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  • Could someone please help me understand what this sentence means?

    I ve been reading an article about stereotypes of disabilities, but i can t quite get my head around this sentence

    stereotyped views frequently act as self fulfilling prophecies, forcing the person with a disability into a role that can then be used to justify the original treatment.

    What is it trying to say?

    Thank you

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay4 years ago
  • Bird Quiz Help?!?

    Im doing a charity bird quiz and have managed to get 22 out of the 23. Basically the quiz is called 'It's all about Birds'

    Example Q:

    Wharf and Yellow: I put Canary

    Theivin' and Stealin': I put Robin

    The one I am stuck on is:

    The more the merrier (6 letters)

    Many thanks

    3 AnswersTrivia6 years ago
  • Puzzle/Quiz Help!!?

    Could you please help me with these puzzles? I have been trying for days and just can't get them!

    All the answers are surnames- For example

    1. Fire remains with a small farm = Ashcroft

    2. Powerful upper limb = Armstrong

    The ones i am stuck with are:-

    1. Sounds Inexpensive: _ _ _ _ _ _

    2. A Tracker and Killer: _ _ _ _ _ _

    3. Every Day Perhaps: _ _ _ _ _ _

    4. Big In The Dairy Business: _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    5. A Famous Biscuit: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    6. Aged Man with a Farm: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Many Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment7 years ago
  • Ankle Injury 2 weeks ago?

    Two weeks ago when I was out walking my dog, i went over on my ankle whilst climbing over some fallen trees and branches. It was instantly sore, but I thought I had just sprained it. Since then it hasn't got any better, if anything slightly worse. I am struggling to even walk on it, i can walk a short distance with a limp but then the pain gets too much. The pain is in an odd place though-up the very back of my foot from the heel to my ankle. It is slightly swollen and when you feel the area it is almost squidgy unlike my other which is firm. I really don't want to go to A+E as you end up sitting for hours and I don't have that time.

    Do you think i need to give it more time to heal or could i have done some damage?


    4 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • What to send out to Afghanistan?

    My 18 year old brother is going out to Afghanistan for 6-9months and we were going to send him a surprise package-especially for Christmas.

    We are going to send- pictures, letters, irn-bru, sweets, chocolates and toiletries.

    What I am asking is (if anyone out there has been to Afghanistan) what would you have liked sent out to you?

    5 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Dog Walking Waist Belt!?

    I am a keen dog walker and am looking for a decent, sturdy waist belt that I can wear during my dog walk. Im trying to find a slimline one with pockets for valuables, dog treats and possibly a lead holder. I am quite slim so dont want anything too bulky/or will stick out. Does anyone have any recommendations? I have found a couple on the internet, but not sure how good they are:-

    Any thoughts/Opinions other ideas?


    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Leaving gift for a friend?

    One of my best friends is going out to study in Belgium for a while and I would like to get her a small gift to say goodbye and to have a safe trip. I have a card but am a bit unsure of a nice wee thing to get her.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Does anyone know the names of any companies that create/make arm and wrist splints?

    I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in my right wrist and have lost/limited movement in my hand and was looking to design a split to help me recover. I am looking for a company that would be prepared to help me make and create some kind of device to help. Does anyone know any companies like this??


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • How do I help my friend- all she eats or drinks is pepsi max?

    There is no way that she can survive on that alone? Is there?

    Can anyone help me out?

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Please help with this factorising question.?

    Could you please help me factorise 2y^2-32

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Can my parents overrule me at 17 years old?

    I have severe chronic nerve pain in my right wrist and after a severe allergic reaction to a morphine tablet i was put on i lost a lot of weight. Im 17 and weight 5 stone 2lbs (32kg) and am 5ft 4inches (164cm) in height. I was admitted to hospital where i was tube fed for a few days because of the reaction and then i was fine and improving, but my medication wasnt upped enough and i have been struggling to eat with the pain, and i havent been sleeping at night at all (i mean not sleeping at all, i may get 30 mins every 2-3 nights if im lucky). The problem is my mum and dad want me to go to a child and adolescent eating disorders unit to get my weight up but i want to go to this ordinary hospital so i can get better pain relief (they have a specialist unit) and management and then get my weight up there because i am getting more help, and i know that it is right for me. Can my parents force me into the hospital they want me in or can i get myself into the one i want? Can they say im not 'stable' enough to make my own decision? Please help me.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Wireless Internet for Laptop and Iphone 3GS Internet Help?

    I have to go into hospital again next week, but the thing is im going in for at least a month and i was wondering if there was any way i would be able to get wireless internet for my laptop so i could stay in touch with my friends through email and also it would give me something to do (i.e play games, facebook etc). I don’t want to spend a fortune on it as it is only for a temporary period of time, but is there any way that i can get the internet whilst i am in hospital and be guaranteed i will get it?

    I also wanted to ask about getting the internet on my iphone 3gs as well. Currently i am pay as you go, but i am planning to go onto a contract extremely soon. What contract allows me to get the internet wherever i am, or what feature do i need to ask for? Im fed up going out and not having the internet available because there is no wifi. I would like to be able to use things like facebook and google maps and stuff all the time but cant because as soon as i leave the house, i have no internet :(

    Sorry for all the questions, im not the most technical person around, it all gets quite complicated and because of how ill i am i cant think straight so things are even harder for me.


    p.s (im 17 if that makes any difference and im from the UK)

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What could I treat myself to? Any Ideas?

    I have been really ill recently and lost a lot of weight (not intentionally), it was a toxic reaction to pain medication. I currently weigh 5 stone 2 lbs (im only 17) and i have been really under the weather for months now and wanted to buy myself something to pick me up a bit. I've never ever bought myself anything before so i don't know what has come over me but i fancy treating myself!! The things is, i don't know what to get :( I can't get clothes to fit me just now and i'm not into fashion, i don't watch tv, movies, music, dont use game consoles and i don't wear make up, im not a girly girl at all!!

    The price range isn't much of an issue, as i have been saving for years due to a severe wrist injury i have and am waiting to have operated on. I am not able to get out much at the moment and havent been able to with all these health issues that i have (i've had the wrist one for 5 years now) so sports ideas are out. I cant use my wrist at all so whatever i get myself needs to be able to be used with one hand! I do like my gadgets though! Sorry for all the background info, thought it might help with ideas! I am stuck in bed a lot of the time so maybe some ideas of things to keep me occupied would be good :)

    Do you have any suggestions? Thanks

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Where can I find really small sized clothes in the UK?

    Recently I took very ill and lost a lot of weight. I am trying to regain it all at the moment, but none of my clothes fit me. Im 17 years old and currently weigh a horrific 5 stone 1 lbs (32kg) and am a height of 5 foot 4 inches (164cm).

    Does anyone know where I can find some clothes to fit me? I really need to find some, especially pyjamas. I have tried the supermarkets but the kids range trousers (that go with the pj's are too small and the pj's are too childish!) Please this is urgent, any ideas will be greatly appreciated! Thank you

    p.s. Where do people who are anorexic buy their clothes to fit them? Would i be able to get something there? (Sorry, im not good with shopping, i never have enjoyed shopping that is why im clueless)!!!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I really need some advice about what to do :(?

    Im a 17 year old female who weighs 33kg (5 stone 3 lbs) and is 164cm (5 foot 4 inches). I have absolutely no appetite and all i eat is a packet of raisins and a packet of snack-a-jacks or ryvita minis a day (and i eat them at 3am). I try to force myself to eat food but never feel hungry and i hate the way i am, but have no idea what to do about it, i want to gain some weight so much. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing bones, plus i am worried about what this is doing to my body. I was a healthy 8 stone 3 months ago, but after an allergic reaction to medication, i took ill and lost a lot of weight very quickly. I was admitted to hospital in the end as the doctor caught it too late and i almost died. I was fed through a nasal gastric tube for a week and a half and managed to eat and gain weight again (i got to 6 stone 4 lbs) but i have just been going downhill since and feel like giving up. I dont want to go back to hospital and i have no trust in any doctors now. What do i do?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Ill Health, need advice please.?

    Im 17 years old and recently took a severe allergic reaction to morphine tablets that i was on and by the time that the doctors worked out the problem, i was unable to swallow and my weight went from a healthy 7 and a half to 8 stone down to 5 and a half stone. I was eventually admitted to hospital and fed through a nasal gastric tube for a week and a half before then being sent home. I was doing really well and got my weight up to 6 stone 3lbs, but then took a bug and havent been right since. I have no appetite and barely eat a thing. I hate it but just can't do anything about it. All i eat in a day is a small 14g packet of raisins ( 40 calories) and a packet of snack a jacks ( 89 calories), and i eat them at night, usually around 3am. The thing is i hate being the weight i am and i hate the way my body looks, but i have no idea what to do about it as i have lost all faith in doctors as they almost killed me and the experience i went through in the hospital was so bad that i couldnt go through it again. I know how ill i am and i know i need to do something about it, but i feel so lost and confused that i just have no idea what is going on. I am really scared. At the moment i am 33kgs (5 stone 3lbs), I am 17 years old and am 164cm (5ft 4 inches) in height. Can anyone help me? Thanks

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Recommended Teenage Magazines for 17 year olds?

    I have been very ill recently and haven't been able to anything and have spent a few weeks in hospital and the boredom is killing me now, so i have decided to try reading a few magazines but i haven't got a clue what to go for as there are so many different types. What kind of magazine would you recommend for a 17 year old who has never read a magazine before? Thanks

    7 AnswersMagazines1 decade ago
  • What are you favourite films and tv programmes?

    I am going into hospital soon and i will be in a while, so I am going to put some films/tv programmes on my iPhone. I was just curious of what your favourite ones are and what you would recommend i could watch. I am quite into action films or something quite funny, but i am open to all suggestions. Thanks in advance :)

    10 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • The internet on the iPhone 3GS?

    I recently purchased an iPhone 3GS, but whenever I am out and about i can't get the internet. Do i have to do something to be able to use it? Wherever i am it just comes up with the messages- "Cannot connect to Safari" and then straight after this message appears- 'Cannot connect to a cellular network" Is there a problem with the phone?

    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago