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  • Should we have an intervention for our mother about her talk of politics and religion? ?

    I want to make it clear that I respect other religious beliefs and political affiliations. This isn't about having different beliefs so much as it is the only thing our mother talks about anymore is politics and religion. I'm not going to go over the specifics of what she says to try to keep things a fair and clear as possible. 

    For the past ten years, our mom can't carry on any conversation for more than a few minutes without her jumping into politics/religion and it stresses us out. We want to just have normal conversations again, but each year she gets worse and worse. I can be talking about something as benign as what pound cake flavor I made and it will somehow transition into politics/religion. I don't know how she does it. 

    My siblings and I hardly see her anymore because we are tired of hearing it and ignoring her when she starts going off or telling her we don't want to talk about it seems useless. The thing is, I want a relationship with my mom. Dad passed from cancer two years ago and I don't want to miss time with her, but I just want to talk like normal human beings again. She says she's lonely and wonders why we never come see her. We make up excuses. 

    My sister is afraid confronting her will make her worse because she is older and set in her ways. Should we just let it go and continue on as we have or try to have an intervention of sorts? 

    We love our mom and want a relationship.  

    3 AnswersFamily5 months ago
  • Attachment image

    Anyone know what could cause a lump to show up on the inner wrist? ?

    I have a lump that kind of just showed up a few days ago. It's very small, but I have a lingering discomfort in my wrist throughout the day that gets worse when I put pressure on it. I wouldn't have even noticed the bump if my wrist wasn't bothering me so much. Sorry about the picture quality. It's right below my palm. 

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 months ago
  • Should I lie about my religious views when i visit my fiance's grandparents? ?

    First for some quick background info:

    1. My fiance and his parents re Christian, but do not attend church on the regular.

    2. Most of my family is Christian, but im not the only Atheist. 

    3. My fiance and i have discussed religion in regards to marriage and children. We have come to agreements on these before getting engaged.

    4. His parents pray at the table. I bow my head out of respect, but do not recite prayer. They are aware of this. 

    We are visiting his grandparents soon up north (never met them) who go to church every sunday and pray at the table, etc. I told my fiance i would bow my head at the table like with his parents and attend church, but not pray. He said that was disrespectful. I told him if they asked why i would just tell them i wasnt religious. He told me to under no circumstances, reveal i wasnt a Christian. When i asked if that would be a problem, he said his grandparents were wonderful down to earth people who loved everyone, but he still didn't want me to say i was an atheist to be safe. They are in their 90s and mean a lot to him so i want to keep the peace, but i feel like its disrespectful to me to be told to lie the whole time we are there. Should i just fake it to keep the peace due to their age? I dont feel like its disrespectful to answer with the truth if they ask though. 

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Is it wrong to not take your husband's last name?

    Okay, I'm not even engaged yet, but my boyfriend of two years has been asking probing questions lately that makes it seem like he's feeling me out to find out if id say yes when he asked. He hasn't outright done it yet, just keeps bringing up things about marriage and how hypothetically ours would go. I can see myself with him as he is a very amazing person and has always been there for me, even prior to us dating. He was with me nearly every day for weeks at the hospital when my father was dying.

    So to get into the meat of things, I don't have any desire to change my last name. I like my last name. It is the name I got my degrees in and it's the name I had from my father who passed away recently. I don't want to have to change it on every document, website, and card in my life. I don't want to go through all of that hassle or have to spell his name to every person since it's really confusing to most people. His family is very traditional so I'm not sure if it would insult him if I said I preferred to keep my last name. I need to really talk to him about it, but don't know how to broach the subject or if I'm in the wrong for wanting to keep my name. Looking for opinions on if I should just change my name as is tradition or of it's okay to want to keep the name ive had my whole life.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • Do you fight your Aeons leveled up throughout the game in FFX PS4 remaster or as they were when you first got them in final battle?

    I m playing the remastered FFX for PS4 and have raised my Aeons attributes (namely their defense and evasion) and wanted to know that if in the final battle where you need to fight all the them, do you fight the aeons as they were when you initially got them or post raised attributes and abilities?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games2 years ago
  • Will making my own night guard impression cause any problems with my retainer?

    I was told my my dentist that I have been grinding in my sleep and that he wanted me to get a lower mouth guard made, but it would cost almost $200 which I can t afford, bit my boyfriend made his own impression from a place online and he loves his. They will give a discount too since he s bought from them before so I could get it for half the price of my dentist. The only thing is, I have a bottom mouth permanent retainer that is only attached to tooth teeth, one on each end, so stuff can get stuck behind it. I was just concerned of whether making this impression on my own can cause it to get stuck between my retainer and my teeth. Also wanted to know if anyone was aware if it mattered whether you have a lower or upper night guard. Does it make a difference?

    2 AnswersDental2 years ago
  • How can I cover a scar on my stomach?

    I have a large red scar on my stomach and I was wondering if anyone had advice on how to cover it up and make it look reasonably natural. I have extremely fair skin, so finding a foundation that can cover without offsetting my skin tone is difficult. Also, because the scarring is on my stomach, it is constantly rubbing against clothing so I need a way to make it less likely to come off. Any advice on how to better cover it or really good foundation to use?

    3 AnswersMakeup4 years ago
  • Why won't my laptop wake after walking away in the middle of a game?

    I was playing subnautica on my windows 8 Toshiba laptop and had to walk away while playing. I played escape to pause it and then walked away. When I came back, my screen was off like it went to sleep but not won't come back on no matter what I try to do. It isn't dead because it's plugged into the outlet. How can I fix this?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • Why does my PS3 shut down on its own?

    Here in the past few weeks my PS3 will randomly shut off and the red light will be blinking. When I turn it back on it says the PS3 was not turned off properly. Please tell me that doesn t mean my PS3 is on its last leg.

    2 AnswersPlayStation6 years ago
  • Can medications like haloperidol affect birth control?

    I'm on beyaz (a pill) for birth control and I'm worried haloperidol may reduce its effectiveness.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Can antidepressants like prosac affect birth control?

    I started a new antidepressant called prosac and I'm worried it will interere with my beyaz birth control pills.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • how expensive is it typically to get a gum grafting and how long is the recovery time?

    I want to get a gum grafting done on six of my teeth on the lower jaw. Receding gums are unfortunately a genetic trait for most of the women in my family. My grandmother and mother both lost their teeth very young. My sister and I are in our late twenties and while we floss and brush daily our gums are still receding. Six of my lower teeth are almost completely exposed and I'm afraid I'm going to loose them soon if I done get this procedure done. My teeth are perfectly healthy. Never had a cavity. My gums are also healthy beyond that. Can anyone give me a ballpark cost I'm looking at? I know its expensive. And can anyone tell my the typical recovery time?

    1 AnswerDental7 years ago
  • How can I treat a flaky scalp without over washing my hair?

    I wash my hair once every three days because if I do it any more than that it becomes very dry and brittle. If I wait too long it remains damaged looking but gets really greasy. My main problem is that my scalp is extremely dry and I have bad dandeff that makes my scalp itch like crazy. Washing it helps a lot but it dries my hair out even worse. Is there something I can use in between washings to relieve my itchy scalp? Plus any tips on healing damaged hair is greatly appreciated. Please note that I never dye my hair and rarely do I use a flat or curling iron. My hair is extremely fragile to the point that the last time i dyed my hair a few years ago i lost a lot of it and even though I take vitamins it helps very little.

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • are these things i see and hear wrong?

    Okay. I don't know if this is bad or not since my late teenage years I started hearing and talking to a few people that I "know" aren't there. I'm well aware of that fact but I can't help myself. I'm careful to never do it in front of others but I have silent convesatiins with them if there are others around. They are not bad but are actually very good. One figure in particular is like a guardian angel of sorts that comforts me when I'm sick or depressed. This has happened the most in the past 7-10 years but I have never talked about it with anyone because I realize they aren't real logically but at the same time I don't want to acknowledge them as being fake because the thought terrifies me, not because I'm afraid I'll be crazy but because I'll feel lonely. They are always with me even when I am happy or in a relationship. I've never really given them much thought because it has never done me any harm. Is it mental illness or a desire to not be alone?

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • why do i always feel ill right before rain and weather changes?

    My customers have begun to call me their human weather detector because if I get really I'll it means rain is about to come through and possibly a cold front. I get very nauseous, headaches, dizzy, and sore throats galore but the hardest to deal with is the nausea. Sure enough, one or two days later it storms. It never fails to happen. What causes this?

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • How do i get dried ink out of comfortor?

    I got a new black and white comfort or for my bed. I was laying on it taking notes from my textbook and fell asleep. My blue pen leaked and left a big blue spot on my comfortor. It has already air dried but I have not washed it. Can I get the blue stain out?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • If I record games on my ps3 can I still use my webcam?

    I have a capture card I use for my playstation 3. Can I use my webcam on my computer, just sit it around my tv and record my voice and video and fuse the two together on my computer? Most people the games on their computers and record themselves at the same time. Mainly I just need tips on what is best to do. Any help is great. I don't know much about how this works.

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Best form of surveillance?

    There have been a few breakins in our neighborhood in the past few months. No one has been caught yet. I'm afraid they might hit our house so I thought a camera would be a good idea. What is the best way to do it without drawing attention to the camera or having it hooked up to something they may steel such as a computer?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • Are green eyes actually blue and hazel brown?

    I down understand eye genetics much but my brother told me that people with green eyes actually have blue eyes but there is something that affects the pigment outwardly. Same for hazel.

    2 AnswersBiology8 years ago