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Lv 57,518 points


Favorite Answers34%

I had falcon_01 for over 12 years, worked to get to level 6 in Answers, and then some leftists got my profile and all my family and friends' contact info deleted. :-( Yahoo refused to restore it despite multiple explanations and requests. I'm a former Air Force officer, and OIF vet originally from Florida, currently in Al. I'm a Christian constitutionalist (politically conservative), but I've also got a weird sense of humor. Awful puns are to be treasured. :-) I love all music from classical to metal, alternative, pop, punk, and rock (especially 80s)...just no screaming, rap, or twangy country. I love to read and watch sci-fi and fantasy. I used to hang out in the politics section, but will be avoiding it so I don't lose this account to people who don't want to hear the truth or don't have a sense of humor and report anything they disagree with.

  • I love Ron Paul's Constitutional approach, but when I argue a historical fact, I get insulted- Why?

    I love Ron Paul's Constitutional approach... but he's way off base when he says it's our fault the terrorists attack us (because we are there). It's nonsense. Jefferson had a Koran to study the enemy. We were paying muslims a tribute (protection money) so they wouldn't attack our ships. They did anyway. They have been against us and anyone not like them since their cult began- not because we were not following the Golden Rule.

    Jefferson studied and learned they were taught to lie and break treaties with us "infidels." He learned they take advantage of us "infidels" through Taqiya- the practice of lying to or taking advantage of good natured "infidels." He sent in the Marines. This is why their Hymn says "to the shores of Tripoli." It's been going on even longer than that. Read Robert Spencer's The Truth About Mohammed (written solely using islamic historical sources!). Hopefully one of Paul's supporters will hand him a copy and he can start learning about the threats we are facing.

    Seriously- address these historical facts. How can any logical person claim that it is our fault? Or advocate leaving them unchecked?

    Turning a blind eye to radical islam would be as bad or worse than turning a blind eye to Hitler. We can't police the world, but we have to stop the radical islamists from becoming too powerful.


    Before someone says it, no, Iraq wasn't useless. We got 500 tons of yellowcake out of there and removed a horrible tyrant. Granted, it would have gone better if we hadn't been so PC and made the troops fight for the same ground over and over again... but the politicians were determined to hose things up so they could point fingers (and that's a different issue anyway)...


    Again, I love his Constitutional ideas for government, and think he could do great things if it weren't for this willful blindness to history. Instead of logical discussion of historical points, I've only ever gotten insults. I want to be able to support the most Constitutional candidate, but can't support someone who would undermine national security and freedom in the long run by turning a blind eye to islamic expansionism that surpases Hitler in brutality. Why turn a blind eye to history and claim it is our fault they hate us?

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Which is the best center channel speaker for this price?

    I'm getting a Denon receiver, and want a great (but affordable) center channel speaker for movies and music. I've narrowed it down to:

    Cerwin Vega! VE-5C Center Channel Speaker


    JBL Studio 120c Dual 4-Inch Center Channel Loudspeaker

    I've found both at $100. Both have good reviews. Which is the best center, and why? If you've got a better option for around $100, please explain why it's better than the above. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHome Theater10 years ago
  • If you "pants" someone as a prank, you pull their pants down. But...?

    If you "de-pants" or "un-pants" someone, would you be pulling them up?

    They appear to be mentally challenged with their trousers on the floor.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Will you work to fight crime?

    This number offers help to illegals:

    855-435-7693 or 855-HELP-MY-F(amily)

    That is aiding and abetting criminals! These people are aiding invaders. They are accomplices in their crime! Will you complain and get them to stop helping criminals?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • Will you buy my house in Elkin, NC? Maybe give some tips for selling it?

    I went through a divorce shortly after my return from Iraq in 2009 where the ex left me in a pit of debt, and I'm ready to walk away from all the money I've poured into this wonderful home because I need to get my new life going! It's got marble floors in the remodeled basement (which is incredibly huge) and wood floors upstairs. I updated the plumbing and electrical too. It's got 2 fireplaces and tons of space! It's a steal at $190,900!

    What do you think? It's been on the market a while, and I've drastically lowered the price. What else can I do to get this to sell?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • If it's unpatriotic for Bush to spend $4T in 8 years?

    What is it when Obama does it in 3? He campaigned saying it was irresponsible and unpatriotic to put that debt on future generations, and now he's done it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Bush, but when someone campaigns on this platform then does the same thing their opposition did, doesn't that serve as a signal that we need fiscal responsibility and accountability in government?

    I think Cain seems like he would be best out of everyone running so far.

    6 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Can Water Heater Cause 61,000 Gallons on Bill? HELP!?

    The water heater was making noises, and it's not heating... so we called the company (it's new and under warranty). Then we get the utility bill for $850.63 saying we used 61,000 gallons of water and 4560 KW hours. Can that be caused by the water heater? The dispatcher at the utility company said it could be that.

    The customer service rep eemed to think we had just used a lot of water or there was a leak. She was an idiot and thought it was logical to use approx 2,000 gallons last month and 61,000 this month... but there's no big puddle of water anywhere and we don't have a pool or sprinkler system. 61,000 is a lot of water... it's a large water tower's worth! 4560 KW hours is high too- it's a small house of approx 1,500 sq ft.

    We have called a plumber, and are trying to get someone out there ASAP. The newest meter reading indicates we used 15,000 gallons this past week. Utilities said the meters don't mess up, and if they do they just stop reading... so, while I'm waiting for the plumber, what do you think it could be? And what kind of damage might we be looking at?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Why wasn't polygamy legalized before gay marriage?

    There's a biblical precedent for that, and not the other. What gives?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Movie About Raid on Osama bin Laden?

    Obama said we couldn't show Osama's body because it might offend Muslims and cause more riots and attacks, but he's received a lot of money from Sony and is now going to make a movie about the raid and take-down and release it right before election. Does anyone see anything messed up about this?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Oil spill- could void left by oil create a secondary disaster?

    Has anyone considered what is going to fill the gap left by the oil? Once the oil is gone, there will be a big void. As oil is flowing out of the ground, it doesn't seem as if it is being replaced by water because of the pressure/bouancy of the oil. So, either a giant sink-hole, or crater when the floor caves in, or who knows what? 100,000 gallons a day is a LOT of displacement to consider. If this has been going on all this time at a fairly steady rate, when it caves if it's not stopped, couldn't it create a shockwave?

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • How long do you "wait" after someone has your number?

    If someone gets your number on a Monday, how long do you wait for her to call you before you mentally give up on hearing from her?

    (Assume you didn't get her number because you were nervous and distracted).

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can someone at Yahoo please reactivate my account?

    My 12 year old Yahoo email account was recently taken away. When I inquired as to why I was told that it was because of Answers violations in a cookie-cutter response by a tech. I was never given any notice of violation or suspension before and used my account to keep in touch with family (including a deaf grandmother who only uses email) and friends (including those I was in Iraq with) and would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (and recover all my stored info). It's beyond frustrating, and I believe it was a result of a troll or trolls ganging up on me.

    I've had a really bad year, and this just made it a heck of a lot worse...

    The account was falcon_01

    4 AnswersPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • 12 year old account gone? Help!?

    I had the same Yahoo account since about 1997. It had all my contact info for friends and family, and a ton of important information stored in it. I never got any notice for any violations in Answers, but my account was shut down (after I reached level 6)- including my ability to access email, finance, and everything else. I wrote Yahoo several times to no avail- getting only cookie cutter responses (no specific reason) from low-level techs about terms of service which I feel I didn't violate (it must have been trolls ganging up on me to file false reports), and not being able to restore my account- which I think is nonsense!

    Is there a way to get my account back, or at least access it for a while so I can rescue all my data, or am I completely out of luck?

    3 AnswersPassword and Sign In1 decade ago