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*~♥Mee-ow!♥~* 18/f/Australia

  • Letting down the mailman?

    Okay.. so basically the mailman told me that I'm beautiful and when he sees there's a package for me he gets excited. My problem I have a boyfriend, I'm not interested but I have a couple of items coming my way so I don't want them to "disappear".

    I had kind of gotten a hint that he liked me but of course I always second guess myself and tell myself to stop being narcissistic.. but turns out my gut instinct was right so >.< crap what should I do? Or am I just overreacting and I should just let him have his crush?

    Oh yeah he's more parcel delivery and that's why I see him -- because I have to sign for things. I have ordered a couple things off ebay before he told me this.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are guys okay with having STD/I's?

    Almost every guy I know has no problem dipping into a girl they don't know because they're "wearing a condom" but as everyone knows condoms don't prevent herpes, crabs, warts etc... so is it just something guy's don't think about or just don't care about? And if so, why?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Sister is trying to cause problems with me and my bf?

    Last year, November, my boyfriend and I went back to our home town and we partied for the 2 weeks. My sister said that my bf slapped her butt when he was drunk. I was so upset with him and we almost broke up and he maintains that he doesn't remember even doing that and he wasn't blind drunk.

    The deal is my sister is known for her sleeping around and stealing bf's. She slept with my mother's boyfriend, tried on underwear in front of my other sister's bf, tries to sleep with everyones bf - you may think I'm exaggerating but I'm not. Anyways she keeps bringing it up, changes her opinion on it (she's sometimes looking out for me and isn't upset, and is sometimes upset that he did that) and keeps offering what "this person's" opinion on it is. I believed her at first but now I'm starting to doubt her. Also when she talks about it she gets really excited and sounds almost happy, especially when I react to it. My brother thinks that what happened was she flirted with him and he didn't take the bait so she is just trying to break us up. He's been out clubbing/bar hopping with her so he knows what she's like - our entire family does.

    I don't know what to do? I really don't. I'm crying right now and we're moving back soon (we won't be there for too long but we'll be in the same house as her) I don't know what to do. Please give me some advice. I love my boyfriend and I don't want to leave him. But I don't know who to believe. A big part of me just thinks my sister has some ulterior motive.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to have a bruised ovary?

    A couple days ago I was doing my butt bridges lol and I'm not sure what I did.. maybe went up to fast or something but the weight jumped up and landed where I'm pretty sure my ovary is. So the total weight was 52lbs/24kgs so it's not as if it was light - ooh it was painful. And then today my boyfriend and I were having sex and I was laying on my side and the position that he was in (aiming straight for it!), one thrust and OMG it was so painful! So do you think it could be bruised?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I won't change my mind about having kids...?

    I told my boyfriend that I don't want children and that if he thinks in the future he may want children that we shouldn't be together because I'm not going to change my mind. He sometimes says "I don't want children.... yet" and that "yet" bothers me so much. He's convinced that when I "mature" and "see the world" that I'm going to changed my mind. I'm 20 and I've ALWAYS had a strong dislike for babies and children.. Nothing about parenthood appeals to me. They're annoying when they're babies, when they're children even when they're teenagers! I've babysat my niece and I just get so annoyed with them. Even when they're playing.. I've tried but it's just not for me. Also there's no such thing as unconditional love with people - even if you have kids. I haven't spoken to my mother in 6 years because of her drug addiction and her BAD parenting (therefore love is not unconditional) and I'm not the only one I know that has a bad relationship with one or both parents.

    How do I get it into his head that I won't change my mind?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are some exercises to gain muscle mass on my butt?

    I want to gain 7cm or 3in and I only have 5 months to do so. I only have adjustable dumbbells with a collective weight of 40kgs or 88lbs, a chair and therabands (but like those would help).

    My current workout is standing on a chair and doing a one legged squat and putting a heavy dumbbell on the back of my knee and kicking up. But I don't know if that alone will work.

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What to do about my sister?

    My sister, Jane, has a BAD reputation from stealing other girls men.

    One time my other sister, Fiona, just had a baby and I'm pretty sure was suffering from postpartum depression and had gotten bigger. Anyways Jane, in front of Fiona and myself went up to Fiona's fiance and asked him to come into her room so she could model underwear for him he said "No" so she came out and modeled her underwear in front of everybody.

    She flirts with guys she knows have girlfriends - even befriends girls when she's having sex with their boyfriends. My boyfriend, idiotically, told her about one of my friends boyfriend thinking she was hot and now she's been flirting with him hardcore - it's SOO annoying!!!

    I'm concerned about moving back with my boyfriend in case she tries anything. So what should I do about it? My brother said my sister has gotten worse in her behavior since I moved away with my boyfriend and we're moving back in a couple months. She's 24 years old (oldest sibling) and I'm 20.

    I understand she's doing it for validation but I don't want her to try anything with my boyfriend.

    Supposedly she even slept with my mother's boyfriend.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What to do about my sister?

    My sister, Jane, has a BAD reputation from stealing other girls men.

    One time my other sister, Fiona, just had a baby and I'm pretty sure was suffering from postpartum depression and had gotten bigger. Anyways Jane, in front of Fiona and myself went up to Fiona's fiance and asked him to come into her room so she could model underwear for him he said "No" so she came out and modeled her underwear in front of everybody.

    She flirts with guys she knows have girlfriends - even befriends girls when she's having sex with their boyfriends. My boyfriend, idiotically, told her about one of my friends boyfriend thinking she was hot and now she's been flirting with him hardcore - it's SOO annoying!!!

    I'm concerned about moving back with my boyfriend in case she tries anything. So what should I do about it? My brother said my sister has gotten worse in her behavior since I moved away with my boyfriend and we're moving back in a couple months. She's 24 years old and I'm 20.

    I understand she's doing it for validation but I don't want her to try anything with my boyfriend.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What is the law on filming (especially if authority is involved)?

    Is it legal or illegal??

    My boyfriend and I witnessed a crime of bouncers on a civilian and we pulled out our camera. We were on a hotel balcony. We only caught the aftermath but we thought more might happen so we kept filming, the bouncers then yelled at us from the street that we needed consent, even threatened us, then we look behind us and a bouncer was in our room, he took the camera and said he was going to confiscate it unless we deleted the footage and that is was assault for us to film him. Using my confidence I got the camera back - it didn't seem like he knew too much, while I appeared to know the law inside out lol

    Also watching youtube fight videos involving police, officials will come up and say "turn the camera off" -- are we allowed to keep filming even if there's police involved?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • anti-meow collars?? Do they exist?

    My cat is deaf and he meows sooooo loud! But that's only when I'm in another room or have gone out. When I had a job for 5 weeks we received 6 complaints of his meow. The real estate agent rang up and said we had to get rid of the cat or shut him up. I NEED a job..... I love him more than anything he's my little boy but I need a job..... I don't know what else to do. I can't spray him with a water bottle when i'm not there.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What can I say to guys that hit on me?

    Guys hit on me and I'll say stop it, or that's not appropriate but they still keep going. I don't want to be rude and I do understand that they're being rude to me by keeping it going. I just don't want to be the b--ch. So what is a phrase I can say that's not mean but still getting what I want? And that's for them to stop hitting on me.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If somebody on drugs says something is it...?

    an exaggeration of what they were thinking or they were thinking it seriously?

    My mother was telling my sister, in a drug* induced state, how she wanted to kill me because I wasn't speaking with her. We haven't talked in 6 years due to various reasons - one being drug addiction.

    *illicit/illegal drugs

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why is it, in Australia, I'm not allowed to carry anything to protect myself?

    Guns, we're not allowed guns for protection it has to be for hunting, sport and some other things but NOT protection :S Taser, Pepper spray - none of it

    What am I meant to do to fight off anybody attacking me.... use my big 9.5 inch biceps to fight off even an average-sized man? -_-

    11 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • What is the point of insurance - it's kind of pissing me off?

    Insurance in Australia I mean.

    Health - So my dad put me down for insurance cause he was getting it and I thought 'okay, cool'. SO I wanted to get my teeth cleaned, turns out I still have to pay half and really, the money spent on the insurance I could pay cash in hand for the procedure and it would be SOOOO much cheaper.

    Car - So my boyfriend and I were driving down the highway and this guy hit us. To make a Claim my boyfriend has to pay $1050 even though it wasn't his fault - wtf.. If my bf put it in a piggy bank he'd be able to pay the damages and still have money left over!

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How do they set up the camera to draw themselves filming?

    I've done drawing videos but some youtubers didn't like the camera on the side. I don't even know how they get a bird's eye view on their drawings :S


    You don't have to watch the whole thing to understand what I mean - but you can if you want to ;)

    But what sort of device would they use - if you could give me a link that would be awesome but even explaining it to me would be good :)

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • I want to stab my ovaries >.<?

    I've had a period for a bit over a month and I've had enough! What the hell can I do to make it stop! Is there anything I can take! :'( It's just getting annoying! And Frustrating! AnD PISSING ME OFF!!! >.< It goes VERY light for a day and then BAM it's really heavy and a dark almost black color which means it's old blood right? but how the hell can it be old when I'm bleeding all the goddamned time! The "Doctor" said it's normal.. dumba-- but anyways.... I usually bleed for 3 weeks but it's gone to almost 5 this time. I've been eating more is that why? I've been trying to get to 4000calories to gain weight.

    I bleed for longer because I'm taking a contraception and it costs $150 to remove and I've got $7 in my bank account and I'm looking for a job. But usually it's not this long drawn out - my period.

    So apart from removal, which trust me I'm going to do because it's an effing bastard!, what can I do?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • (Girls) Is 3-4 weeks of a period normal to you?

    Because this Dr I went to said it was when I expressed concern about it =_= (< evil face)

    That was before I said I was on Implanon (which is why I have long periods)

    -- not all light either, most of the time extremely heavy.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Dr said some things that didn't quite... make sense to me?

    I finally went and voiced my concerns about each and every period of mine lasting for 3-4wks and he said that it was normal.. :S THEN I told him I was on Implanon (contraception that's the cause of my period length) and he said "Oh well that's common". I asked if I could have anemia and that's why my immune system is weak he said I didn't look anemic. I have a cough and he said I have asthma - I have NEVER had wheezing or problems exercising and all that.

    Okay so wth... am I wrong in thinking there's something wrong with having a VERY lengthy period? Personally I felt he just dismissed everything, because I also asked about my tongue, he said that everyone gets a tongue like mine, I looked up on google and I have Geographic Tongue - that occurs in 3% of the population =_=

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • The hot water takes SO long to even get warm?

    It may take 5-10mins for it to get hot sometimes it just gets warm! It's ridiculous and really pissing me off! It's winter like I want to stick my hands in water that literally feels like it's from the fridge. We're renting an apartment so I don't really know what we can do. It's not a tank hot water system. It's a tiny one (in comparison to a tank). Our water bill is going to be crazy high :( Just cause we have to wait for it to get warm

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago