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  • What to do for an upset stomach?

    I started puking earlier. I think I ate some bad pizza. I am feeling a little better but I am still not sure. When do I start to worry? What are signs of something more serious?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What do I say when a guy I like thinks I have been with someone else? I wasn't! Help!?

    A guy I like thinks that I was with another guy. This was not the case though. What do I say that will let him know I am telling the truth? Please help....I really do like him and I have not been with anyone else since him. What should I do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why is my dog so picky? What can I do about this? ?

    My 7 year old Maltese is really picky. Sometimes she eats, sometimes she doesn't. There isn't really any ryhme or reason to it, she just sometimes doesn't 'feel' like eating. Other times too she will let it sit, then come back to it. It's really difficult to get her to eat dry food, unless it's mixed with at least a little wet. Is there anything I can do about this? Besides just sticking to the brand she seems to like and having a regular feeding schedule?

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What's in style this coming fall/winter? What's out?

    I'm going shopping soon...I have been looking at magazine etc but I want to hear what everyone else thinks. What are you wearing next season? Keep in mind I am in California so I don't need anything too heavy.

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What is officially 'out' of style for young women and teens right now? ?

    I recently lost a lot of weight and I have to buy all new clothing. I haven't done major shopping for about 5 years. I have some old 'skinny' clothing but it's like 5-7 years old! I realize I have to buy an all new wardrobe. What older items should I banish for good? What newer stuff is on the way 'out'? What things should I avoid entirely? What else should I know about current fashions right now? I am 5'1, I weigh 102 and I wear a size 1 or 2 jeans and I am in my 20's.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Girls 16-25, what do you consider 'in' and 'out' of style right now?

    I recently lost like 30 lbs. I am currently 5'1 and 102 lbs and around a size 1 or 2 depending. I was a size 6 or 8 before so now I have to buy all new clothing because everything is falling off. I haven't bought 'fashionable' clothing in about 5 years. I have been trying on a lot of stuff but styles now seem so weird! It's hard to believe things have changed so much, I feel like I am in a fashion time-warp or something. I just don't know what looks good or what's 'in' anymore. I used to have a really great fashion sense. I don't know what happened. I am in y 20's (people think I am 21 or 22 usually) and everyone always comments on how young I look but I FEEL ancient when I walk into a clothing store! I don't have a 'professional' job and my style is pretty casual. I certainly want to dress age appropriate but I don't want to go too 'old' but I don't want to look like a teenager either. How can I strike a nice balance? And can SOMEONE give me a clue as to what is 'in' and what is 'out at the moment. Yeah I know I need practical 'investment' clothing (jeans, jackets shoes etc, I lost a shoe size too...weird) but there is so much trendy crap out there I am really confused!

    12 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Worst movie ever...What's your pick? ?

    What movie to you personally hate? I am not talking about 'so bad it's good' I am talking about horrible stinkers you would never watch again! I personally though Gigli was about as bad as it gets. Here are my top picks:

    1) Gigli

    2) Glitter

    3) The Hottie and the Nottie

    4) Battlefield Earth

    5) Waterworld

    6) Artificial Intelligence

    7) Godsend

    8) Duce Bigelow, both movies

    9) Date Movie

    10) Pan's Labyrinth

    17 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Do you ever think that celebrities with too much plastic surgery look like aliens? ?

    Or is it just me? What do they look like to you? Describe the worst of the worst in celebrity plastic surgery in your opinion and be sure to list what it reminds you of.....Links and pics are welcome of course and lists always get a thumbs up too! I will give a thumbs up for any decent answer!

    Here is the best example I found:

    Good analogy here! Madonna DOES look like Skeletor! Something looks weird with her face.....too little body fat, too much botox, too large of cheek implants. I don't think she really looks old, she just looks bizarre...Personally I would rather look 50 and normal than look 30 and bizarre! Eventually everyone ends up looking old no matter what they do. I think minimal plastic surgery is ok, but some people really overdo it and and up looking old and WEIRD! What are your thoughts on this?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever bought that stupid winkle or cellulite cream I keep seeing in Yahoo ads? Did it work?

    Do you think these ads are stupid? You know the ones that show a 'before' picture of a 90 year old woman then they flash to an 'after' picture of a woman who looks 20? The other one also where the lady has cottage cheese butt and in the next shot it's all photoshopped out? Seriously are people this dumb? Why don't these companies just use real photos if the product is so great? Why the obvious phony photos? They are always aimed at women too! Personally, as a woman I am insulted. Who really buys this crap? Someone must because they keep putting these ads up!

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Does anyone hate the song 'Dancing Queen" by ABBA? ?

    I don't know why, this song just really annoys the crap out of me! Everytime I hear it I just want to scream! Hey, it's nothing against the group ABBA, or the movie Mamma's just an awful song. Seriously, can anyone think of a more annoying tune that GETS STUCK IN YOUR HEAD AND YOU HEAR 'YOU CAN DANCE, HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE...OOO...." UHHGHH I HATE HATE HATE....Well, you get the idea....Am I alone here? Does anyone else just feel ANGRY when they hear this song....the WORDS...the TUNE....the MELODY!!!! TURN IT OFF PLEASE!!!

    9 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • High heels for BABIES? Does anyone find this a totally disgusting 'trend'?

    I found this link:

    I think this is both disgusting and wrong! What kind of a parent would do this to a child? High heels force the calf muscle to contract even if you aren't standing in them. High heels cause back problems and muscle imbalances. What kind of sick mother would put her kid at risk like this? Seriously, are there any idiots out there who really think this is 'cute'? Or do most people think this is sick? Personally I think anyone who sexualizes a child this way is probably a closet pedophile! I can't imagine what shallow, brainless person would think this is ok!

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else hate those dumb anti-wrinkle ads on Yahoo?

    I keep seeing these lame ads online for anti-wrinkle crap. The photo will show a 'before' woman who looks 80, then it changes to 'after' and she looks 20! I have seen ones for cellulite, weight loss and other stuff. They're so fake and airbrushed I can't believe this actually sells products.

    Hey, I am up for trying an anti-aging cream that WORKS but the phony ads just make me doubt the product. This is especially true when they add stuff like *results not typical.....Yeah RIGHT! It's not typical because they aren't real photos. Personally, I would be impressed if they showed REAL pictures of what the product does! Since they all look so fake, I would never buy this stuff. If it DID work, why would they not use real pictures?

    Seriously, are people so dumb they click on these? Has anyone here ever done so and WHY? Did you buy the product? Did it work like in the ad? Do you think ads like this are stupid? I personally encourage others to NOT click on this stuff. Notice too, most of these ads target women? I personally find them an insult to my intelligence!

    7 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • What should I name my Maltese dog?

    I have a new maltese puppy. I really want to name her after a clothing designer but I don't know who. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can I make my own instant dry soups with a food dehydrator? Recipes?

    I want to make my own instant dried soups with a food dehydrator. The packaged ones are really loaded with salt, fat and chemicals. The 'healthy' versions of instant soups cost way too much and don't always taste great for the price.

    I have made my own frozen meals successfully and vacuum sealed them and they came out perfect aside from the fact they aren't very portable. I don't have a stove or microwave at work but I have hot water.

    I am just not sure how to make dried soups. I really like the convenience of being about to carry something that I can just throw boiling water on and eat!

    Is there any way I can make a great homemade 'Instant cup a soup?' I have checked food dehydrator recipes and I haven't found much besides 100's of beef jerky and banana chip recipes! Does anyone know of any dried soup recipes? Would I have to buy the bullion/noodles/herbs separately? What kind of disposable heat-proof container/bowl/cup can I use? How long can I store it if I vacuum seal it?

    Has anyone tried this and what soups did you make? How did you get the recipes? Any help would be appreciated. Keep in mind I like all soup, chicken, minestrone, cream of corn, split pea, lentil, ramen, or whatever. Ideally I would like to have 4-5 kinds so I can rotate. Please help, I am SO sick of sandwiches and salad and I like something hot and hate fast food! Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Bus rage? Did anyone hear about this?

    This guy on a bus went crazy's the story...

    What do you think about this?

    7 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • I need a cookie recipie that I can use cookie cutters with. Any ideas?

    I need like a simple cookie recipe that works well with cookie cutters. Also I need one that will harmonize with different flavors because I want to make some jelly, nut and chocolate filled ones as well as plain or sugared. I tried one that was sort of a shortbread I think and they had all flavors. Anyone know where I can find something like this? Links or recipes would help a lot! Thanks!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Would you carry a fake designer handbag?

    My friend wanted to trade me what I think is a fake LV handbag. She insisted it's real but I think she is delusional. She won't even look at the pics and just trusts that the inside tags are enough to prove it's real. It is indeed a VERY good copy. I checked out photos online and it's very close but not the same bag. She called me a handbag snob and got offended when I wouldn't take it saying she paid like 300$ for it used. I am positive she got ripped off! She wanted to trade me for 300$ worth of name brand clothing that is too big for me now. I don't think it's worth it at all!

    I'd rather just buy a nice real Coach bag for around 300, rather than have a fake Louie bag! It's not that I am being a snob but:

    1) I didn't like the bag. Even if it was the real thing, something black with rainbow letters all over it is ugly IMHO. She said "It'll match with everything." and I just said "No it will CLASH with everything!" I would not pay 300$ for a big, clunky rainbow bag and I CERTAINLY would not pay 2-5000$ either! LV was never my brand and I don't own anything LV at all.

    2) The fake bag could have been made by starving poor kids and I don't want to think about that when I use it! Who knows what that money might be funding, whatever it is, I want no part!

    3) If I encounter someone with a real LV, they will know it's fake. I would be REALLY mortified if anyone commented.

    4) Fakes are just tacky. I would rather buy a nice looking no-name brand without a label or get a high-end bag that is maybe a smaller size or less expensive.

    So I told her my reasons listed above and she is pissed. I calmly exlained that it's a good deal for HER but not for me but she insists that this is some great deal. She won't even entertain the possibility that it's phony. I don't judge anyone for carrying a fake bag but I just personally won't. How do I explain this to her and calm her down? Am I so alone here? Or is carrying a phony bag just wrong for multiple reasons? She argues that she could easily sell it for more. I told her that was illigal. I hope she doesn't try. Can she get in real trouble for this? Even if she tells them it's a copy? Even though she is mad at me right now, I still want to be able to give her good advice!

    11 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to want to puke when you smell mothballs? How do I get out the smell?

    The storage unit next to mine was open and it reeked so bad I thought I was going to BARF! It seriously was making me sick. My friend said the smell was mothballs. Are they supposed to smell this bad? How much stuff does it take to ward off the moths anyway? Seriously the smell is horrid and I am afraid the stench may leak over into my unit. If so, how do I get rid of the odor? Will it ever come out? I am scared to take the stored things back to my house because they smell is so bad. Is there any nice way to tell someone 'scuse me, but your stuff stinks!'? And do you think they would be willing to banish the evil mothballs? I hear cedar works too, smells better and I would even be willing to pay for it. PLEASE HELP! Its so gross!

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Where can I find good, scary short stories online?

    I was wondering if anyone knows of any good websites that have a lot of good, original scary short stories. A lot of them are ones I have heard before and some aren't that scary or way too long. I am looking for ones I can read aloud in like under an hour or so. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago