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Bad wifi connection, need help?
I just got a new laptop with a broadcom 5G WiFi 3-Stream 802.11ac. I know wifi is naturally worse than a lan line, but my last laptop was able to maintain higher speeds than this current card, and didn't drop speeds suddenly. I'm guessing it has something to do with the advanced settings, but i'm lost there. If somebody could take a look and recommend what settings to use would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the advanced settings:
20/40 Coexistance: Auto
40MHz Intolerant: Disabled
802.11h+d: Loose 11h
802.11n Preamble: Auto
Antenna Diversity: Auto
AP Compatibility Mode: Higher Performance
Association Roam Preference: Disabled
Band Preference: None
Bandwidth Capability: 11a/b/g:20/40MHz
Bluetooth Collaboration: Auto
BSS PLCP Header: Auto (Short/Long)
BT-AMP: Enabled
Disable Bands: None
Fragmetation Threshold: 2346
IBSS 54g(tm) Protection Mode: Auto
IBSS Mode: 802.11a/b Only
Locally Admin MAC Address: Not Present
Minimum Power Consumption: Enabled
Mixed Cell Support: Disabled
Power Output: 100%
Priority & VLAN: Priority & VLAN Disabled
Rate (802.11a): Best Rate
Rate (802.11b/g): Best Rate
Roam Tendency: Auto
Roaming Decision: Auto
RTS Threshold: 2347
Short GI: Auto
WMM: Auto
WZC IBSS Channel Number: 11(20MHz)
XPress(TM) Technology: Disabled
Here's speed tests with the wifi, and lan line.
1 AnswerComputer Networking7 years agoNew computer is messing up my network?
I just bought my wife a new HP Pavilion dv6t with windows 7 ultimate. Ever since I added it to my wifi network, everything else has been acting up. Like netflix just shutdowns and my PS3 will log off me out. I don't believe it's the router because it can handle plenty more devices than what I have. So i'm a little confused as to what's going on. So if anybody can help, thanks.
A side thought, could too many of the same frequency devices cause interference between everything else?
1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years agoCan't get 5.1 surround sound to work?
Here's the basics. I plugged my 5.1 surround sound receiver into my SPDIF port on my laptop (which everybody claims supports 5.1). But when I go into my playback devices in windows 7 to set up the 5.1, there are two different options... To set up the surround sound, the sound has to go through the "Speakers / Headphones" playback device, but my SPDIF port uses the "Digital Audio" playback device, with no option that i can see to make it more than 2 channels. And of course sound can only go through one at a time, and both work just fine by themselves, just no surround sound. So how can I get the "Digital Audio" device to set up for surround sound? Any help is greatly appreciated.
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoHaving problems with installing RAM?
I have a Alienware M17x R3, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit that uses DDR3 PC3-10600 1333MHz. I have 4 2GB sticks of RAM. I've actually found myself using programs that max 8GBs out. So I bought my self 4 sticks of 4 GB DDR3 PC3-10666 1333MHz RAM.
For some reason my system doesn't want to accept the new memory. The BIOS sees that i have the correct RAM in each slot, but windows never actually starts up It'll either just get to the system loading screen, then shut off and automatically come back on and just keep doing that. Other times, i'll get a blue screen that just flashes for a second and shutdown halfway (The lights stay on, but nothing happens). I've just tried two sticks of RAM at a time and still nothing happens. I've called Dell support, and they said it should work just fine.
So can anybody give me a hint of whats going on, or how can I fix this? I can't count on dell cause my warranty just expired.
4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoCombine multiple camera feeds?
Does anybody know of a way to combine multiple live camera feeds into one tv? Basically I'm thinking I have three cameras. I angle them differently to record a panaramic video. So how can I get that footage to combine into one widescreen monitor? And keep in mind it's live footage not a recording. I know I could use a fish eyes lens, bit I don't want the fisheye effect. Just clear hd video. I hope that's fairly clear to understand.
2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years agoCombine multiple camera feeds?
Does anybody know of a way to combine multiple live camera feeds into one tv? Basically I'm thinking I have three cameras. I angle them differently to record a panaramic video. So how can I get that footage to combine into one widescreen monitor? And keep in mind it's live footage not a recording. I know I could use a fish eyes lens, bit I don't want the fisheye effect. Just clear hd video. I hope that's fairly clear to understand.
2 AnswersCamcorders9 years agoNeed help making a function in Excel 2007?
Hi everybody. I'm trying to make a little excel sheet to where you put time (in 24 hour format), and then it tells you how many hours go into a particular payment tier.
the 4 tiers are:
tier 1. mon-fri, 6am-6pm
tier 2. mon-fri, 6pm-6am & sat 6am-6pm
tier 3. sat 6pm-6am
tier 4. All sun
so lets say you work from 5am-5pm on a monday, i'd need 11 hours in tier 1 box, and 1 hour in tier 2 box. and so on and so forth. Right now i have it to where you input the date, and it'll automatically calculate the next 9 days. then i'd put in my starting time in one box, and my ending time in the next box for each date. I just can't figure out how to function it to count certain hours for one tier and the other hours for the other tiers. Thank you in advance.
(Bonus Question). If this is to easy for you, then how can you add holidays to tier 4.
1 AnswerSoftware9 years agoHow should I invest in these choices?
I'm 23 years old and would like to retire when i reach 50-60. Can somebody please take a look at my available investments and guide me to which ones i should invest in? 100% in one or smaller percentages in multiple choices. Thank you in advance.
2 AnswersInvesting9 years agoAll ages 3 hour playlist?
I was asked to provide music for the family Christmas party, but I pretty much just listen to one or two specific genres. So could anybody give me a good playlist to go off of. Preferably heavy on the country and Christmas side. I have a lot of alternative and POP.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years agoCan i take drugs at work?
If I've broken a bone and my limb is just in a cast but I can still work. Can a company legally stop me from taking doctor perscribed pain killers (I.e. vicoden) during work hours? Military regulations welcomed too.
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years agoBlack Ops exp points transfer?
I'm just wondering, since i've been playing Call of Duty: Black Ops on a friend's PS3 and really enjoyed it, I was going to buy it for the PC. Can the exp points transfer between the two systems or will i have to start out all over again?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago1 computer 2 wireless networks?
this might seem strange, but I'm wondering is it possible to have a laptop connect to two different wireless networks for the purpose of either splitting the bandwidth between the networks to lessen the download/upload on each, or to increase the bandwidth for the laptop by let's just say double? If it is possible, what kind of hardware would be needed.
like i have the Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300, that says it is a 3x3 card (3 antennas). So shouldn't i be able to connect each one some how to min 3 separate networks?
3 AnswersComputer Networking10 years agoExcel 2007 advanced functions?
I need a formula or function that will check a range of dates and then return a color for that cell.
like 0-30 days = white, 30-60 days = amber, 60-90 days = red
row column A B C
1 | 02/01/2011 | current date | (red colored cell) |
2 | 03/01/2011 | current date | (amber colored cell) |
3 | 04/03/2011 | current date | (white colored cell) |
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoHow to set up Kismet?
I'm on Ubuntu and trying to set up Kismet for my computer but can't figure out how to configure it properly.
I have the Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8055 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller.
So what patch do i need, and how do i set up the source?
Like source name, packet capture source, etc....
1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade agoShould I confront my wife?
I just went into my wifes email account and found some pics of another guy naked. And it's really bugging me. But the thing is, i've been doing the same thing with another girl. So we're even except i know about hers now. So should i confront her about it, or what do you think i should do?
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat's a good Circuit Simulator?
Does anybody know of a good circuit simiulator that works well with both motors and generators?
3 AnswersEngineering1 decade agoconverting rate of volume to speed?
I work on infusion pumps all day, and a coworker and I were discussing how fast a infusion pump would have to pump to match the speed of gravity (Terminal Velocity). I believe most of my math is correct, but can't figure out a way to convert ml/h to m/s or mph. I know a falling water droplet would make a tear shaped mass but i used a sphere for my calculations.
rate of decent from gravity = 9.81286538m/s^2
A sphere has a drag coefficient of 0.47
So a sphere with a:
diameter = 5 mm
Area = 78.54 mm^2
Volume = 65.45 mm^3
Mass = 70 mg
Should have a terminal velocity of 23.83 m/s or 53.31 mph
So how can i convert that to a rate of ml/h?
PS: Some random information i jotted down:
1 ml = 1 g
70 mg = 0.07 g
It'll take ~14.29 drops (of the above droplet) to = 1 g
1 AnswerPhysics1 decade agoSetting up a magnetic field?
For my project my idea is to grow a small plant in the middle of a tomato cage that is electrically magnified. So i was going to build a tomato cage using iron, and then wrapping insulated copper wire around it, and see what the affects would be on the growing plant. My issues are:
1 - I'm going to use a Voltage regulator plugged into a power outlet to maintain constant current but how much will i actually need is the question. I know it's determined by the length of wire and how big I would like the field, but i don't know the formula or how to figure it out.
2 - What kind of field would a tomato cage wrapped in just one wire even generate? Would the the supporting legs and each ring going up the side to give the cage its shape create opposing fields? Where would be the positive and negative sides of the field? Should i use just one long wire and a lot of amps or several shorter wires with less amp? Or is there a better idea all together?
As you can see i have a lot of questions about this. So any information would help, thanks.
3 AnswersEngineering1 decade agoPaper that detects magnetic fields?
I just heard about this a month ago and i'm about to preform a science project where i test my hypothesis of "if a plant is placed within a magnetic field then it will grow bigger and/or faster than a plant not in one." so i could really use this item. But i have no idea what it's called or where i can even get it. So if anybody could answer this, it would be a great help. Thank you
3 AnswersOther - Science1 decade agoCan't figure out what movies are stuck in my head.?
One movie is about a guy taking a trip to some rain forest and visiting a local tribe. They give him some kind of leaf to eat. Well when i gets back to the states the leaf starts changing him to a monster, so he starts killing people in this museum or some place. Any body know?
My second one is either a movie or tv movie or series. I don't remember much about it, except it's basic plot. I believe something big is about to happen that will wipe out all human existence. But it was discovered that this has happened before. So it basically says that the human race grows up but then get's wiped out completely. but several years later it'll start right back up from cave men grow to present day and get wiped out all over again. So the process just repeats.
Anybody have any ideas?
1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago