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  • How do I move files from My Documents to a different folder location?

    So sometimes when I install new programs they end up in the My Documents folder instead of the program files folder. This is my fault for not paying attention when I install the programs. But I have done this for quite a few programs. It is really annoying because the Documents folder is getting really crowded with stuff. I want to know how to change the location. If I just drag and drop the program files to the folder where I want them to go it doesn't work and when I open that program it just makes a new set of files back in my documents. So how do I permanently change the location of the program files?

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Why is it never ok to date a friend's ex?

    So I understand that there is this "code" that most people accept; that you are never allowed to date a friend's ex-partner. But why is that not ok? Is there actually anything wrong with it? I feel like people follow this "code" without thinking about it. I have never done it before so maybe there is something that I am missing.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Did I sweat the fever out?

    So yesterday night I was under the impression I was getting the flu. My body ached, I had a head ache, sore throat, chills and a fever of 101. I took some Advil for the head ache before going to bed but that is it. I woke up in the middle of the night several times because I was sweating so much. I even had to change my clothes at one point. I wasn't even under the covers or anything. But this morning I woke up feeling fine. Did I actually sweat the sickness out?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Was someone watching me through my webcam?

    So I was sitting at my laptop listening to music and browsing the internet. I looked up at the webcam and saw that the light was on. It is always off. So I looked to see if I had opened the webcam program by accident, but it wasn't open. So I reached over for a sticky note and stuck it over the camera. Once I did this the light flickered for a second and turned off. I am not a very paranoid person, which is why I didn't have anything over the webcam in the first place, but is it possible that someone hacked into my webcam? How easy is it to do?

    A kind of unrelated note. I opened the webcam program after I had put the sticky note over the camera. I took it back off to test the webcam and nothing came up. In the corner of the program it said 'no supported webcam connected'. Does this mean the program is broken or my webcam is? When I opened the program the webcam never even turned on.

    3 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Will a small scratch on my laptop screen get bigger?

    So, I was watching Netflix on my laptop when I noticed a small line on the bottom on the screen. I thought it was a dog hair, but when I ran my finger against it I realized it was a scratch. Like a deep scratch that you can feel. It is on the bottom of the screen and is less than a centimeter long so it is not super annoying. Is there any way that it will get any bigger? Or will it just stay the same size?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • Is there a way to hook up my laptop to a monitor without a monitor port?

    So I really want to get a second monitor for my laptop but I have just come to the realization that there is no monitor port on my laptop. Are there other ways of hooking it up to a monitor besides the monitor port? Like using an hdmi cable or something?

    4 AnswersMonitors7 years ago
  • Why do I unconsciously dumb myself down when I am talking to guys I like?

    I most certainly don't do this intentionally, in fact, it annoys me when my friends do it. I don't really realize I am doing it until afterwords when I am thinking back to the conversation. I know that I don't and shouldn't have to dumb myself down but for some reason I do. Why is this?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Does my roommate have Borderline Personality Disorder?

    So I have a roommate who thinks she may have borderline. I really don't think she does but I want to ask what you people think. So I have known her for about 3 years and for those 3 years she has behaved perfectly normal without any signs of borderline. A couple months ago she decided that she wanted to be in a relationship with our other roommate. They never actually got together or anything but they ended up deciding not to date. But I am living with both of them still so she still has to see him and talk to him. As a result she has been really mean to him for no reason. I actually read the symptoms of borderline and can think of a case where she has displayed every symptom, except for the part about self mutilation. She appears to be very insecure and gets angry at him all the time for nothing. In short it made me reconsider what I thought before, which was that she didn't have it. However, I am now realizing that she only displays the symptoms of borderline with this one person and I am pretty sure you have to act this way with everyone, which she doesn't. I think she is just upset that this guy ended up not being that great for her and is especially upset that he was totally fine with them not dating. So I don't think she has it, but what do you think?

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What should I do about my friend?

    So, I have this friend that has been dealing with a lot of issues. He stopped taking his medication for depression and started self medicating with alcohol. He was my college roommate but had to leave once his addiction got too severe and had to go to detox, he even stayed in a hospital for a couple of months. So he took a leave of absence this last year. He is going to be coming back to college this fall but he still wants to hang out with his friend who provides him with alcohol. This friend doesn't really seem to understand that he has a problem and is more than willing to give him alcohol. He has been taking medication for an anxiety disorder but a couple days ago he purposely didn't take it. I feel like he does not want to get better at all. So I am wondering what I should do. I can tell that some of my other friends are starting to care less about him but I feel like that is the wrong thing to do. I want him to get better and I want to help him but he doesn't seem to care that much. He says that he is getting better but I feel like it is all a ruse to get back to college where he can be provided with alcohol. So should I stop caring or should I stick with it and try and help him even though he doesn't seem to want it.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Is Mexican food very common in Europe?

    I hadn't really thought about this before, but I saw an episode of The Office where Nelly (a British woman) stated that she had never eaten a taco before and didn't even know what it was. That seemed super bizarre to me but after thinking about it for a couple of seconds actually made sense. So I was just wondering how common it is over in Europe.

    8 AnswersOther - Europe8 years ago
  • Is there a word for the feeling you get when you see something beautiful?

    I feel like this is something that almost everyone has experienced yet there is no word to describe it, at least not one that I know of.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • I got hit in the eye and now my vision is blurred?

    So I got hit in the eye with a Nerf dart. My vision is now blurry in that eye and it is pretty red. Should I be concerned? I have never had this happen to me before after getting hit in the eye which is the only reason I am worried. It doesn't hurt at all so I am thinking it will be fine by tomorrow. But I just want to be sure. Should I see an eye doctor?

    3 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • Can a lamp start a fire if left on for a week?

    So next week is spring break and one of my roommates already left but we noticed that he left his desk light on. Normally we would just go in a turn it off but he locked his door. This is the kind of lamp that has a magnified glass attached to it for painting figurines and stuff and usually gets pretty hot. I was just wondering if it could start a fire of some kind. I don't want all my stuff to get destroyed because my roommate it an idiot.

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • How do you break hard plastic?

    So I have this cheese grater that is surrounded in a hard plastic casing that I am trying to break. I need the grater for a school project and I couldn't find one without the casing. What is a good way to break the casing?

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Can a parent keep their kid inside forever?

    Okay not forever but at least until they are 18. I guess my question is if a parent didn't allow their child to ever leave the house would that be considered child abuse in the legal sense. The kid would be well taken care of they would just be locked inside for the majority of their childhood.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Spiritually speaking, whats the point?

    Many people (including myself) would believe in god if he were to show himself but he never will because the whole point is to believe in him without ever seeing him. This is why it is called faith. God can never be proven scientifically because he is a supernatural being therefore he is not subject to natural laws which would prove his existence. Knowing the existence of god can not be proven, why bother even arguing about it. Nonbelievers are never going to believe if they can't see him and believers won't stop believing because they are scared of burning for eternity. Is it really worth it?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is the difference between a law and a theory?

    It was my understanding that a law is something that is seen as fact while a theory is something that is universally accepted but not seen as fact.

    1 AnswerOther - Science8 years ago
  • Do the Starbucks Frappuccino drinks have caffeine in them?

    I am talking about the little glass bottle drinks that you can buy from pretty much anywhere. On the front it says chilled coffee drink but there is no caffeine content label which everything that contains caffeine has.

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • The shutter on my camera sticks?

    So I am taking a photography class and am using a 35mm SLR manual camera and whenever I take a picture the shutter sticks. I have to take another picture to make it open again and am wasting my film in doing so. Is there any way to fix it?

    2 AnswersCameras9 years ago
  • Went to the dentist to get a cavity filled now I can barely swallow?

    So I went to the dentist today to get a small cavity filled. He did the novocaine and everything and it didn't work too well. I actually felt quite a bit of pain during the procedure and he said he rather just continue than use more novocaine, which I agreed to. After the procedure my throat felt really weird. I had a hard time swallowing and when I talked it sounded really weird. What has happened to me and is it going to go away? I wonder if some how the back of my throat got numbed too but if that's the case then will it go away at some point?

    2 AnswersDental9 years ago