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Matt D

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I am a christian who has used prayer to overcome depression. I can help you do the same if you suffer from a mental/neurological illness and want to receive healing from God.

  • Sibling rivalry, middle child and financial favouritism?

    Hi there, I am a 38 y/old male and my parents were each married before. I have a half brother (father's) and half sister (mother's) both older who live away from home. Unfortunately due to the development of the chronic sleep disorder in 1997, I am now unable to work. I moved in with my elderly parents (D86+M73) 5 years ago and have been stuck with them in the same house since.

    My younger sister is 34 and about 7years ago my father purchased a small apartment for us jointly as 50/50 owners. During this time I was living and working in London, UK. She lived in the flat alone and had full use out of it for 3 years, then I returned home and moved in with my parents. I never received any benefits from the flat. Then in 2004, my father brought me a similiar flat for equivalent of $38k. Then in 2005 my sister asked my father for a mortgage and brought a 3 bed townhouse for $75k. Later in 2007, my sister put "OUR" flat on the market and sold it for $75k. I received none of the monies from the sale. So at this point I have a flat worth $90k and my sister recently sold her house for $150k. Effectively from our joint investment, she was able to buy a townhouse for double the value of my flat.

    When she bought the 3 bed townhouse, she was single. Later she met a man, married him and then went and had two children. My father blessed their marriage by giving her a $25k towards paying off her townhouse's mortgage debt. Now she has managed to convince my father that she needs to get a bigger house and so my father has given her another deposit of $25k for a bigger suburban house with market value $250k.

    My sister get's a monthly allowance from my father of $400 and I get an allowance of $300. My sister is not in full time employment, she has a consulting business and does small jobs through the month. Her husband has a struggling business and recently lent her husband $5k for the business which he has never received. I don't think after 2 years that the business is profitable

    My father's excuse that my sister needs the bigger house, is because she is now married with a bigger family. I have, for reasons of religious conviction and personal development, been living the life of a celebate. I am clean living and don't feel that I will marry so, I wonder if I will lose out on the property upgrade!

    For the past 4 years I have been biting my tongue. As the middle child, it is expected of me to keep my feelings to myself and not rock the boat, but I am becoming resentful. This is mainly because for the last 5 years of living with my parents, I see how much I contribute to my parent's lives but my sister does nothing. I guess you could say that I feel that the financial favouritism is getting me down and making me feel more and more like a 2nd class citizen.

    I want to tell my parents that this is unfair and wish to communicate my feelings to my father by a letter stating my grievance. I do not wish to confront him verbally, because he has a narcissistic PD and is liable to fly off the handle in a rage.

    I wish to move out of my parent's house into my own house and sell my flat. I will likely sell my apartment for $85 and find a property of $150 with a flatlet which I can rent out. Do you think that asking for an upgrade is fair?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Can anyone recommend a good Christian chat room to replace Myspace?

    Myspace closed their chat servers down recently - Does anyone know of a good Christian chat forum that isn't moderated too much. Looking for something which is easy to setup and which is simple to use.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this a green card? Can my mother use it to enter the US?

    My mother lived in the US for 6 years and was "admitted as an immigrant" on 05/28/1962. The outstanding features of the card is the words "admitted to the United States as an immigrant" and at the bottom of the card is "Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization United States Department of Justice". The card type is an M-3. She is 71 now and claims that the card allowed her permanent work status. She was married to a US citizen at the time.

    My question is: Is this card still usable today or will she only be able to use it if she applies for a new one. There is no expirey date on the card. Any help would be appreciated.

    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Help with difficult older father?

    My relationship with my 84 year old dad is becoming strained. I am a 36 y/o single guy, who is unemployed and living at home due to chronic illness. My probs started when I began taking drugs and drinking to medicate the pain inside from my father and from my own sense of failure and directionless brought about by the illness I developed at 23.

    Although he is basically a decent person, I feel that he has focused his life on his business and has no real knowledge of who we are or can relate to us in an intimate way. I feel him to be emotionally stunted. I remember many occasions where I was told that I was too lazy, to this or that as a child and deeply hurt by nasty and poisonous words. I don't remember any affirmations or positive encouragement from him. His step-son, my half-brother (47) who never really lived with us, has actually turned out most balanced of the 4 of us. He told me one day that the only thing he has learned from my father is by observation and that he feels my father was never a mentor. I agree with him. My mother and my younger sister have both battled depression but to a lesser degree than myself.

    I am living with my father now out of necessity and he is supporting me, but I am hurt by so many things and his attitude towards me:

    I am educated but when we argue he calls me stupid and that I don't know anything. He accuses me of not sharing my life with him or my initmate feelings, but I hold back because I feel he can't listen to me impartially and without erupting in anger, so I keep my thoughts to myself. He is jealous of my relationship with my mother and when I step up to defend my mother, I am told repeatedly that I must not get involved because "she is his wife" and it's got nothing to do with me.

    When a business decision is made in the family and I give my feelings, I am told that it's none of my concern. He seems to think his children should not have an interest or opinion in the things they might one day inherit.

    When I get asked a question about something and I give an alternative opinion he get's angry.

    Every opinion I have or when I question him on something, it's taken as a direct challenge and results in explosive anger.

    My mother never stands up to him, but now that I do stand up for myself, when I ask him to answer personal questions about our relationship, he will simply say something like "oh you know" which seems hurtful and childish. He refuses to answer my questions and becomes belligerent and defensive.

    I don't have much to be proud about, but I know that I am a good, sensitive person and I had high-paying career. Life has dealt me a unfortunate blow and my health has made me feel like damaged goods. I want too get married one day and have a family but I don't want to end up like my father. I am scared of how I will treat my kids.

    About 3 years ago I asked him if he would like to join me for counselling because there were some things that I wanted to get off my chest. The psychologist warned me that I would run the risk of him taking everything as blame (because of his age). I dropped it and never asked him again but he doesn't seem to think he has any issues which could benefit from therapy.

    About 5 years ago I began to change my life. Became a christian, gave up drugs, alcohol, smoking and everything else. I am now clean, spiritually stronger and my health has recovered to a point where I feel that soon I will be able to re-enter the job market.

    Even though I have forgiven my father for many things, I am just finding more and more that he is unwilling to deal with emotions or open-up to me. I know little about his past, what drives him, what he aspires to, what goals he has. I feel that I am the way I am because of the way he has raised me and he basically accuses me of the same things.

    He has only managed to communicate with me about certain things in 3 letters. He can't be open.

    He feels that I should be grateful for every little thing he does and I am, but I tried to explain to him that it's something which is normal for fathers to do for their children. Every time I get money from him, it feels like there is a string attached and it will be used as ammunition against me later on.

    He has made it very clear that his relationship with his father was awful, but never stood up to his father or told him how he felt. I feel that he has tremendous unforgiveness towards his father and has never offloaded the baggage.

    What is really hurtful though is that we have a half sister (46) from my mother's 1st marriage who he basically resented from when they got married. He witheld affection, love and acceptance from her, seemingly because he felt threatened by her relationship with my mother. My sister has had two broken marriages and my father has only lately began speaking to her when she phones my mother, but deep down I know how he still feels about her.

    He refers to her as "the loser".

    He has basically disowned her and I feel th

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Which Christian blog listing sites should I use to boost traffic?

    I would like to boost traffic to my niche Christian blog site.

    Which listing pages are best for the attracting readership and traffic?

    5 AnswersSearch Engine Optimisation1 decade ago
  • Boosting traffic to niche Christian blog?

    I would like to boost traffic to my Christian blog site, as currently only linked with Blogcatalog. Can anyone recommend some good Christian blog ranking sites which attract high traffic and readership time? Also would appreciate which would create revenue stream for Christian sites.


    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • One month vac with 2 weeks snowboarding in Chile or Argentina?

    Can't decide on Chile or Argentina. Which would be cheaper for a budget traveller? Which people are friendlier and more helpful?

    Which has better snowboarding?

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Snowboarding advice - chile or argentina?

    I am a 36 y/old south african guy looking to see a bit of both countries, but am wondering which is a cheaper destination Chile or Argentina? Which would be more interesting culturally also?

    Can you also tell me which people are friendlier?

    5 AnswersSnowboarding1 decade ago
  • What's it going to take b4 Free Energy supression is halted in the US?

    Scientists make cars that run on water.

    Certain company frotment buy up their patents and very soon offers them vast sums of money to stop experimenting and publicizing their plans.

    Suddenly there are MIB, death threats to family, or they vanish without a trace.

    When will people wake up to the reality of the world we are living in. The oceans are the worlds biggest reserve of untapped energy. Go figure

    13 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about the impending nuclear war against IRAN using mini-nukes?

    This war is in it's final planning stages and will lead to the loss of millions of lives. What is your opinion on the imminence of this war?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about the US Fed's secretive introduction of the AMERO currency?

    This new currency is set to become legal tender in Canada, US and Mexico. What impact is it going to have on the US markets

    and do you think the dollar will be withdrawn from public circulation because of it?

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Why are govts unwilling to curb population growth globally?

    Surely if population growth is curtailed, then economies don't need to grow, but can also be maintained at 0% growth?

    Would this not be the best long term solution to save the planet?

    12 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Why don't leaders address population growth before trying to reduce global emissions?

    Surely by restricting offspring to 2, a practical and more effective way to curb emissions is created?

    14 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Anyone suffering from spiritual attacks who want to learn how to overcome.?

    I have been fighting daily since '05 and I am now on the path to perfect health. I have some good experiential knowledge for the open-minded, mature Christian.

    You will experience the same truths working in your spiritual life if you test my knowledge for yourself

    If you are suffering with chronic illness, this advice would be a step in the right direction.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago