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  • How can I be slightly more assertive with my roommate? Or should I even bother in this context?

    Its my freshman year of college, and the freshmen are housed in apartment style living here, so I am rooming with 3 other girls and we share a kitchen. One of the girls has never had to do anything for herself it seems, so she doesn't know how to wash dishes. Shes very nice and she tries, but everytime she does, she feels the necessity almost literally saturate each dish in the dish soap. What I mean is that she creates a legit LAYER of the soap (not the suds, the gel-like soap) and rubs it around with her fingers. I'm not very assertive, but, while stammering I tried to explain to her that she really doesn't have to use that much. I had bought the bottle of soap for the household use, but we literally went through half a bottle in one day because she cooked once and did dishes. I guess its not that big of a deal because its just soap, but at the same time its really wasteful and actually going to get kinda expensive if we're going through a $5 thing of soap every day. After I told her she said that "everything just feels so dirty" and that she didn't like to use the sponges because they were "all so dirty" (they're really not that bad). What can I do about this situation?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Is it ok to get a phd in the same subject as your undergraduate?

    I'm going to college this fall for neuroscience, but I'm interested in obtaining a phd in it after my undergraudate educate. Is this ok? it seems like most people major in biological sciences or something and then get their phd in neuroscience. Will graduate schools care during the admissions process?

  • What kind of bra could I wear with this shirt? (link inside)?

    I don't really know that I feel comfortable wearing it without a bra, but could you suggest a type of bra that wouldn't show with this kind of shirt? I have pretty big boobs (34D) so its kind of hard to find a bra that works with this type of shirt.

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • How would you interpret lack of eye contact?

    I have a ridiculously hard time making eye contact. I guess its an anxiety type thing or something, but I feel really uncomfortable making eye contact in social situations and will almost always be looking at the floor or something.

    I am usually paying very close attention to somebody when they are talking to me, but i fear that they do not realize this because i don't make eye contact. In fact, I think I pay much more attention when I am looking at the floor because it helps me focus more fully on the actual conversation.

    So would you think it was rude or something? Is it something I really need to change? When interracting with older adults or authority figures I do make an effort, but its still not very good. :(

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Is 621 words too many for a college application essay?

    This is for common app btw. I know that common app says 250-500 words, but that's more of a guideline, right? I don't know if I can chop 121 words out of it :(

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Where can I find more sophisticated clothing for teenagers?

    I am turning 18 soon, and I kinda wanted to update my style a bit and wear things that are tad nicer and more sophisticated, while still being casual enough to wear to school. I currently wear a lot of jeans+graphic t-shirts and buy a lot things at walmart. but I want to look more like an adult and be taken more seriously. How can I do that? I am willing to spend more money on a few nice pieces rather than more, but less quality stuff. Maybe some good stores for that type of clothing?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Weird tingling sensation in the back of my head?

    Every so often I get this weird tingling in the upper left back part of my head. Its in just a small spot which is the same spot every time and only lasts a few seconds. It doesn't give me a headache or anything, just kinda feels weird. It does not appear to be triggered by anything - i have not noticed a trend. It happens several times per hour for no more than a few seconds.

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • What is a word to describe a state of complete happiness, contentedness, and bliss?

    It can be in a different language it is extremely apt and better than a word in English.

    5 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • What is a word to describe a state of complete happiness, contentedness, and bliss?

    It can be in a different language if it is extremely apt or better than a word in English.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Christians: Do you think that Christianity is a fairly egotistical religion?

    Lets think about this... God created man in his own image. First of all, what about all the other animals on Earth? Are they just not special? They're here to serve us?? thats a little vain. Secondly, there are clearly other life forms in this universe. Why didn't God create them in his own image instead? Earth is ridiculously insignificant in comparison to the rest of the universe, why would God spend so much time making it so special?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Guys: What do you think is the best bra size?

    I have fairly large breasts (D cup) but I'm somewhat disproportionate because I'm a fairly short person (5 ft. 3 inches) and a fairly small waist/legs (size 2). I get a lot of comments on my boobs and I feel like its because they don't really suit my body... What do you think?

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Is a poke war on Facebook an attempt at flirting?

    This guy and I are having a 'poke war' on Facebook and somebody told me that this means that he is trying to flirt with me... Its kind of an awkward attempt at flirting - he's just messing around, right?

    7 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • How can I reason with my parents?

    For the past 5 years, I have felt depressed because of my parents who are emotionally abusive. In the past couple of weeks, I have gotten them in to see a therapist with me. However, they have decided they dont want to come anymore. I tried to reason with them, and they said if I was REALLY good, their presence in therapy would be an incentive for good behavior. However, 'good behavior' is really part of my parents' "games," where I have to guess what they want. How can I reason with them and get them to come in all the time no matter what?

    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • How can I reason better with my parents?

    My parents and I have had a conflict for years. I have been feeling sad for the past 5 years almost everyday because of their constant emotional abuse. Lately, I have got them to go into therapy. However, since they fear conflict, they don't want to go anymore. They said that if I'm REALLY well behaved, maybe they will come into therapy as a REWARD! :( how can I get them to come no matter what, since we have a lot of issues...

    1 AnswerAdolescent10 years ago
  • Will apple still fix my Iphone if I jailbroke it?

    I dropped my iPhone 4 today, and it won't turn on. Will apple still fix it if I've jailbroken it? Will they even be able to tell since the phone won't even turn on?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • How can I conceal large breasts? ?

    I have pretty big boobs (d cup) which seem even larger because I'm a very skinny person otherwise. I feel very lucky to be so well endowed, but it is ridiculous that everybody I know seems to have commented on them, stared them, tried to grope them etc. It is ridiculous, annoying, and inappropriate. I am not very good at dressing with anything that is even slightly low cut without cleavage being all over the place. What are some ways I can avoid showing waaay too much cleavage?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What should I wear to a dubstep concert? ?

    I'm thinking like a halter top and a miniskirt something. My friends want to dress like complete skanks with like fishnets and stuff, but I dont really wanna do that. What do people normally wear to these thongs?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago