I see.

    For example, what is a side sling tank versus a full sling tank?

    I hate the tanks I see that have the two ridiculously small holes cut out and want to avoid them. What are they called and what should I be searching for instead? I want the kind where you unclip the front and you are basically fully exposed.

    I am small but large chested (pre-preg I'm a 30DDD) and the two hole kind just won't work. I tried one on today and if it won't work now, for sure it would be useless next month when baby comes.

    Please help and thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can anyone recommend a good baby sling?

    The last time I had a baby carrier it was a Snugli. It was good, but I'm sure there are better ones out there now. Can anyone recommend a good one?

    I would want something that doesn't hurt my back and that I can use for several months (past the newborn- one month stage).


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Installing a "Gas Wood Manual Starter Kit"?

    Hi, can anyone direct me to a site that will tell me how to install an 8" gas wood manual starter kit, or can anyone give me the directions themselves?


    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My nine year old having trouble with school?

    My son is very smart and normally gets high grades with minimal effort, but this year in grade 4 it's like he's a different child. Usually he is very indifferent about schoolwork because he does well without trying, but his attitude has gotten worse this quarter. He fails assignments, does not complete assignments or does them and doesn't bother to turn them in. When asked about it, his face is expressionless. He really doesn't seem to care about the work.

    My husband asked him (in a non-judgemental, conversational way) what was up and he simply said "I hate school." Followed with "I don't like the work. It's stupid."

    He was in piano for almost three years and he didn't like it at all so we pulled him out of that and I was able to get Sylvan to design a history class for him. He loves history and admitted that if he could stay home all day he would read history books. So he enjoys going to Sylvan once a week for his class. I told him that if he didn't keep his other grades up, that would have to stop, but not even that has changed his attitude.

    We are so frustrated because how do we make him care? Change his attitude? Few of us actually liked school at that age, but the work has to get done, whether he likes it or not. Punishment has no effect on him, so we are at a total loss.


    3 AnswersPrimary Schooler1 decade ago
  • Anyone have a suggestion for an extra curricular activity for a 9 yr old?

    My son takes piano right now, but he hates it. I want to get him into something else, but my husband says no to scouts and karate and does not want him in sports either. Swimming he'll accept, but I can't think of anything other than that.

    Any suggestions? My son loves academic stuff but I don't know of an ec activity that's academic based.


    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • For people who have the Solo dog door?

    it seems to be a good product, but I'm concerned about the magnet around laptops and computers. Does it affect the machines any? What has been your experience?

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Something to neutralize dog waste?

    I apologize in advance if this grosses anyone out!

    My dog has an intestinal problem (that he is getting treated for) that causes him to have chronic diarrhea. It is impossible to scoop it up or pick it up; you can only wash it away with a hose. The problem is that the washed out poop stays there and smells awful.

    What can I put down over it to neutralize the smell? PIcking it up just isn't possible.

    Thanks :)

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Kiley Jenner on 'Keeping up with the Kardashians"?

    I just saw the episode about Kiley and Bruce fighting about makeup.

    I'm 30 and I totally do not consider myself old fashioned in any way, but I thought Kiley looked like a $5 hooker and was so happy Bruce took a stand on it. But Kris Jenner is so clueless....she thinks Kiley is just playing dress up. Given what she's raised already, I want to slap her.

    Is it just me? Or do other people think that girl looked completely over the top for an 11 year old?

    (Yes, I have a job and a life. I'm up late working and I needed to watch some mindless tv for a bit).

    8 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • which is better, deer out or plantskydd?

    all opinions welcome, and if you know of something more effective than either of those, I'm all ears!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Question about using a slow cooker?

    I have never used one before but I have found a recipe for beef stroganoff that I'd like to try. The recipe says it makes 4 servings, but I need to double that for my family.

    What do I do about the cooking time the recipe gives? Right now it says 5 hours on high heat. Do I increase the cooking time, and if so, by how much?

    Thanks in advance; all help is appreciated!

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Appropriate music for an 11 year old?

    My son is turning 11 on Saturday and he is getting the ipod shuffle he's been wanting. I want to surprise him and put some music on there for him, but I need some suggestions...

    He likes songs like All Star by Smashmouth, Scream by Tokio Hotel, but also Rihanna and Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T-s....

    Can anyone think of songs similar to those that are not explicit and are age appropriate? Thanks!

    8 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Couples only resort in Hawaii?

    My husband and I are FINALLY going on our honeymoon this year, sometime this summer, and I would like to know if there are any couples only resorts in Hawaii...does not matter which island. I've googled it till I"m blue but not coming up with anything.

    Anybody know of any?

    Thanks so much :)

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Auto Bailout update please?

    I came in late and missed the press conference from Detroit toady...

    Has a final desicion been made yet if the auto makers will get any money before the end of this year?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Any good historical fiction recommendations?

    I love this genre, specifically English and French, but would like a good book with the Maya or Aztecs. Also, if anyone knows of a really good hf on the American tribes, I would be willing to listen.

    Suggestions anyone?

    (By the way, I'm an adult if that helps...I know students post the same question).

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Anybody have a good chicken puffs recipe?

    Allyuh, meh belly gripin!

    I found a recipe for the pastry, but can't find one for the chicken filling.

    Does anybody have one?

    5 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade ago
  • Changing the input on the tv?

    I am trying to connect a game console. I connected the red, yellow and white plug in parts correctly (in fact, all of it is connected properly) but when I try to change the input on the tv it does not work. That's what I've done for every other console I've ever hooked up. I've tried all the channels on the tv. I am using a universal remote, not the original remote, but should that matter?

    What am I doing wrong and what should I try next?

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago