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Hi! I'm corrie and i am good at almost everything and I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!! TEAM PEETA!
Where's the best place in Rome, GA to get hair dyed?
I live in Rome, Ga and sometime soon I'm going to get the bottom part of my hair dyed brown. I want it to look wonderful!! What's the best hair salon in Rome, GA?
1 AnswerHair8 years agoDon't like him as much as I thought I did?
So I work at this summer camp and I started to go out with this guy a couple of weeks ago(he also works at this camp). uhm. His sister(Alejandra) works with me and my brother(jarrod) works with him. My brother goes out with his sister so we're those two couples that do everything together.
Anyways; When we first started going out I thought I was crazy about him and now-well not so much. Last night we all went on a date and we kissed for the first time.(me and this guy;Alejandra and Jarrod) He held me in his arms and whispered that he was going to keep me untill he dies. :/ and thats when i freaked out. I didnt say anything but inside I was like- Dude. I'm 13. Seriously?
Long Story Short: I don't like him as much as i thought i did. He's already thinking about marriage and i think i could find someone better. He has a short temper so i don't want him to flip out at me in front of the kids at camp if I brake up with him.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoDouble date..people dont get along.?
So this weekend im going on a double date with my crush and my best friend.
I recently found out that my crush used to like my best friend,but she told him to f off and now they dont get along..
I really like this guy but I am like sisters with my friend...
please help..
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoFirst Date Advice? 10 points!!?
Well this friday I'm going to see the Purge with my crush and I honestly have no idea what to do..
Its summer so its going to be hot. But i dont wanna wear shorts because my legs are pale and chubby. So what should I wear? (Hair too please)
Also, its a group date..but one of my friends dont have a date and my other friend might not have a guy or i might be the only person there with a guy. Im worried that I might ignore him so my friends wont be left out. :c
7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoI really like this guy. And uh Mixed signals?
Okay so. I used to go out with this guy and I still like him. We haven't talked in a really long time but we see eachother every morning. He's in the grade above me too. When I see him we're in the gym and we are like 20 ft away from eachother. He always stares at meh and more than once I caught him pointing me out to a couple of his friends. Also, when I walked in the gym in the morning today; he looked twords the door then back at his friend. Then, he kind of whipped his head back in my direction and smiled again.
Yesterday I didnt go to school so I didnt see him. And last night I had a dream about him and theres this "legend" that says when someone misses you or when they wanna see you you have a dream about them.? Is that true?
BUT whenever I text him he rarely texts me back.
Im gettin some mixed signals. SO what should I do?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoA sentence containing two adjectives of equal rank?
ive been working at this for an hour and im terrible at writing so please help??
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoHow do I make an introduction to a hard essay?
I have to write an introduction to an essay with a sort of confusing prompt. The prompt is : You have been reading about the power of peaceful protests in Russel Freedman's book. Freedom Walkers. Write a piece arguing that nonviolent protest is or was more effective than violence in bringing about positive change...... Any Ideas for an introduction. I won't steal it. I just need a little help. I suck at writing. Thanks :)
1 AnswerHomework Help8 years agoI know this is a tad bit childish but....10 points.?
Okay. I know this is a little bit childish, but I'm not good at this relationship stuff so here goes.
I am in middle school and. 2 months ago the best boyfriend I ever had, broke up with me. He was the only person that could make me smile even when i didnt want to. Also,I think i fell in love with him Because now, i cant stop thinking about him. Everything reminds me of him.
My question is: How can I tell him that i want him back and that i miss him a lot and that i have been miserable without him.?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoMy friend steals my crushes on purpose?
I have this friend that i tell everything to espically crushes. Everytime she find out who i like she will purposely go and flirt with them and she looks at me and smirks and it makes me think shes trying to make me jealous. Shes a big sult god forgive mefor talking bout someone but she is. I try to be mad at her but im really tired of drama so i dont say anything to her ( she also likes to start drama)
I ve asked her to stop and she wont then today she says " well i cant help it if the guy u love likes me"
But today i also found out that my crush likes her- which is the same thing that happened with my last crush
So like what should i do bc ive asked her to stop? And like im just really pisssed at her but i cant stay mad at someone so? what should i do?
5 AnswersFriends9 years agoHow can i hide my scars?
so i have tons of ummm scars on my arm and people start to judge me and say im emo and stuff and i really need help on how to hide the scars. Please help!!
5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years agoIm confused,Does he like me?
okay. so i have this guy friend that i really like. im not sure if he likes me or not. he leads me on and stuff. like he flirts with me and is really sweet and cute but he says he dosent like me. his friends are all like yea he likes you but when he found out iliked him he didnt stop talking to me or try to avoid me andi thought that was really sweet cuz that dosent happen to me alot.
he shows most of the body language signs like having his feet pointed twords me and when hes talking to another girl hell look at me and sometimes i will catch him staring at me then look away after i smile and he will wave at me and say bye and stuff and he treats me like one of his friends like he will tease me and one time i was acting sad and he asked whats wrong nd i would be like nothing and he kept asking and asking me what was wrong and i would deny anything was wrong nd im like awwwweee but thats not the point
what i really want to know is, does he like me or does he consider me as one of the guys? THANK YA!!!
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHow to wear hair and make up with black dress?
okay so im in the coosa valley fair pagent on thursday....i am (12 to14) and i am wearing a long black straight dress with black beads on the bodice with a silver ribbon belt around the waist. I am asking how I should do my hair and makeup? i have blonde hair and blue eyes. i was thinking maybe curls and someone said red lipstick and smoky eyes? how does that soun? What do you think?? thank you
3 AnswersMakeup9 years agowhat order do i put on make up?
well i know how to use it i just dont know what order to do it in if i use it all
i use
foundation bronzer concealer blush highlighter lipgloss mascara eyeshadow (and occassionaly primer highlighter and eyeliner)
also, is it too much make up for school (without the primer highlighter and eyeliner)??
i am a freshman
5 AnswersMakeup9 years agowhich outfit should i wear part 2 <3?
welll this is my second part to which outfit to wear
umm im going to start my fist year of middle school( 7th grade) and i have ideas no what to wear but i dont kno what to wear
1.) black skirt with white tucked in shirt pink scarf, white wedges like 1 in
2.) dark washed jeans with black see throu lace blouse, blue undershirt,sandals
3.) white t shirt, red shorts,flip flops or sandals
4.) jeans, zebra print tee,sandals silver jwelrey
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoWhich outfit should i wear for 7 th grade?
I know i have already asked too many middlebschool questions but i have one more:
which of these out fits should i wear for my first day of seventh grade
Black skirt that comes just above th knee with a white tucked in shirt and a pink scarf and white wedges (1 inch)
or dark wash jeans with see throu lace blouse and blue cami under top with sandals and bracelet and silver necklace
or white t shirt with red shorts and flip flops
or dark washed jeans with flowy tank and blazer (or cardigan) and sandals and some silver jwelrey
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoWhat are some middle school must haves ( clothing,make up, etc)?
I am starting my first year at a middle school 7th grade and i have no idea what i should have to look cute on the first day while still being comfy and causal and like that for the rest of the year BTW shes blonde
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoWhat should i wear for first day of middle school hair and make up too please!?
In two weeks i start my first day ever in a middle school and i want to impress people but i dont want to be too dressy. I want to wear something casual please add hair and make up ideas too
I have bolnde hair and blue eyes if that helpes
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agomiddle school tips for beginners and blonds?
well in two weeks i go into my first year of middle school and i am worried i might not do anything right i need help on stuff like
talking to boys/ dating
how to get friends/be popular
please help im desperate for tips PLEASE!!!!!!!
5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years agoWhat to wear for hair and make up on first day of middle school?
So on august 1st i go back to school, but starting my 1st day at a middle school i found a cute outfit it is a tight and short(finger length) black skirt with a white t shirt tucked in and a pink scarf and white wedges but i have NO IDEA what to do for hair and make up HELP PLEASE please dont say curl my hair cuz i cant controll my curler
6 AnswersMakeup9 years agoshould we stay together?
i have a new bf and i think
he is really cute
BUT he dosen't talk a lot ( to me). and
he has like me forever and he is
SUPER sweet but
at school he is always around girls and NONE of them like him but
he flirts a lot and i dont think he knows it
but what im saying is
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago