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I'm a model as well as actress . I love to travel have fun..and learn Put this cat on /\„,„/\ your profile ( =';'= ) to show /*♥♥*\ that you are (.|.|..|.|.) against human, plant, tree, and animal rights abuses

  • I like Justin Bieber...why do some people not like him?

    he's vary attractive,fun and smart..a lot of the songs he sings are beautiful...yet some people make fun of him, they are jealous of Justin Bieber..

    he will become greater,and richer in the future and I'll listen to his music forever...

    we all need space to grow live life travel experience things Justin Bieber reminds me of an ice cream cone..vanilla swirl..with some chocolate and strawberry..mmm yuummy...

    12 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago
  • any1 u know evr been abducted by aliens?

    I was watching a few documentaries about it and there are soe who were abducted by aliens..

    I'm curious if you or someone you've known have been abducted if yes what happened..?

    this isnt a joke please don't treat it as such its a real question..

    aliens excist believe it or not and for the skeptics just look at youtube france alien sightings..worldwide sightings military cover ups all the lies .. at least france is honest to say yes they excist and here are all the footage and files.. they've released all the info.. thanks for your comments.

    they have found out that aliens excist on planets light years away from us and that they're technology can wipe us out.. we as humans learn from aliens about technology well the military

    and certain business .. the list goes on too long of a list yet

    when they find them jets follow them to try to destroy them.

    yet do you think aliens are truly violent ?

    if they were none of us would be here because they're technology is far more advanced than ours ...

    so do you think they are real, or a threat to man kind ?

    is that why the topic is such a cover up..?

    6 AnswersParanormal Phenomena7 years ago
  • question for those couples that really love each other..?

    For couples that truly love each other did you know you were in love?

    when did you realize that you loved that person.. did it click with you?.. or did you make mistakes in love a few times until you got it right?

    did your heart or mind say to you that's the one?

    and what did you do or do you do to make things fun?

    or keep things interesting in your relationship..

    these days it seems that sex,media, commercials.. ect don't really promote love of family, true love and how love should really be between a couple..

    relationships can be so confusing and to really understand how a person that you care for feels..

    it can be complex at times..

    how did you find the one you really care for?

    was it a feeling in your heart?

    did you feel something spiritually with this person..?

    and how are things now?

    if you don't have an answer that is associated with the question and your response is meant to humiliate or make fun of my question your answer will be flagged..

    some people out there seem to thrive off of making fun of others to make themselves feel better..

    that's vary immature and selfish and unnecessary.

    if you need therapy you should see a therapist..

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • how to win the lottery?

    weird question I know ..yet I'm wondering is there a special way to win the lottery like the mega or powerball lotto?

    it would be nice if I won I'd be a lot nore happy than I am now because now I'm faced with tons of bills and no real money to repay them..

    money does help and it does make a person happier.. I'm just wondering if there is a way to win the lottery..I'm in peensylvania it seems so tough to win anything here and they added more numbers to the mega or porweball thing..

    is there a way to win the lottery..?

    5 AnswersGambling7 years ago
  • can stress lower sex drive?

    I've been under some stress lately & I have no interests in sex..

    I haven't had an orgasm in years so its not an issue.

    yet it would be nice if I did..

    financially things have been stressful for me ..and the stress makes me numb inside.

    I'm bored with sex, I have no desire to have sex or masturbate,......I think its the stress thats making me feel this.

    yet I'm uncertain of what to do...

    7 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • whos sexier ..Miguel, chris brown??


    Chris brown. ?

    Adam lavigne.

    Whiz khalif

    Lenny kravitz

    I like maguels singing and style Chris browns freaky I like that. And he sings unique.

    Adam lavigne is omg !!! so hot and smart ..

    Lenny kravitz self explanatory..he's cool,

    Calm,romantic,has a voice from heaven.

    Whiz khalif seems fun Care free ..certified pot to .. and beyond his years wisdom... Miguel and whiz are all over my iPod now..yet soon I'm gonna download the others..

    I like the slow sexy styles yet sum times I wanna get wild with alternative rock pop...

    "I jus want a bite marks scratches..and no hickies.. Miguel's song "quickie"

    I'm feel in that now...

    2 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago
  • seems i give great advice ..yet my life sucks.?

    Anytime someone has a problem or going through something I give them great advice.

    Yet my life ..well it could be a lot worse I thank god for what I have really.

    I think I've love a certain person nearly all of my life.

    Yet he's with someone new now.

    Yet sometimes we chat..and it feels Like a special connection..

    He's the only one who can get deep into my soul and emotions.

    I usually don't let anyone in due to trust issues.

    Yet he's so far away and with someone.

    Its not like he knocked on my door here I am let's stop playing these childish games I'm ready for you.

    No that hasn't happened.

    Something deep in my heart loves him though its hard to explain I get a loving warm close feeling like a feather down comforter feeling from his love wrapped around me..

    I wanna hug him all night.

    Yet reality I think I hurt his feelings and he hates me..

    We both hurt each in different ways.

    Unintentionally I was younger and extremely shy

    Especially with him and we had moments to talk yet didn't.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • do u wish u had friend that could handle??

    I wish I had a friend that could handle anything.all I did was say to him can u fix this and they knew how. Anything at all if it bothered me if I needed this that they knew what to do.

    Do u wish u had a friend like that as rare as it is ??

    And what would u do? I'd love it if I had a friend like that its such a turn on to have real love in or life..

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • do u wish u had friend that could handle??

    I wish I had a friend that could handle anything.all I did was say to him can u fix this and they knew how. Anything at all if it bothered me if I needed this that they knew what to do.

    Do u wish u had a friend like that as rare as it is ??

    And what would u do?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • weird sex dream last night?

    I had this weird dream... that I finally got with this guy that Ive liked for a while.. it's strange because we drifted away rom each other he thought I was some monster yet when we got together he found out how sweet & nice I am yet not too nice.. he only thought that because of the sexual frustration he we gave each other the last time we saw each other.. everyone but him approaches me and it freaked me out... so then we start kissing.. we're in this big open pretty room.. with huge fields and lots of space.. the bed is huge.. then we really get into it we end up making love for days and days... like we were in a trance...then..have a nice meal ..and go somewhere..

    then we travel to space.. we're in space room now..with a mickey mouse doll..or something near by..

    it was quiet.. then we're floating in space & make love for hours and hours again..

    any clue why I dreamedt this dream???..this..of course me being horny had something to do with it yet its goes beyond that.. lol yet any other ideas...any lame comments wont be considered thanks,,

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • whats the weirdest place you've been to?

    and what did do you... ? it couldve been anywhere doiing anything...why was it weird..? what did you learn from it or did u have fun or was it a disaster?

    5 AnswersOther - Dining Out8 years ago
  • weird dream lastnight...?

    ok so I'm asleep finally..then I find myself in this weird dream.. that I'm riding this electric wide styled skateboard & skating with skate boarders.. weird becasuse I know a few skateboarder guys yet I havnt seen them in a while & I havnt skated in years. yet sometimes I play tony hawks skakeboard video game thats been a few weeks though.. and the wheels were important the style they had to be smooth and I'm doing weird tricks on the boards.. then I end up in California near the beach smoking sum treez with a music producer the last part happened a few years ago.. I just thought it was dream this stuff ? do u think???

    and at a point i could make the borad glide and fly..weird i know.. right??

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • whats the best massage u ever had,, here or in another country.& ? type..?

    hi I feel like I need a good massage yet I want something different. can you explain where you had the best massage, / I heard thailand has great massage places, and greece.. I love those massages where they rub the skin with a loofah scrubber.. with wet water.. nice and cool and the mineral spa's of california I tried those that was nice I went to a nudist mineral spa..and soaked into the sun for a while then dipped into a cool mineral spa, really nice. I met some really nice people there to..... sometimes a nice massage makes me feel so much better.. .. did you enjoy the massage, what type was it and would you try it could be anywhere in any country.. also did they add special herbs ice packs, hot n cold packs, rock therapy, acupuncture acupressure, reflexology, types of massage.. I sometimes give special crystal healing massages to heal the soul.. to clear the Aura....they felt nice and if feels nice to give them..ok thank you.. ciao bello..

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • ok, his ex or currrent girl has threatened me online..!!?

    Ok his girlfriend threatened me!!.. theres this guy I adored I liked he's sexy, smart the whole nine.. things sort of drifted with us though and we stopped talking.. he moved my life changed ect.. & then all of a sudden his girl or ex sends me an online message threatening me.. saying I dont belong with him.. I belong with the lesser.. and not in his world.. this was about a year ago.. now me and him never really continued I said somthing to him that hurt his feelings then we stopped talking.. Im thinking ok if we stopped talking is his girlffriend watching his moves online ect?? she must been to have sent me a threatening message and this was afterwards.. by the way b4 u ridicule me I didnt realize he had a girl.. and we were just friends even though I liked him I dont think he felt it the way I did. me and him had a few issues and things to make things uncomfortable with us so it was unbalanced yet we liked each other yet were afrad of getting hurt type of thing.. and now we sort of are chatting again.. what would you do ?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Dreampt subconscious into Conscious....?

    I dream-pt all the thing I though about would happen happened, seconds to minutes later..sometimes I get painful headaches I dream-pt I asked someone to brush my hair,it helps me feel b2r, then in my dream they brushed it for hours,yet it didnt happen in real my dream I liked it so much I placed an ad in the paper for someone to brush my hair I;ll pay them to do it..then a beautiful quiet guy answered & he brushed my hair ..when ever I liked..I 'd say my headache is here,he'd brush my hair so nice and slow..with a brush I designed. then another dream..I'm walking somewhere then I think, something is about to hhappenin my dream it happens few minutes later..I keep having these dreams and then sometimes in real life it happens., for ex I was thinking about an old friend today ..then I'm walking somewhere and I see him.. he had the day off I was tthurmy things.of errands.. then we have tea and talk, then we meet a nice indian man on a conference in town.. we all talk a while.. then me n my friend leave. through out the day I have these weird fantasies dreams.. of leaving for paris or someplace nice.. and then i read paris is legalizing pot.. most attractive to me.. things like that.yet love hmm vary hard to explain and know about that..if I knew I'd bottle it save it and wear the knowings of love with me..

    is there something deep in me that has a curiosity for wanting to know something thinking to know and it happens..? and secondly this.. well we all do it masturbate yet llatelyI have no desire to ..I'm either get too sleepy, of exhaustion from all day things of life, then I ddon'twant to .. at all.. its not even on my mind.. for weeks, weeks.. I don't want to and if I if something to put me in mood the usual thoughts dont do it for me.. I ave no desire it stress something else ?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • strange dream..last night.?

    .........I dream-pt I was finally with someone I've cared for forever........... first we were both hesitant towards one another he thought

    ......... I was crazy, I thought he hated me, yet when we found out .......

    ..........we love each other...things were amazingly wonderful with us........

    .........only he was with someone else at the time, then I kept asking him..

    ..........DO YOU LOVE HER? OR DO YOU LOVE ME ?...........................

    ..........DO YOU LOVE HER ? OR DO YOU LOVE ME ?

    ............ I asked him this many times....................................................

    ............. yet I woke up before he could reply....................................

    ...............(what do you think of this dream?)...............................

    ...........(do you think he'd reply yes or no?..........if he could?) .............. ...

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • hi whats your favorite song to dance naked cute to..?

    Do you like to cute dance naked or with clothes on for your boyfriend/girlfriend or your self ?....

    sip wine get tipsy..while they watch you dance for them..then make love.. until you fall asleep..?

    ........ one of my favorite songs by hall & oats " I can dream about you."..and other songs...

    .......whats your favorite song to dance to...?

    3 AnswersPop-Rock9 years ago