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Why is 18 years of Jesus Christ life "Undocumented"?

My father is a preacher and "Bible Scholar" so don't give me his "Cop-Out"...If God wanted us to know he would have put it in the Bible, when Christ's lineage is documented back to Abraham. That's going back 42 generations (800-1000 years). If his lineage is important enough for documentation "WHY IS 18 YEARS OF HIS "LIFE" NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO BE DOCUMENTED"???

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You make a very good point. Bible scholars everywhere (including your father) have been pointing out inconsistencies and outright misleading, sometimes prejudicial, statements that were made by various writers, in addition to all the written material that was intentionally left out of the Bible because it was upsetting to someone or another, or didn't fit their belief system.

  • 5 years ago

    Does this is counted basically like the international finding and guessing? Christians do care and have a pastime.. they're lead by capacity of the spirit of God....the spirit confirms and renews ones way of questioning. Jesus knew what replace into in guy from the commencing up of time. no longer something guy does or say is a marvel to God. He mentioned in case you have well-known me you may have well-known the father. humorous those years weren't lost...God knows and in case you pay interest i'm effective you may earnings knowleged while examining the parables. Jesus spoke in parables and the beattitudes. He discovered plenty with the aid of remark...flow discern.

  • 9 years ago

    Because He was simply living an ordinary life with His family, probably working in His dad's carpenter shop. Why would anyone document that?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Eighteen years? Actually, the Bible says nothing about Jesus's life from the time of his birth until he is thirty or thirty-three years old.


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  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    A: the so called persona described in the christian faith never existed or

    B: the life of the person existed but preformed unacceptable acts which would corrupt the minds of its faiths followers in his younger teenage years.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    There is some "documentation" in the Gnostic Gospels. I don't find those to be any more evidential than the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's likely that it could have been documented. The church is notorious for getting rid of the bits and pieces they don't like or that don't make sense. Maybe it will surface one day.

  • jeni
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Universe and angels exist. We have been around 6078 years at 2012 CE.

    It was years 1056 - 2006 for Noah[after Adam died 930, Gen.5:5], Gen.7:

    6, & 350 years after flood, Gen.9:28,29. Noah was son #10, Enoch was

    son #7, Jude 14,15.

    It was years 1558 - 2158 for Shem son #11[died 25 years before son #20

    Abraham[Matt.1:1-17], years 2008 - 2083 covenant - 2183. Gen. 25:7,9.

    It was years 2094 - 2231 for Ishmael, Gen.16:16; 25:17.

    It was years 2108 - 2288 for Isaac, Gen.21:5, Gen.35:28,29.

    It was years 2168 - 2298 for Jacob, Gen.25:26, Gen.47:9,28, to Egypt,

    and years 2298 to 2315 in Egypt, Joseph was age 40 to age 57.

    Joseph years 2258 - 2298 - 2368, Gen.50:24-26[Josh.24:32, year 2553].

    Job was year 2293 - 2433, Job 42:16, age 5 gone into Egypt, 75 to Uz.

    Moses at year 2433 - under death threat in Egypt as infant male.

    Moses at year 2473 - age 40 to flee to Midian.

    Moses at year 2513 - age 80, Exo.6-23,26; 7:7; 12:37,41, at Exodus.

    Moses at year 2553 - age 120, Deut.34:7, Covenant heirs & Joshua.

    Joshua to Judge Jair, Judges 11:26, 301st year, year 2854 + 29 Samuel.

    Samuel last Judge years 2883 - 2963 Saul king 14th year, David 4[of 70].

    David Son #34, at year 2959 - 2963 [Acts 13:20,21], 450 yrs after Exodus.

    Years 1656 Flood, + 427 Covenant, + 430 Exodus, + 450 Samuel at 80.

    David dies age 70, 2Sam.5:4,5, was king 40 years, year 3029 [ 1037 BCE].

    Solomon yr 4, year 3033 [1033 BCE], begans temple for God's name, Psm.

    83:18; Solomon has 36[of 40 ], years, year 3069 [ 997 ] BCE. 1Ki.11:42.

    Judah kings end 391st year, year 3460 [ 606 BCE, now at 2012 CE], was

    2618 years that there will be no king in lineage of David, until Jesus at his

    2nd coming [Matt.24:3,7,14,15,21-24,36], all time given, God alone knows

    the day and hour, of second coming, at Rev.20:1-6.

    At his first coming, by age 12, he is in the temple interested in God's word,

    this will be so every time he can get to the temple, by age 18, he will work

    until age 30, when he is baptised, Luke 3:21-14, so what more is there to

    tell, all that is normal, he will teach all about God's kingdom for 3 1/2 years.

    Source(s): Bible.
  • DJ
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Because he was not a real person? Put 2 and 2 together and what do you have? 4

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    18 years of being a man-whore in the Roman bath houses is nothing to put in the bible.

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