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Favorite Answers21%
  • Trap and Skeet Question?

    Who knows the difference between "Standard and International" Trap and Skeet.

    Both disciplines have the same number of targets. Both have the same shooting "Stations" as well the same rotation in trap. Who can tell me the differences from there in each discipline??

    3 AnswersHunting7 years ago
  • What is the logic in and religion?

    First, I was raised in the bible. I probable know more about the scriptures and their meaning than most others on this site. In the past 50+ years of research, the logic of an "Omni Present, Omni Potent deity using our little blue marble, earth only for its grand experiment with human kind is logically ludicrous to believe much less have faith in.

    Case in point: Genesis- God created the heavens and the earth... ok... With our current technology we can see approximately 14-16 billion light years into the past in the visible universe which contains several hundred billion galaxies, some larger some smaller than our galaxy. The lowest estimate of how large the entire universe is 250 times larger which is approximately 575 billion light years across with several "Trillion" galaxies. Where is the logic in believing our planet, in a back water region of our galaxy is the "ONLY" planet to harbor life.

    Ezekiel- Chapters 40-43 details the measurements of a structure God commanded to be built. Modern architects and theologians studied those measurements and built a model. It was determined the only viable use for the structure was a place to launch and land spacecraft. The actual structure was approximately two thousand feet on a side "With ONE Door". Hardly a normal structure even then.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What will the military do?

    Obama has given himself, without congressional approval, the ability to declare marshal law. Will the military follow "Unconstitutional" directives? Or will they "Stand By Their Oath To "Protect and Defend The Constitution Against "ALL" Enemies "Foreign and Domestic??

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Phillip...Know your hunting laws?

    The fact you are uneducated about "Total Subsistsnce Hunting" does not surprise me. When it's comes down to hunting by what ever means you have available or 'Starving to Death", there is nothing wrong with me taking deer or native Alaskans taking Polar Bears with a 22, which is done more often than you may think.

    Hunt or do what you must.

    If you have the nerve, spend just a year living off the land...not most of your life as I have done. You will learn more about living with our planet in that short time than 99.9% of the rest of the "Civilized" world. Your comments are welcomed.

    6 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • Travis...what about your fish?

    You obviously did not read or understand the fact that a "ManMade" body of water "Does Not Have A Single Fish In It Unless The Pool Was Stocked"(at least one pregnant female or one male and one female of the same species). In other words the fish you are catching "DidNot" pop out of the mud.

    Do you still think I don't have a clue? "DUDE".

    6 AnswersFishing9 years ago
  • Is your bible "Valid"?

    Can anyone in this forum Speak, Understand, Read or Write the "Malniac" language?? That is the language the king james version of the bible was translated from. Can anyone state for a "FACT" the translation is word for word??

    "FACT" There is "NO ONE" alive today that is 100%" positive their translation of the "Original" bible text is 100% accurate. Of the original text, only a few shards remain in existence today.

    The bible has been translated into over 2000 different languages, from one language to another there may or maynot be a word that discribes what the original word infers ... Case in point ... In the Mendae language there is no word for "Slave". The closest translation is "Worker". Are all workers slaves?? How can anyone say their version of the bible is the correct "Word for Word" translation if we don't know what the original text says even if we did have the entire original text available??

    Case in point ... (paraphrase king james)... and the earth was without form and void and darkness moved across the face of the deep. Logic would dictate "deep" means "water"... The american standard version uses the word "water"...but... "the earth was without form and void ". Logic would dictate "The earth Did Not Exist". So what did darkness move across the face of??.

    Case in point ... In Jerimiah 1:5 god was talking to or about someone else but what is said must be universaly true for all people all the time..."Before I formed you in the womb I knew you".

    Why did god command Abraham to kill his own child to prove his faith if Jeremiah 1:5 is true??

    Case in point... Christs lineage is "Documented" back to Abraham. That's 42 generations... 800-1000 years.... Why is 18 years of christs life "Undocumented"?? Did he no longer amaze and astound the scholars??

    FYI.. My dad is a preacher...I was raised in the bible... You will have to research those questions for the rest of your natural lives and still not arive at a satisfactory conclusion simply because christianity is based on an incomplete text that no one can say for a fact what the original text says and 99.999% of the original text is unavailable.

    Good Luck

    I look forward to your "Verifiable" answers.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • We are descendants of Adam and Eve?

    If so....Where in the Bible (or anywhere else) does it say "Incest" or "Inbreeding"is acceptable???

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why is 18 years of Jesus Christ life "Undocumented"?

    My father is a preacher and "Bible Scholar" so don't give me his "Cop-Out"...If God wanted us to know he would have put it in the Bible, when Christ's lineage is documented back to Abraham. That's going back 42 generations (800-1000 years). If his lineage is important enough for documentation "WHY IS 18 YEARS OF HIS "LIFE" NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO BE DOCUMENTED"???

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago