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  • can i replace windows vista completely and install some sort of free OS?

    i've destroyed my vista... i consider myself to be really good with computers/viruses/and other problems... but i recently got some sort of virus and its taken over. I cant stop it... so anyways, before i throw the laptop away, what are my other options.. linux? ubutnu? I aint paying, so its gotta be free.. and to all the smart asses out there, i threw away the recovery disk years ago by mistake...

    9 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • Can someone give me an unbiased reason for getting involved with libya?

    Please don't get all snippy about how much you hate the president... i don't care and you'll only be waisting your time.

    Bush (republican) invaded Iraq for false reasons... Now with Obama (democrat) in charge, we're getting involved with Libya for "humanitarian reasons." Both countries had conflict before we got involved, but neither countries were an actual threat to the US. There are plenty of other countries with crazy rulers/dictators in the world that we just seem to ignore. So, what i'm getting from this pattern is that if a country is not sitting on top of a ton of oil, the US could really care less.. Am i right or am i missing something. I understand that the US needs oil, but i wish our government would just be straight up with us rather than making up stories and special missions with out saying "oh and they have a ton of oil and that's truly our main interest." At first, i blamed the republican agenda, but now that Obama's in office and we're still sending our military to places that aren't a threat to us, i'm starting to see that its not a democratic agenda or a republican agenda... It seems to just be America's agenda. Agree? Disagree?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Where can i download a PC virus on purpose?

    I like to break things just for the sake of figuring out how to fix them. I'm good with computers, but would like to practice dealing with viruses that normal anti-virus software can't detect or get rid of... I have a junk laptop that i screw with just for the sake of learning how to fix it. Can some one provide me with a website or a way of downloading a virus to a disk or memory card so i can load it up when i feel like?

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • when is the show V coming back?

    the one about the reptilians/aliens.

    3 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • if you won a 100million dollar lotto jackpot, what would be the first thing you'd buy?

    We've all thought about it... If you actually had the winning numbers and were entitled to 100million dollars what would your first purchase?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If god can do anything, can he make a rock so big that even he cannot pick up?

    I mean, if it were his intention to do such a task, how could it be possible?


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Wrongful termination Suit?

    I am being blamed for for stealing $66.oo from my employer.

    I'm a night auditor for a a hotel, and through out the night i also take care of the customer service aspect for guests that are up late, or looking for a snack. We aquire money through the purchases of these snacks and we keep it in a cash regester type of a drawer... Well, we have a daily process that everyone follows and has worked out fine for the past 1 year that i have been employed here. The process is as follows: The registure drawer should have exactly $250.00 in it at the start and at the end of every shift. So we sell these market items through out whatever shift we maybe working that day... At the end of every shift the employee prints out a report that includes a ticket that tells you how much of the money in the drawer shuold be removed and submitted to the safe. My co-workers and i followed this exact procedure. we all worked our shifts, printed our "Cash In" reports, and re counted our drawers to ensure 250 was the balance. Every thing added up nicely as it always does. well, the next day, the paperwork is requesting 66 dollars more than all of our shift reports are adding up to be... the extra transactions occured during my shift, but were not recorded on my "end of shift" report. The money i put in the safe was the same amount that was requested by the report. I counted my drawer, and it was 250... there was no extra 66 dollars... it doesn't exist.. I didn't take it, but i got fired for it.

    anyone know if i have a wrongful termination case??

    A. I didn't do it...

    B. the only proof they have to support their theory is some mis matched paper work

    C. our computer system is an old dos based program that tends to screw up quite a bit.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Unlawful termination of employment: Any Suggestions, Web Sites, Resources..?

    I recently was terminated from my job as a hotel night auditor.. The reason for said termination, Is because my employers believe that i stole 66$ from our sales drawer.

    I've told them 1000 times that i didn't take anything, but i cannot understand where the money exhists or why its being asked for. There is much more too it, and i'll save you the details..

    The bottom line is that I DID NOT TAKE the money.. I have done many unlawful things in my past, and i'm not afraid to fess up to any of them... But this time I'm completely innocent.. I'm being punished for something i did not do.. I'm figuring that with enough investigation this fact could be brought to light..

    I'm now terminated and cannot get access to said paperwork... How can i lead an investigation into this issus..

    I live in the State of Massachusetts... and the company is True North Hotels DBA marriott..

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • why do people start stupid questions with "spiritually speaking..."?

    when i see that, i tend to assume that the person is an ********...

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why isn't ABC offered through Comcast On-demand?

    all the other networks are available, but not abc... I like the show V, but my work schedule doesn't allow me to tune in when it's aired, so i have to depend on hulu..

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago