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  • what do you think about this situation?

    ok, long story short, here's the situation.

    -I had sex

    -guy was tipsy

    -guy didn't want to wear a condom but I didnt know that.. he had some with but didnt wanna use them

    -been off birth control for a week prior to sex

    -tipsy man claims he pulled out but I don't remember if he did or not

    question: should I worry about a potential pregnancy? or just forget about it?

  • what is this job called?

    it's a new job offered at tech colleges. basically it's about an 8 week course and you prep the materials needed for surgeons (like a surgical tech) but you are not actually handing them things.... thanks in advance to those who reply

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • What are the chances...?

    Ok so today me and my boyfriend had sex but he didn't use protection but we were super careful and I'm on birth control. But the only thing is I'm on the pill and I don't take it at the same time everyday which I've been told today reduces the effectiveness. Well he tried doing anal but he accidentally did the wrong hole for a bit but never ejaculated but his dick was kinda wet and he's scared he may have precum- ed while that happened now we r both praying nothing bad has happened.... Like me bein pregnant. He later if course ejaculated so that's how we know it didn't happen near the "danger zone." What are the chances of me have gotten pregnant?

    Thank you in advance to all who answer!

    1 AnswerAdolescent9 years ago
  • Moving out and bf legal question?

    Is it legal for me, 16 (almost 17) to move in with my 18 yr old friend w/o parental consent? We r both female.

    ALSO, can my boyfriend be potentially filed for molestation or rape if he kisses me (16 yrs old) and gets caught? the bf is 18...

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • RN degree schooling...?

    I'd like to attend a technical college to get an RN degree, but I dunno what it typically costs. Does anyone have a general idea or has gotten an RN and would be willing to give me an estimate on schooling prices? I've also heard of needing an LPN before you can apply for an RN, but is it required? or part of the schooling FOR an RN? I live in Madison, WI so somewhere like MATC would be nice.

    Thank you to all who answer :)

  • Umm..... Please help?

    Ok, so I'm SUPER embarrassed about this, and I would beg all responders not to judge me.... But I need help, and don't know who to ask. But lately I've been having to pee ALOT lately, some days more than others, but it doesn't hit me until last minute and sometimes I don't make it to the toilet..... I'm not talking like I completely wet myself, god no. But enough piss that I'm embarrassed and scared. I dunno if it's a kind of infection or anything, but I really need honest answers of what I can do to stop this.

    Thank you to all taking this seriously and maturely, not making fun, and to all who respond.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • instruction permit limitations?

    is it legal to have a little sibling in the car with you when you're driving (with your mum) with only an instruction permit? i need answers fast! thank you in advance to all who answer!

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • adopting asian baby girls?

    around how much money does it cost to adopt a baby girl (asian) in the US? And i am trying to convince my mum to adopt, but i have already lost 2 sisters (for mum, 2 daughters) and i need help to persuae her that this is a good choice! can you help me wiht that too please?

    thanks in advance to all who answer!

    3 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Sims 3-> Mod the Sims-> Help?

    I have the Sims 3 game and whenever i try to install custom hair onto the game from Mod the Sims, PeggyZone, or other related sights, it won't show up on my game! i've tried to save it to Mods/Packages, Downloads, Saved Sims, Library, and Saves. and it still will not show up! please tell me how to get it to appear!

    thanks in advance to all who answer!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Er... Please explain what may be going on?!?

    I am 15, still a virgin, and- blunt as it is- I'm on my period. But I have had my period now for 8 or 9 days straight now and it's still not looking like it will end soon. None of my periods have ever lasted longer than 7 days, so why is this one lasting longer than even the max number of days for a girl to have her period? Please help!

    Thanks in advance to all who answer!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • mod the sims 3 please help?

    ok, so i got my mods on my computer finally, but when i tried to use one of the mod sims i downloaded, it just shut my game down. is there a way i can get it to stop doing that while still being able to use the sim? PLEASE HELP!

    also, the hidden traits i downloaded wont show up-- how do i get this to work?

    and i have WinRar, so it's not because of that.

    2 AnswersPC1 decade ago
  • When do Olympic gymnasts start training for the Olympics?

    i need help with this for a report but it seems i cant find the answer to this on the internet. more specifically to this question, i am wondering how long before the olympics start up that gymnasts actually start training for it?

    thanks in advance to all who answer

    4 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • kissing my boyfriend?

    i have never had my first kiss yet-- until today. but i need help! i panicked at the last minute so the kiss wasnt exactly what i expected it to be. i need help on how to kiss him while knowing that im not a bad kisser! how can i be a good kisser?

    thanks in advance to all who answer!

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • help!!!! please reply quick =)?

    ok, so last night, one of my best friends/ crush's gf broke up with him and he was upset (he knows i like him) and he called me and we talked for a few hours, and long story short, he told me he liked me. that he's liked me for about a month. so i was very happy and he said that if the next day things dont work out with him and his gf (cuz she said they can talk bout it tomorrow) then he would need some time, but if they were still broken up on 2 weeks, that he would probably ask me out. he is a very honest person, so he really meant it that he liked me. but then at one point, he said he'd call me back in a minute cuz his x was calling. so i told him ok and we hung up. but because it was almost 2 in the morning, i accidently fell asleep. so when i woke up this morning, there was a voice mail from him so i listened to it and it said for me to call him when i woke up. so i did. he said she wanted him back and stuff like that. I was soooooo crushed. because he knows nothing ever works out for me and was fully aware that this could crush me (he had said earlier the previous night for me not to get my hopes up, but how couldnt you?) and now his gf (who also knows i like him and is ok with it) keeps putting up posts on facebook about how much she loves him, and how she's in a relationship again, and i have been completely and utterly depressed all day. and some how i dont feel like he cares even though he claims he does. what should i do?

    thanks in advance to all that reply! =)

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Seattle colleges help?

    Ok, so I am not religious, so any religious colleges are out of the question. But my main question is what does it take to get into a college in Seattle, WA? Is it hard? Do they have high expectations? I am a freshman in HS so I still have quite a few years until college and I have no idea what I want to do as far as career goes, but i really like Seattle and would like to get a good idea of what to expect :)

    Thanks in advance to all that answer!

    1 AnswerSeattle1 decade ago
  • Science help please... Really quick question?

    What adaptive advantages would a plant have if its photosynthetic rate kept increasing with light intensity above 9000 lumens?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • The thoughts for 3 years... And still there.?

    Ok, so I have had thoughts of suicide for 3 years and I had 2 shrinks before and skool counselours too. They might be putting me on antidepressants. But the reason for these thoughts r a whole different story. But it seems as soon as I am happy, it doesn't last long before something happens. And I'm just starting to lose hope. I have already thought of how I would do it, but I need to know how, if possible, I can avoid these thoughts.

    P.S: I already pretend 2 be happy so that isn't helping clearly

    thanks in advance 2 all who answer!!

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how much does WinRAR cost to download?

    ok, so i cant seem to figure out how much it costs, and i dont want to download it until i can be sure i can afford it. i dunno how many different things WinRAR has, but here's a link to what im looking to download (has no price listed though)

    thanks in advance to all that answer! =)

    Software1 decade ago