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I heart Adam Levine. Bleeding-hearted left-wing liberal, Asian male with defiantly anime large eyes(mwahahaha take that recessive squinty-eye alleles), atheist, loves the telly, hearts Adam Levine etc.. etc... Favourite shows: HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, Spartacus, Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Smallville, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters, Legend of The Seeker(soo much better than the books), Torchwood, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, The Office(U.K. & U.S.), QaF and assorted Hong Kong/Taiwanese dramedies! Favourite books: Bertrand Russell, John Stuart Mill, Heidegger, Brian Greene, Stephen Hawking, Terry Deary, Spinoza, David Eddings, Sophie Kinsella(ik), Dan Brown, Christopher Paolini, Richard Dawkins. HATES: Terry Goodkind, Ann Coulter, Evangelists, Homophobes, Sophists, Apologists, Dogmatists, Carrots, Bigots, Misogynists, Hitler, Isaac Newton, Isaac Newton's Wig, The 3 Monotheistic Religions, Kim Ju/ong Whats-His-Name. Hearts: Adam Levine

  • Does true altruism exist?

    Wall of text incoming. Answer this if you want to be bored to death. Or if you're reading Ann Coulter.

    My partner introduced me to Bob Dylan today(well, yesterday). Which was all fine and dandy, until he played "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll" which depressed me immensely; granted, bumming me out is a rather simple task. Either way, it got me ruminating. I find sympathy, empathy and kindness to be at its core the cornucopia of anthropomorphic projections and pathetic fallacies. Basically, altruism is the illusory manifestation of crustaceacentrism(Oxford should really make selfishism a word). What do you think?

    I don't envisage myself as the poor black woman, or the many other victims of racism. I am, of course, the benevolent homunculus in this mental dramatis personae, decrying the atrocity of such atrocities condoned by indifference in difference. Why should harm towards someone other than myself offend me so?

    Fact and internal consensus: Altruistic intuition manifested from genetically-approved selfish self-preservation. In-group kinship shattered by globalization, understanding of the law of large numbers and the fact that we are all hardly any different in the head.

    If I were given a choice, I would gladly give my life for Hattie. But why? I no longer care for my life, but I care for the life and freedom(what is life without freedom?(There! Selfish empathy!)) of others, and it's the irrational passion to preserve that life which gives me what little strength I need to carry on. It's not because I believe it's right, it's just that I'd like it to be so. I call it altruistic hedonism.

    I've rooted around my head for any signs of self-interest, and yet I can find none. I suspect it must be in my basal ganglia or somewhere I cannot access. Note that I am an amoral lad, so being a selfish chancer should not embarrass me in the slightest.

    What I'm getting at is the existence of true altruism. Would anyone give up a comfortable, happy life for someone else? If, for example, you were to be presented with the choice of a getting a billion quid by a sexually ambiguous genie, on the caveat that one stranger in Canada would have pay for your gift with her/his life, would you do it?

    I find this to be a great conundrum. I could take the money and save an entire legion of lives, all at the expense of some stranger I've never known and never will. And yet this would mean taking away the stranger's will and his freedom to choose whether to live or die, which I personally find abhorrent. Despite the coward that I am(at least, in my mind. I wish I were more predisposed to flight than fight in real life, it's so much wiser. Bad people:"HULK ANGRY!". Thoughts of bad people:"hulk hide..." ), I simply couldn't shrink away from potentially saving all those who lay moribund upon their deathbeds, depriving them from the freedom to get their backs off the weight, and arbitrarily withholding their potential to live happy, fulfilling lives.

    It's painfully utilitarian, yet also painfully counter-intuitive for an entity that runs off empathy and kindness.

    It's my inability to comprehend the suffering of more than one person at a time which leads me to such mathematically irrational hesitation. I simply cannot process, cannot imagine the pain of 1000 people with my one nervous system, other than vicariously and carelessly multiplying the pain one person ostensibly feels. (nebulous 1) x 1 = (nebulous 1)

    This is where pathetic projection fails and crumbles, shattering the illusion of kindness.

    Altruism is going out of the way to benefit others intentionally without any personal gain. I find pleasure in it, but yet that would mean emotional gain and thus could not be true altruism. Thus, I must be selfish to be altruistic, otherwise I'd be completely indifferent to the very notion in the first place. If I performed the altruistic, and yet did not care for others, it would be an arbitrary eenie miney minnie moe situation where miney and moe are both the opposites of altruism. Thus, the apparent intent in my choice for altruism would simply be nothing more than an illusion.

    What if a person were ready to burn in the flames of Muspelheim, to provide eternal happiness for everyone else? Granted that he was in full possession of his faculties(i.e. not contaminated by superstition)(this is demanding some serious paradoxical suspension of disbelief, though we could always include religious, imperialistic alien superbeings), I do not believe it to be presumptuous to assume that he did it for catharsis, that the happiness of others is projected on to him. Arguably, such catharsis is small payment in return for being burnt for eternity, and thus any emotional gain is immediately outweighed. It must be true altruism then?

    I think it is. So, confirmation and thoughts on the matter?

  • Dolphin Capital GmbH scams?

    Have there ever been any scams or embezzlement cases associated with Dolphin Capital? If any, please list the source.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Can you solve this riddle?

    1.The enemies of Egypt

    2.Alighieri's hell

    3.Odin and the ash tree

    4.Thalia and her sisters

    5.The kings and the rings.

    Each of the 5 hints above denote either a letter or a number. When all these letters(or possibly a number or two) are found, they will form a link.

    E.g. or

    Up for the challenge?

    I have done some work, and to expedite the process:

    1. The enemies of egypt are the nine bows.

    2. Dante's hell(inferno) has nine circles.

    3. The Ash tree is Yggdrasil and connects nine homeworlds(heims)/worlds/realms.

    4. Thalia and her sisters are known as the three Kharites in greek mythology.

    5. I'm really not sure about this one, but i think it's about the Lord of The Rings, where there are 3 elven kings in possesion of the three elven rings. is wrong is wrong is wrong.

    I just can't find out what the link is. Sigh.

    Pleaseeee help, and thanks loads if you do.

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • The kings and the rings?

    "The kings and the rings."

    What might be the reference? Lord of the rings? Or some ancient myth/legend?

    Any help is much appreciated.

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • Can you solve these anagrams?






    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can you decipher this roman numeral code?

    0= X

    1= V

    2= iii

    3= X, Xi, V

    4= ii

    It's supposed be a link. For example the answer could be 1541152QXR, then i'll go to to proceed to the next part.

    My guesses are that the numerals may be part of a clock, poker card numbers, alphabets or related to some sort of historical death.

    Help me out bros?

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • What's the japanese word for this type of person/personality?

    I forgot what it is!!! A person who appears gruff and mean on the outside but is actually really kind and sensitive on the inside. HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    5 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • What's living in Vietnam like?

    Has anyone ever lived in Vietnam before?(or is living there rite now). I'm just really curious about its culture, ethnicities, lifestyle, technology stuff like that. I'd just been to Bangkok recently and i loved it, and i'm seriously considering visiting either Vietnam or Laos.

    And did you enjoy living there? If so, why?

    4 AnswersOther - Vietnam10 years ago
  • help with spanish translation please?

    Ella que sera,

    She's livin' la vida loca

    Y te dolera,

    Si de verdad te toca

    Ella es tu final,

    Vive la vida loca

    Ella te dira

    Vive la vida loca

    Vive la vida loca

    She's livin' la vida loca

    I LOVE this song! But google translate keeps churning out goofy results... Can any spanish speakers help with this? Gracias!

    4 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • What do spectrum and dichotomy mean?

    I've got this vague understanding of the word dichotomy, but i still don't really comprehend statements like:

    X is a spectrum, not a dichotomy(vice versa)

    So can somebody here please shed some light? I need a user-friendly explanation :) and i'm not a native English speaker so please forgive the stupid question

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Can you guess the link from this coded paragraph?

    The coded paragraph:

    I have no idea what the F1/C1/ac yadda yadda implies. Somehow or other im supposed to derive a link from this. Help me out y'all, get those brain juices sloshing

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • Can you solve this League of Legends riddle about Riven?

    Yup, so after a few minutes of tinkering i'd solved the first bit, but after opening the document, i get insta-migrained. I simply dont understand what the F1, B[]N, C1 yadda yadda symbols mean.

    Here's the opened word document:

    I'm currently analyzing riven's story to find similarities with dante here. But without understanding the F1/C1 things i'll never get anywhere. So i was hoping that some intelligent people might be able to explain or maybe decode the paragraph.

    Also, the final answer is probably only one word. For example, the last new free champ's(talon) code boiled down to Hashishin, which is japanese for assasin

    Anyways, in case you guys were wondering why im doing this, in garena lol, there's 5 winners for every new champion, in this case you get riven for free. Thanks guys if you'd help. though there really is no reason to >.>

    Man i really wish i took cryptology

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • Can you translate this italian riddle?

    The link brings you to the image with the riddle.

    I did try using google translate but i'm afraid that it's probably a little off since i have no clue about the punctuations etc.

    Here's what i got:

    thou shalt abandon everything most dearly beloved, and this and that arrow that UARC-of banishment shoots forth thou shalt have proof how salt the bread of others and how hard a road, and ascend and descend the stairs to ualtrui

    Ermmmm yup, mediocre translation.

    So can you guys help? Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Is there a name for this particular effect?

    It's funny(and a little scary) how rumours can become fact. If a person told someone something, and he/she believed it, he'd tell someone else. From 1 person to 10 people and to 100 people and then maybe even a million. In fact, the effects can be so pernicious that it's taught as fact from generation to generation, but i digress.

    In chinese, we have a proverb for this - yi ren chuan shu, wan ren chuan zheng. Literally and metaphorically, it means 1 person saying something is definitely false, but when there's 10 thousand people saying it, it turns true.

    1 AnswerTrivia10 years ago
  • How to fully utilise the space on my memory storing device?

    I've got this memory card here, and its limits are 2gb. However, i can't save anymore than 1.83gb. is it because of the flotsam from deleted files? Is it possible for me to cleanse and utilise this space? I neeeeed new songs :( thanks peeps

    2 AnswersAdd-ons10 years ago
  • Do you hate it when people say god ain't responsible for evil?

    Here's a little scenario of me being god:

    If I were omnipotent, i certainly wouldn't allow famines, holocausts and wars to happen, otherwise i wouldn't be benevolent. Well, anyways, since i'm so omnipotent, why not leave it up to humans to solve these problems? Oh sure i'll just sacrifice tons of poor souls to suffer for those incompetent little creatures to finally get around to saving them in several nevers. They've been doing such a fine job of it, so why not?

    And of course, it doesnt matter if they die :) since life on earth doesn't matter! It's heaven you dear christians are goin' to. Those North Koreans dyin' by the truckload from executions/starvation would just go to hell too since they don't believe in me. Or even heard of me for that matter.

    WHAT? Discontinue all the funds that go to religion? What for??? Sonny Christ, of course building monuments and chapels to worship me is far more important than helping the cancer-ridden and starvin' africans! And btw, a part of those funds do go to the salvation army! like.. err... 5%?

    Besides, these churches are fundamentally pivotal to the running of the world. It's hardly armchair ratiocination that providing people seeking pusillanimous solace and self-reassurance in the purported heaven/after life is far more important than the people who are about to lose their lives!

    As for gay people, it must've have been one of my very omnipotent and omniscient oversights that they even exist! All men are children of mine. They were born with variations, and have been living hell on earth, so i must allow my fellow disciples to be misled into denying them any modicum of happiness and then send them all to hell in err... hell. Hey, omnipotent people make mistakes too, so i'm not to blame for those variations, so let satan have gay barbeque.

    Alright, mates, ima sign off for now. What? it's 2011 ALREADY? I've gotta get ready to kill everyone on earth next year! toodles.

    (And duh, I don't believe in the alleged apocalypse, in fact, i predicted a ripe crop of apocalypse-related material prior to 2008, before i discovered the magical internet)

    There's plenty more which i could cough up. But i'm pretty sick(cool, a pun) and tired of this. . Now tell me por favor, why aint god responsible for evil? Theists, please do answer me, i have been offensive to your fairy god mother, now it's your turn to return the favour in kind.

    Here's some stuff you can bash me for:

    I'm Chinese(no squinty eyes though)

    I'm GAY (oh joy)

    I'm atheist(duh)

    I'm a sixteen year old air head(we all are)

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why don't my headphones work anymore?

    I accidntally pulled them out from mah pc far too quickly and now they won't work anymore. Even when i tried it on my ipod it still made about as much noise as mah couch. Anyways the headphones don't seem to have suffered any noticeable damage, so could somebody please do the honours of explaining why they wouldn't work and if i could actually fix them? Otherwise i'd have to get new ones :(

    6 AnswersAdd-ons10 years ago
  • Could somebody help me translate this from French to English please?

    1 - Mettez vos Identifiants dans DofusAccounts.txt

    2 - Lancez le MaxouBOT 2.0 , et amusez-vous !

    PS : Ne touchez pas aux 3 dossiers, sauf si vous êtes PROFESSIONNELS

    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Help! Stuck with this texan accent?

    Well i speak with a british accent for the most part but after watching brokeback mountain(damn you Jake Gyllenhaal) i imitated his southern accent just for kicks. And now i can't speak normally!!!!!! It's been 2 days now and i'm still down with texan and i can't do anything about it. I tried reading out poems, forcing a british accent out but i can never manage a straight sentence. It's like i forgot how i used to use mah tongue to pronounce. Any ideas on how i'm gonna cure this? It's really getting old and i'm avoiding talking to anyone as little as possible cause they think i'm just pulling their leg.

    P.S.( I'm still thinking in my original accent.)

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago