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  • Could I help my neighbours cat?

    My neighbour has two cats, a hubby, 3 kids and a dog.

    When I moved in, another neighbour made a comment about this family to me, and how one of their cats keeps popping out kittens.

    A year later I was offered one of the kittens from her many litters. I already have a domestic long haired neutered 2 yr old female.

    She didn't want any money for the kitten, and refused my offer of "giving her something towards getting her cat neutered"

    I got my kitty neutered, vaccinated ect, and when she was 8 months old, I hear through the grape vine that her mum has just given birth to another litter!!!!

    I'm outraged, I see this cat begging for food from an old lady on my street, she's just popping out litter after litter. This is no life for the poor mite.

    I feel like capturing her and taking her to be neutered myself, I doubt my neighbour would even notice!

    Is there anything I can do? Or should I just keep my nose out of it?

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • What are your top 10 favorite websites?

    What are your top 10 favorite websites to visit just to pass time, for serious gaming, or just for pure enjoyment?

    27 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Do i need a license from DEFRA to own an F2 Savannah cat in the UK?

    I am looking to purchase an F2 generation Savannah cat, but i am finding it difficult to obtain straightforward information on the law regarding ownership in the UK.

    I will be purchasing the cat from a UK breeder, so it won't be imported.

    Can anybody give me some straightforward advice please??

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • How do i deal with Spirit Presence in my home? PLEASE HELP!?

    These are the things me and my family have experienced so far in our current home:

    A voice that said "oi", heard in the hallway by myself, my husband and our son.

    A shadow figure in the bedroom, the size of a child completely black, just standing there in the same spot, then vanished. Seen by myself.

    A figure witnessed by my husband further down the hallway nearer our kids room.

    Two orbs witnessed in our bedroom by my husband.

    An orb outside witnessed by myself.

    Our front gate slamming shut, with no wind present on the night. Witnessed by myself.

    A bouncy ball, small in size, flew down our stairs, hit the floor, then hit the ceiling, and landed underneath the stairs. Witnessed by myself in the house alone.

    A figure standing on the stairs leaning over the banister looking down. Witnessed by myself for less than a millisecond.

    The bedroom door in my room slowly closing. Witnessed by our son.

    A general feeling of uneasiness felt by the whole family. Mainly upstairs on the landing.

    My 4 year old daughter will not go upstairs by herself. (I have asked her why, and she can't give me a straight answer, i think she just feels the presence like the rest of us)

    Are we dealing with a poltergeist? or just an intelligent spirit? Or maybe both? Is that even possible?

    How do we go about getting rid of the uneasiness, and maybe even helping the spirit/s to move on?

    I have suggested to my husband that we set up cameras to maybe try to catch evidence, and maybe try to communicate with it. Or maybe perform a ritual to cleanse the house. Or just call some investigators in.

    My husband fears that if we communicate with it, the activity will increase. As of today, we haven't really reacted to the happenings, or tried to communicate with whatever it is.

    We have been living in this house for just over a year now.

    Thank you in advance for any advice.

    6 AnswersParanormal Phenomena10 years ago
  • Can he be sectioned under the Mental Health Act UK?

    Me and my partner split up for 3 months last year, during this time he was sectioned and spent roughly a month in a mental health clinic.

    He recovered and was released, we got back together but now a year later, he is suffering from severe depression.

    When he was released, a lady from the clinic phoned him and said 'if u ever feel like this again, call us or visit your doctor and we can help you'

    He has taken this as a sign that if he goes to his doctor for help, they will automatically send him back to the clinic.

    He is suffering in silence because of this, his depression growing much worse and feels suicidal, and is terrified to seek help as he says the clinic was an aweful place and he doesn't want to go back.

    Can they really just write him off as mental without even offering him anti-depressants?

    This is outrageous that they have scared him so much out of seeking help :(

    No idea what to do? Should I go to the doctors myself and fake depression to get him the pills he needs?

    Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Mother-In-Law Dilemma - Will choose best answer!?

    My mother-in-law has done a lot for me over the years, letting me live at her house when my own mother kicked me out whilst i was pregnant, she has lent me money during tough times, she takes her grand children (my kids) on holidays to places like Jamaica etc.

    My sons birthday is coming in October, and as he has never had a 'proper' birthday party, we decided to book him a go-karting party for him and 12 of his friends.

    A few weeks ago my mother-in-law asked me to stay over at her house for two days and baby sit her foster children while she goes to view a house in Cornwall. I agreed.

    But yesterday i was offered a weekend job, Fridays and Saturdays, £70 a night at a night club in London.

    My partner and i both work, but have been struggling to make ends meet, but really want to give our son this party, and so i really want to take this weekend job to pay the rest of the party off.

    The dilemma is... she wants me to watch the foster kids this Saturday... but i will have to miss out on a nights work and £70. Our sons party is in Two weeks time, and we really need this money to pay the party off.

    Should i phone her and tell her i can't do it? Or bite the bullet and hope we can afford the party?

    I feel bad because she has done a lot for me, plus i couldn't afford to buy her a birthday present this year :(

    What do i do :(

    Thanks in advance for any answers/suggestions!

    3 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Escorts please answer, does this check out to you?

    Please only serious answers from escorts.


    So, i saw a poster in my area, looking for new girls.

    I checked out their website and gave them a call.

    The lady sounded very nice, and answered all the questions I have, as I've never done this type of work before.

    They offer a driver as part of their service, and so they take 55%, which covers their fees and the drivers fees.

    The only thing that is worrying me, is that they have requested a 'working interview'.

    A driver is going to come pick me up, and drive me to their office. But they were reluctant to tell me exactly where their office is.

    I checked them out on google maps, and it shows them in harrow, but the lady said that they are in watford.

    I have also researched them online, and not found anything dodgy.

    So I'm going to be getting into a strangers car and being drove to an undisclosed location :/

    I like the fact they offer a driver, as I don't drive myself.

    So, how does this sound?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Why do we have wisdom teeth? when almost everyones gets pulled out?

    What are their purpose? Are they like a tail bone, completly useless?

    7 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Why can't UK film in a courtroom, but U.S can?

    Why is it, that in Britain film cameras are not allowed into a courtroom that is in procession. But you see filming of American courtrooms all the time??

    Thanks in advance for any answers.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this normal? Personal, women only please!!?

    I have noticed lately that i have a pimple just inside my vagina, on one of my lips. It is the same color as the rest of my vagina. It wasn't there before.

    I only have unprotected sex with my husband, who I have been with for 9 years, and we have both been tested years ago before we started having sex. He is my only sexual partner.

    Is this normal? or should i be worried?

    Thanks in advance for any answers ladies.

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why does my cat do this?

    So i have a 1 year old female neutered cat of mixed breed, i've always been very gentle with her and we have a very close, special bond. She rubs her face against mine, lets me stroke her tail, rub her belly, i carry her around sometimes.

    What i'd like to know is:

    Whenever im at her level, or shoulder level to her, she will climb on my back and sit/lay there. Even when i stand up and walk around she stays there or moves to my shoulder and lays/sits there.

    I know in the dog world this is a dominance thing, so is it the same for cats? Why does she do this?

    Thanks in advance for any answers!!

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • A blow in the ear? Spirit Expert please Answer!?

    I moved into this old house (at least 60yrs old), and there was a huge oblong shaped stain on the floorboards in the living room, there was a commode in the bedroom, and stacks and stacks of boxes of medication and care records for a Mr. and Mrs. Parsons. I always got a weird feeling of being followed up the stairs, but never felt uneasy, i slept in the house on my own sometimes and didn't notice anything strange at all.

    Anyway, after 3 uneventful years of being there, one night i went into the kitchen and as i turned to the light switch, something blew in my ear..

    I heard the breath leave the lips, and felt and heard it directly in my ear maybe 1/2inches away, it was a very fast and direct blow. I instantly had a prickly sensation all over my body and tears sprang to my eyes.

    I checked all of the windows in the kitchen and they were shut, and there were no air vents or anything to cause this... so why after 3 years of nothing, would a "spirit" blow in my ear?

    After we moved out, only then did my partner admit to me that it had also happened to him a few months before it happened to me. His experience was whilst going up the stairs, same thing, direct fast blow to the ear, 1-2inches away.

    My theory is, that it was fed up of living there with us and being unnoticed, and decided it was time to let us know it was there.

    What is your theory??

    Any answers appreciated!!!

    11 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • How do i report a carer that isn't caring?

    My great grand-mother who is in her 80's and has dementia is being 'carer' for by my auntie. Although i know for a fact that she is not caring for her properly.

    When i visit her she has no food in her cupboards and her fridge is empty, i know that my auntie collects her pension for her.. but when we go shopping my grand-mother never has any money in her purse.

    My grand-mother was recently taken to hospital because she was wondering around the streets at 2am and she fell down the stairs in the hallway of her block of flats. Her dementia is getting worse and she REALLY cannot live on her own anymore, but my auntie refuses to let her go into a home, and i believe the reason is that she will lose her carers allowance, and access to my grandmothers pension (my auntie is on benefits)

    I live in London and they live in the West Mids, my grandmother is in hospital right now and im considering phoning her ward and telling the doctors whats really going on.

    But is there another association i can phone??

    Who do i phone, and how to i go about getting my Grand-mother the proper care she needs???

    Please help, and thanks in advance for any reply's.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Dislocated Jaw???? Can i still get it fixed?

    Two years ago i was punched at an angle on the chin, at the time of impact my jaw was relaxed as i was not expecting to be punched, this made my jaw go to the left with force.

    Afterwords the right side of my jaw really ached, and as time has passed i have noticed things such as:

    When i yawn my jaw locks up

    I cannot move my jaw from an open position to a closed position fully. I can close it to a certain point, but then it gets stuck as if there is something blocking it. To close it fully, i shut until i feel the "blockage" then i have to move my jaw to the right and up for it to shut properly.

    If i force it shut there is a very loud cracking sound and a dull pain.

    My jaw locks and cracks sometimes whilst i am eating.

    I didn't seek medical attention at the time as a dislocation/fracture never crossed my mind. And i was more intent on seeking revenge :/ But now i realize that there is defiantly something wrong with my jaw, and i should get it fixed.

    Is it possible that it is dislocated on one side?

    As i have left it untreated for so long will it still be able to be fixed? or has it maybe healed out of place?

    Any advice/answers are much appreciated, thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Severe Stomach Pains PLEASE HELP!!!?

    I have been living in a new area for the past year, and am having trouble signing up to a doctors which is why i'm asking on here.

    I've been having pains in my abdomen for the past few years, the pain is almost always there in my lower abdomen which is annoying and painful, but i can deal with that. What i cant deal with, is sometimes the pain becomes VERY severe, usually at night time. It's a hot burning pain that builds and builds and spreads right up to just underneath my rib cage. Then dies down again to the burning pain, then repeats. It has me doubled over, crying and yelling in agony.

    The next day its back to the usual dull annoying pain

    I'm worried because i had some unexplained bleeding that lasted for 2 years, but stopped last year, the doctor put it down to the pill.

    Ive demanded a smear test but the doctor refuses as im only 23, and you have to be 25 in the UK to have one.

    I've been to a walk in clinic about this, but the doctor couldn't really help me, but mentioned something about maybe it could be too much bad bacteria in my gut?

    Please Please if you have any idea or clues what this may be i'd be VERY grateful for your help.

    Thanks in advance!!

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Overgrowth of Bacteria maybe? PLEASE HELP!!?

    I have been living in a new area for the past year, and am having trouble signing up to a doctors which is why i'm asking on here.

    I've been having pains in my abdomen for the past few years, the pain is almost always there in my lower abdomen which is annoying and painful, but i can deal with that. What i cant deal with, is sometimes the pain becomes VERY severe, usually at night time. It's a hot burning pain that builds and builds and spreads right up to just underneath my rib cage. Then dies down again to the burning pain, then repeats. It has me doubled over, crying and yelling in agony.

    The next day its back to the usual dull annoying pain

    I'm worried because i had some unexplained bleeding that lasted for 2 years, but stopped last year, the doctor put it down to the pill.

    Ive demanded a smear test but the doctor refuses as im only 23, and you have to be 25 in the UK to have one.

    I've been to a walk in clinic about this, but the doctor couldn't really help me, but mentioned something about maybe it could be too much bad bacteria in my gut?

    Please Please if you have any idea or clues what this may be i'd be VERY grateful for your help.

    Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Action Against the Police?

    Me and my partner would like to sue the Metropolitan Police in the UK, the reasons are:

    We had a sniffer dog appear at our back door, then 20 police officers knock on our front door.

    They asked where my partner had been since 7pm that night, he had been out walking our dog with our neighbour and his dog at that time, they spoke to the neighbour who also confirmed this.

    They arrested him under "suspicion of burglary" and held him in a cell for 19 hours. They had no description of the suspect, only that the suspect was wearing a scarf and gloves at the time of the crime, plane clothes officers searched our house and found nothing, he was released on a "No Further Action". It turns out (because i overheard the officers talking about it whilst he was being arrested) that the sniffer dog was on a training exercise, and if an arrest wasn't made the dog wouldn't have passed his assessment.

    He was cuffed and paraded through a large crowd of neighbors unnecessarily.

    I have contacted a lawyer, and we are awaiting a return call to know if they will take the case on or not.

    Do you think we have a good case here?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Do i need a license to work in a Strip Club in the UK?

    Only serious answers to my question please, i don't care about your opinions!

    I know i will need to be above the age of 18-21 which i am, and i will need proof of ID and possibly proof of address,

    But will i need anything else such as to apply for a license like they have to in America? Or fill out some sort of Tax form? Will i even have to declare my earnings to the UK government?

    Thanks in advance for your help

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • 8 Letter Adjective Words Please?

    I'm looking for 8 letter Adjectives, if anybody could help id be very grateful!!


    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Step Dad wants me to back him up in court?

    I'm 22 years old and have 2 kids myself.

    My step dad and mom have been married for 10 years now, and have a 4 year old son together (my half brother)

    Recently she flew off to Crete for a holiday, and whilst there she has decided she doesn't want to be with my step dad anymore.

    He has a daughter with another women he met before my mom, and my mom has big problems with the fact that he goes off sometimes for weekends to go and see her at his moms house. That's mainly what all of their fights are about.

    He now wants me to back him up in court in a custody battle between him and my mom. He wants me to tell the court about how horrible my upbringing was living with her, how she let me live with my friend without even checking out their family, how she carted me off to my nans house to live when she couldn't be bothered to deal with me, and also how she abandoned me when i fell pregnant at a young age.

    I also have a half sister that lives with her dad, and has done since the age of two. Hes considering contacting him and getting a statement as to why my moms not allowed to contact her daughter.

    I'm torn, i know my half brother would be better off living with his dad, but i also have this loyalty to my mom.. even though she has treated me horribly...

    I don't know what to do :(

    Please give me your advice as to what you would do in this situation, and thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago