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  • Disappointing presents for my 18th?

    Ok, first off, I am really not a spoilt brat and I am upset at myself, not my parents, so please don't answer along the lines of "you should be grateful you got anything".

    I realise how lucky I am, and I feel awfully guilty for feeling the way I do, but I can't really change how I feel and I just want some advice on what to do.

    Basically, it's my 18th birthday today :) and overall it's been really great. I don't live at home but my mum delivered a massive homemade chocolate cake this morning and it has made my day!

    However, I opened my presents this morning (alone) and had a massive shock. My family are not very rich and I usually don't get much at birthdays (not just because of the money, it's just something that we don't really do) so I was amazed to discover that I had TWO very expensive presents. This is the bit where it gets awkward. I'm really sorry, and please don't get offended.

    I don't like them. At all.

    My parents obviously have been saving up for a while to get me something really special for my 18th but I'm really not a "keepsake" kind of person. I love reading and hockey and stationery, I'm a BIG tomboy (I actually identify as a bit genderfluid)

    They got me a charm bracelet which I really, really hate. I never wear jewelry and I would especially never wear that.

    I am definitely going to return it, but I would love it you could suggest a tactful way of breaking the news to my parents. I love them very much, and I am so grateful for how much effort it must have taken so I really, really don't want to upset them.

    The second thing they got me was a watch. This actually my fault, because a couple of months ago they asked me what sort of "special" present I might like and I said a watch, or a fountain pen or one of those "experience days" like go karting or something. So obviously they chose the watch.

    When I asked for a watch, I meant like a sports watch, quite a nice one but like 50-60 pounds maximum. The watch they have given me is a ladies dress watch and it cost 220 pounds (which is more than any birthday present I've had before). I can appreciate that it does look very nice in the box, but it doesn't really suit me on (too slim and feminine for my big hands). Also I would be terrified of breaking it so I would never wear it.

    I'm not really sure what to do with it? Keep it and hope that when I'm older I like it more than I do now? If it was a bit cheaper that's what I'd do, but as it's so expensive I feel that It's a waste of my parents hard earned money, but I don't really want to return BOTH items.

    On the other hand I really want (and actually need, as I am borrowing a friends at the moment but it's not good enough quality for my level of league and it hurts when I get hit) my own hockey equipment (I'm a goalie). I've been saving for a while, and the money I get from refunds would take me a lot closer to my goal of 900 pounds.

    What do you think I should do?

    And again, sorry for sounding like a spoilt, ungrateful brat. I really am a nice kid.

    7 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • What would be a good present to ask for?

    So, my 18th birthday is coming up in a month, but I don't know what present I would like!

    My parents are fairly well off, but we don't tend to spend much at birthdays/christmas. I usually get maybe a couple of book and a set of pyjamas, or something like that.

    Whenever I wanted something expensive (like for my 16th I got a laptop and for my 13th or 14th I got a bike) it would be my birthday and christmas present (because my birthday is near christmas)

    My parents are close to me, but really rubbish at choosing gifts (I know I shouldn't be selfish, but I have many childhood memories of being really upset at christmas because they didn't get me any toys that I wanted lol!) so usually I just tell them what I want because it saves hassle for everyone involved.

    This year I decided that I would like a kindle, and I have already told them, and I assumed that as usual it would be for christmas as well, but they have just told me that because it's my 18th they want to make it special and I can have a separate christmas and birthday present.

    So I still want the kindle as one of them, but then what should I ask for as my other present? I honestly can't think of anything I would want.

    I like reading but already have too many books in my room (hence the kindle) and I play hockey I already have good quality gear loaned to me, and my parents couldn't afford to buy better so I may as well stick with the loaned stuff.

    Oh, I'm a girl btw if that helps- but I'm not into "girly" things so no suggestions of handbags etc.

    7 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Hockey: Is it allowed for a girl to play on a boy's team?

    So, I'm the goal keeper on my school's girls hockey team. However, we can only play half the year because of funding issues and needing space to practice.

    The boys teams play all year round, and I know that they are short of decent goalies, because I have been asked to consider playing for the boys after our season finishes.

    I would be very happy to do this- I love hockey so the more the better! But I don't want to disqualify the team in league matches or tournaments if it's not allowed for girls to play.

    I have short hair and get mistaken for a boy sometimes, so I don't know if my coach was implying that we should keep it secret? or if it is allowed for a girl to play?

    In case it is relevant to age, I am 17 and the boys on the team will be aged 15 to 18

    8 AnswersHockey8 years ago
  • What is the standard size for field hockey goalie sticks?

    I've been a goalie for a couple of seasons now, and need to get a proper goalie stick

    I used to play with an old 35 inch "normal" hockey stick but I can't really get away with that anymore...

    Obviously I understand that it depends on height and personal preference, but seeing as 36.5 inch is the "standard" field players size and that is what I used to use, I was wondering what the equivalent goalie size is?

    I always assumed that goalie sticks were shorter than normal sticks because I find using my 35 inch easier than the 36.5, but I was looking online at some and they seem to be available in either 34 or 37 inch...which suggests to me that 37 inch is standard and 34 is youth?

    If you could help me out I would be really grateful.

    3 AnswersHockey8 years ago
  • Female equivalent of jacket and tie? What to wear? help?

    I am having dinner at a yacht club (with my sailing team) which has a dress code of "jacket and tie or female equivalent" and I don't really know what to wear.

    I'm 17 and this is a school sailing team- the boys I spoke to are wearing smart chinos, shirt, blazer and tie because most of them don't have a suit. There are no other girls on the team so I can't ask what they are wearing.

    I was thinking of wearing cream smartish trousers, a nice short sleeved blouse and a smart jacket ( I am a tomboy and would prefer not to wear a dress) but I am willing to borrow a dress off my mum (can't really afford to buy a new one just for one event)- the problem is that she only has quite informal summer dresses or ballgowns and nothing inbetween.

    Do you think it would be more appropriate to wear a dress, even if it's not a very smart one (I'm thinking of a navy blue shirt dress she has) or the trousers? I would definately prefer not to wear the gowns lol :)

    Thanks for your help

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Do you think I could be dyslexic?

    Or have some other related learning difficulty?

    This is going to be a bit long because it's not the typical situation.

    I am 16 years old. I can read fiction fast and well and learnt to read with little difficulty (I am left handed and used to sometimes read things backwards, but grew out of it)

    When I was younger a had very big issues with spelling words correctly, especially simple short words such as who, how etc. I had a special teacher help me with this for about a year when I was 7 or 8 but was never tested for dylexia. I don't want to sound big headed, but I think it might be relevant that I am considered signifacntly above average intellegence wise.

    The things that make me thing I have a problem are:

    I nearly always mix up simple words such a by and my, go and do, especially when typing (but I usually notice immediatdly and correct it so my teachers probably haven't noticed.

    I often misprounounce things by mixing up syllable sounds, for example prodigy I often pronounce as progidy.

    I have a terrible memory for names (not sure this is relevant, but it was a question on an online dylexia test)

    This sounds stupid, but I have difficulty with the alphabet. If someone spells out a words for me, I usually have to ask them to write it down, or at least repeat it a couple of times slowly

    I remember conversations well in general, but often forget the order that things were said, sometimes immediately.

    I love to read and have no problem reading fiction, indeed when I was younger I was judged to have a high reading age. However non fiction, especially dry descriptions of a situation I find very hard to read.

    This is mainly a problem in mechanics (In UK we choose only a few subjects after 16 and I do no writing ones) because the questions are a solid block of text along the lines of " a block of mass m which can be modelled as a dimensionless particle is connected to a light inextensible string of uniform diameter...." and are about 100-150 words long, sometimes more. When I open a mechanics practice paper (it's not as bad on textbook questions) there's just a wall of text that seems to swim in front of me and I have to read the question many times to grasp the idea, wasting valuable time, and sometimes I still don't understand it.

    This is very frustrating as I am good at mechanics, but my test scores are poor because of the exam format and my difficulty reading the questions.

    I have developed various coping strategies, such as highlighting key words (with minimal sucess) and carefully watching each word I write to make sure don't accidentally put the wrong letter. I also sometimes write words I have forgotten to spell down on a scrap piece of paper with the letters in different combinations until I recognise one from my reading.

    I would really like some help and advice, but I feel that if I go to someone at school they won't take me seriously because it's not so obvious to my teachers and I read lots and I am very old to be diagnosed with dylexsia.

    Also I think that even if I was told I was dylexic I wouldn't be given extra time (although with it I could score even higher, especially in mechanics where I understand the maths but not the wording of the question) because I am intellegent and already get quite could exam scores.

    5 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • 16-25 Railcard, can I use it at a ticket machine?

    I intend to travel during normal railcard hours.

    I'm fairly sure that you can, but I've never actually tried.

    Also, if you have already done this, can you describe to me how to use the ticket machine to get the discounted ticket?

    I will be in a hurry and the ticket seller person usually has a really long queue, so that's not really ideal.

    3 AnswersOther - United Kingdom8 years ago
  • Youth and adult sized rifles- What age?

    I was just wondering, based on the average sized kid, what ages are appropriate for mini, youth and adult rifles?

    It obviously depends on the individual child but I just want a rough idea as I can't seem to find recommended age/heights and I was curious.

    I suppose it also depends on when you get the gun- If you a buying a new rifle for a 12 year old you might get an adult, although another kid who got a youth sized at 9 or 10 may not grow out of it until 14

    3 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Fake wound help needed- ASAP!?

    I need to make a realistic looking fake wound (it's for a party, not genuinely trying to trick anyone but the more real looking the better).

    I was thinking having a slit/mauled/ripped out throat?

    I've already seen tutorials on the internet but they weren't that helpful.

    The things I have are: Plenty of fake blood; 1 oz (28ml) liquid latex, tissue paper and I can probably steal flesh coloured makeup from my sister.

    I have never done anything like this before, so please help!

    1 AnswerTheatre & Acting8 years ago
  • What are your views on unisex toilets and changing facilities?

    Obviously not everyone naked together, there would be individual (or family) cubicles, (like changing rooms at most swimming pools- or round where I live anyway) but not separate areas for men and women?

    Assuming there weren't big perv-through gaps in the doors or anything would you feel comfortable with this?

    7 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • How to remove stains from suede?

    I have cream/light brown suede shoes, which I stepped into a muddy puddle with (it was an accident, obviously), so now the toes are stained darker brown.

    Any ideas on how I can remove the stains, preferably without using bleach or similar chemicals? Thanks!

    If it helps, I stepped into the puddle 2-3 hours ago so they are still slightly damp

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Haemophiliacs/ friends and family/ people with experience and/or knowledge about haemophilia?

    I'm interested in haemophilia A and Christmas disease (I know it's a bit weird- I want to be a haematologist) and I am doing a piece of biology coursework about haemophilic arthropathy and I would like people with an experience or knowledge of haemophilia to contact me, In particular those who inject clotting factor regularly as a preventative measure.

    Any information that you feel is relevant would be of great help, but in particular, could you answer these questions:

    -If you are treated on a prophylactic basis, how often do you have to inject yourself?

    -if you take part in a sporting activity and inject clotting factor beforehand, how long before sport do you inject?

    - at what age did you start injecting yourself?

    -have you ever found (if british) that the NHS tried to discourage you from prophylaxis due to it's extremely high cost?

    - have you experienced any joint problems, and if so, what is being done/was done about them?

    That you so much for your replies, they will be a great help.

    If you don't want to post publicly you can always message or email me.

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • How often do you have to wash jeans?

    I really like my jeans but whenever I wash them they are really stiff and uncomfortable for a day.

    As I mainly just wear them around the house after school and they don't get muddy or sweaty, how long can I wear them without washing them (I want the longest possible without being gross).

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • What to wear? (tomboy girl-formal occasion)?

    I have to go to a Christmas dinner at school, and the other girls are wearing prom-like dresses, and I will probably be expected to also (but there is no formal dress code).

    I don't really want to wear a dress (I haven't got one, and we don't have much money so I might have to wear one of my mum's) but if i really had to I could cope with something not low cut or sparkly as I would feel hideously embarrassed and extremely uncomfortable but then this will stand out nearly as not wearing a dress at all. Also, I have short hair (and people sometimes think I'm a boy) so if I wear a dress I will definitely not look elegant, I'll just look like an idiot.

    The irritating thing is that the boys are not dressed anything like as smartly as the girls- from the photos I've seen they wear trousers (not jeans) and a shirt (not plain white), some of them with a jacket but hardly anyone with a tie. It's so unfair! I really want to just wear a shirt like the boys....

    What do you suggest?

    (if it makes a difference, I'm 16, and at school I wear the girls' uniform but my casual clothes are boys or boys-style clothes)

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Trigonometry Identities Maths Help?

    How do I simplify: 2sinx-cosx=0 ?

    The only identities I have learnt so far (it definitely uses one of them) are:

    Sin²x+cos²x=1 and sinx/cosx = tanx

    The full question is: Solve the equation 2sinx-cosx=0 for x in the interval 0<x<360

    I know how to do the rest, but how do I simplify 2sinx-cosx=0 using trig identities?

    4 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Will a Nintendo 3DS game work with a Nintendo DS Lite?

    The new Super Mario Bros game (which I really want!) Is coming out soon/has recently come out (I'm not sure) and it's a 3DS game.

    I always assumed that 3DS games would only work with a 3DS or 3DS xl but I was reading a review of the game that sort of implied that it would work with "older models" (ie DS and DS Lite). I only have a DS Lite and don't intend to buy the 3DS

    Is this true? I mean, obviously it won't be in 3D but will the game still play on a DS Lite?

    9 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • How to tell my mum that I don't want to eat more?

    I am 16. I have never been fat, but I since I was about 13 I was just a teeny bit plump- nothing to worry about though, I wasn't overweight for my age and height, I was pretty normal.

    Last year I was quite seriously ill and lost a fair bit of weight as a result. I have put most of it back on, but I am at boarding school now, and playing lots of sport as well as eating more healthily, so I am slimmer than I was.

    I love playing sports now (I do cross country and badminton competitively- about 5 times a week in total) and for the first time I feel proud of my body. I don't give a s*** about how much I actually weigh, but I like having a flat tummy and being able to run faster and for longer.

    My mum however is worried that I am "too skinny" (I'm not, my BMI is about 20-21) and now I am back for a 2 week holiday she keeps trying to overfeed me- buying me cakes and stuff all the time and piling my plate high with pasta. I'm not on a diet, but I want to keep eating healthily (obviously have treats from time to time- I love chocolate) and go for runs so that I don't get out of shape because I don't want to go back to how I was, and it's important for my sports that I am not carrying around extra weight.

    I don't want to freak her out (she already seems to think I am anorexic) but how can I tell her that I like the way I am now and don't want to get plump again, and its important that she supports me by not asking me 3 times if I want seconds of dessert!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago