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Favorite Answers24%
  • Why does my cat no longer like me to brush her?

    She always loved to brushed and now if I brush her sides she turned her head swiftly round to the area and then starts to lick her front legs frantically. A few weeks ago she had flees so naturally I thought it was this but since she has been treated for them by the vet and doesn't appear to have them any more.

    She is an indoor cat and has never had flees before although she will follow me out in the garden.

    4 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • How do I help myself in this situatiion?

    My husband has been diagnosed with Encephalopathy, which is a condition caused by a diseased liver. It affects his metal state because toxins are not completely cleaned out of the blood. He is lethargic and sleeps most of the day. He holds little conversation, does not show much emotion

    and it is almost like having a lodger in the house.

    I feel so lonely at times and cry nearly all the time. We are at a stage in our life when our family have all left home, we are retired and now should be the time to enjoy ourselves.

    He is receiving drugs to keep him stabilised but the future is not good.

    I can't bring myself to speak to the Doctor as I think there is little they can do to help me. I can't go on antidepressants as I am responsible for his care.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • About my cat - licking herself bald?

    I have a British Blue who is almost 8yrs old. She has been a very healthy cat but lately she has been licking herself so much that she has thinned all the fur out on her front legs and the inside of her back legs which are almost balding. Does anyone know what the problem could be.

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Edema and how often should bandages be changed?

    My Husband has edema. He has been treated at our surgery. His legs have been dressed with wadding and lock and stretch bandages every other day because they weep badly. The condition has worsened and he has an infection and has been admitted to hospital. The bandages have not been changed for eight days. I am concerned. The hospital says a specially trained nurse has to attend them and they cant get hold of one at the moment. What should I do. He is being treated with an intravenous antibiotic so am I worrying unnecessarily.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • A question on lymphodema?

    My Husband appears to have Lymphodema. He has severe swelling of the legs and testicles and the skin breaks open and weeps. He had a Dopla ultrasound on his legs and the result showed his arteries and veins were ok. Blood tests for liver, heart and lungs also had a good result.

    We are at our wi ts end as no one seems to be doing anything about it. The Dr. says it is a mystery.

    I have looked up information on Lymphodema and he seems to have all the symptoms. Can anyone help us or give us advice on how to proceed with this problem

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Can you change the executor named in your husbands will?

    Worried about the Solicitor that has been appointed in Will.

    My Husband died six months ago. He left a straightforward will with a solicitor and he made that solicitor executor. I am very worried because he has failed up till now to wend it to Probate and I am receiving very little communication from him. I have learned that he does not have a very good reputation in fact I had trouble in locating him at the time of my Husbands death as he had moved around so much and I was never informed of his location. Several people I have been told have had bad experiences with his service and are concerned on my behalf.

    If I am worried and have concerns am I able to do anything about it.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Am I responsible for her debt?

    My Mother passed away recently and left me a little bit of money. Four months after her death the Dept of Work and Pensions say they overpaid her after her death, am I responsible for her debt.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can I end a Eulogy by thanking people on the deseaced behalf?

    I am writing a eulogy for my Mother's funeral is it apt to thank people

    for their kind actions on my Mother's behalf

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Should I feel so guilty?

    My Mother is 88yrs old and in bed at home with terminal cancer. I am aged 70 and trying to

    care for her is taking its toll. The Carers provided by Social Services have been useless and

    I am trying to do everything besides look after my own home. I feel she should be in hospital

    so we could all visit and have quality time with her but she insists she wants to stay at home.

    The morphine makes her irritable and argumentative. I try to let it go over my head but I am

    so tired and depressed and cry at almost everything. Although I am doing my best it doesn't

    ever seem to be enough. She is very frail now and should really have someone there constantly.

    My eldest daughter is siding with her and says she should be allowed to stay at home at long

    as she wants to but I don't think I can manage for much longer but I feel so guilty about the

    whole affair and don't know what to do. I tried to talk it over with my daughter but she is adement

    about it.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Some advice on a family issue?

    My Mother has been extremely verbaly abusive to me, it is not the first time and this time I feel so angry that I feel I never want to speed to her again. It is the last straw. She never apologises and I am always the one who feels guilty and ends up giving in. We haven't spoken for 2-3 weeks and during this time she was diagnosed with Liver Cancer. Although I am extremely sad about the situation I cannot bring my self to forgive her this time, I can't even repeat the language that she used and the horrible things she said. It had nothing to do with her being sick. I have suffered her controlling nature and evil tongue for years. Should I give in once again or let her think about what she said and wait for an apology.

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How to get rid of red ants?

    I get red ants in our front lawn in the summer. They are a menace, they make small bare patches all over it. I have tried ant powder and even a special culture mixed with water but nothing seems to work. Can anyone suggest anything else I could try.

    9 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • Please translate latin into English?

    lPlease can someone translate this motto into English

    Quod com que facianum facius fortitare. Hope the spelling is correct

    4 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Scary feeling in neck and arms?

    Now and again I get a strange feeling that starts in the back of my neck, in then spreads across my shoulders and feels like an electric shock going down both my arms.. It lasts for about 5 or 6 seconds and is really unpleasant. Any ideas of what it could be.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • My Computer - what should I do?

    I could not get Int.Explorer to activate on my laptop (windows vista). I had some-one to rectify the problem who had previously put their business card through the door. He took the laptop away and said that he thought the problem was caused by a virus. Since my laptop was returned a message appears in the bottom right hand corner when it is activated and it reads "This copy of windows is not genuine. Also I no longer received updates. A window also appears telling me to reinstall my windows software. I am still able to access the internet but I am concerned about the situation and would be grateful for advice.

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Do you think I am too old for sex?

    My husband and I have been married for 50yrs this year. He is 7O and I am 69. Four years ago he found he was not able to get an erection anymore. He has been to see the Doctor and tried viagra but it did not seem to have much of an effect. We always had a excellent sex life and have always been very close but since this happened he no longer shows any love towards me physically and this makes me very sad. I know he does love me and I have tried talking to him about it. He makes the effort for a short while but then everything goes back to normal again. I still have my sex drive and I am feeling very lonely and unhappy. Do you think I am too old to be thinking about sex. I am still young in my head.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Please help - Internet Explorer ceased to work.?

    A notice is telling me that IE cannot connect to the webpage.

    Should IE be listed in my programmes because it isn't now. I am not able to do any browsing on the web. My internet connection is ok. I not sure what the cause of the problem was but it seems to have been after I downloaded a toolbar called 'Inbox' which I have since uninstalled.

    4 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Am I right or am I wrong.?

    My Grandson never thanks anyone for anything he receives at Christmas or Birthdays. I sent him holiday money and once again never received a thankyou. He was sixteen this year and being really agrivated by his behaviour I sent a Birthday card but did not give him a present. I thought it would teach him a lesson.

    I told my daughter what I had done and that I didn't want to offend her by my actions but thought they were justified at his age. She told me because of it she will never speak to me again and I am mortified. If it had been me when they were young I would have told them that it served them right that they hadn't received anything and made them apologies. Am I being petty.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • When should a horse have a blanket?

    There are about 20 horses in a field opposite my daughters house and they are left out in the freezing weather day and night without any protection on their body. Is this OK or should we report the problem. I believe they are horses used for POLO.

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Why do I get a runtime error message on my computer, headed Microsoft Library C++?

    It then cuts me off web browsing completely

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Cross-keys Surgery, Princes Risborough, Bucks.?

    Do they have an email number

    2 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago