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  • Training puppy problem?

    I have an adorable pampered Boston terrier, 12 weeks old, Housebreaking him has been challenging at the least, I recently purchased a dvd (the Dogfather set) and it included a training collar, sort of like a prong collar but plastic and much wider teeth, I tried it on my arm and I do feel an uncomfortable pressure but not really pain, the problem is that when I try to train my very smart puppy with it he cries, a lot, loudly, like we are killing him! He lays on his side hollering to high heaven! The DVD said he would do this as a dominance thing, however I worry! I checked his neck and it wasn't red or anything, I'm pretty sure I'm not applying too much pressure but I am confused, any ideas?

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Boston Terrier Puppy eating too much?

    I recently welcomed a Boston terrier puppy into my home, he is about 8-10 weeks old and a true healthy happy bundle of joy, the problem is that he will literally eat himself sick! I have been feeding him high quality puppy food,at first I was letting him eat as much as he wanted but he overeats and then throws up, at the next feeding I tried feeding him ONLY according to the directions on the puppy food bag but then he keeps looking for more food as if he was still hungry, I never had that problem with my shih tzu (now elderly), she would just eat until satisfied but my little Darwin acts like a food hoarder, what should I do? Any suggestion will be much appreciated.

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • People before Jesus, how were they saved?

    I don't mean to offend anyone, I am sincerely curious, I do not follow any religion in particular but I do believe in a kind good God, now, my question is, maybe someone can explain it to me, If (according to christian belief) you can only be saved by accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, what ever happened to the many many many people who were born and lived BEFORE Jesus, what about those that didn't know OF Jesus till now, did they go to hell? Do they get to be born again and perhaps turn to Christ?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Best Graduation gift ever!?

    Looking for ideas on what to give my son, he is graduating high school with very good grades, he already has a computer and is not much for jewelry so I am out of ideas, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Education9 years ago
  • My kitten won't poop!!!!?

    I found a stray little Calico kitten the day before yesterday, I was told she is about 6 weeks, I nursed her with a baby bottle and some kitten formula the first day and then gave her some wet kitten food since (which she loves), she even learned to use the littler box right away but she won't poop! Her tummy feels full and hard and I have a vet appointment on Tuesday but I am worried sick she will die because she will not go number two, I did everything from moist Cotton ball to her little tush to sitting her in warm water, she just refuses to go, any ideas?????

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Found a baby squirrel!?

    Hi guys, this morning my husband and son found a young (maybe baby) squirrel, it came to them and sat on my husband's boot, they fed it donuts and it ate quite a lot, it was just starving!,they waited to see if the mom squirrel would come get it but two hours later no mom anywhere so they brought it home, I was going to call a wildlife rehabilitator but can't find any in central Florida also I believe this is not a regular squirrel but someones pet, it is way too comfortable with people plus when my youngest placed a blanket in her box she just snuggled up and when to sleep, is this common? Any advice on what to do with the poor little thing?

    P.S: Just letting her go is not an option as very large hawks roam around our house (We live near the woods) and she wouldn't last ten minutes.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Help me - Parrot drama!?

    I have a 5 month old male parrot (Dna sexed) his name is "Tupac" and he is quite a character, a few days ago I decided to get him a female figuring he was lonely by himself all day, I purchased 5 month old "Yma" for him (Dna pending but the breeder assured me it was a she), she is extremely shy, a bit scared and he just HATES HER! he won't let her eat, get close to the water, or play, each time she approaches one of his things he screams at her and tries to bite her until she runs away, They are both uncaged living in a large enclosed patio and due to his behaviour she stays under one of my potted plants under the foliage all day and out of his site, I'd hate to give one of them up but I figure they are miserable together, any Ideas?

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Verizon wireless blackberry question?

    Ok so currently i own a blackberry storm and i pay 30 a month extra from some email package thing.

    so if buy another blackberry from verizon for my son do i need to pay 30 per month extra for each one? Or do i just pay 30 once a month for both?

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Disgusting Kitty? Desperate Help Needed!?

    I am babysitting my mother's 14 month old grey Tabby, his name is "Smurfette" (Yes, I know, she was sure he was female and named it that), anyway, my mom is gone for a month to visit my sister in another state and I am in charge of her beloved cat, he is a good kitty but lately has decided to pee and poop on my brand new $3,000 leather couch!!!! I haven't even finished paying that couch yet! I am desperate and need ideas, he has several litter boxes around the house and goes out all the time yet every chance he gets he pees the couch, I keep disinfecting it but he keeps doing this!, I don't want to keep him confined to our garage because he likes our company but I am a neat freak and I like tidy things, I can't stand this smell, someone said that this is perhaps because he is away from home or angry at any of our three cats (Two females one male) but they get along just fine and everyone is spayed and neutered, My mother will be back in two weeks but in the mean time I need to keep my couch pee-free, I am watching him like a hawk but I can't do this for two weeks straight, any suggestions?!?!?!?!?

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • ¿Gato cochino! Necesito consejos.?

    Estoy cuidando el gato de mi madre, se llama Pitufo, es un tabby gris de como 14 meses adoptado de las calles, es muy dulce y se lleva muy bien con mis otros tres gatos pero ultima-mente esta portándose muy mal, ha tomado por orinar y defecar en mi sofá nuevo!!! Este mueble es carisimo, y a este animalito le ha dado por orinarlo, lo he tenido que desinfectar muchas veces, el tiene dos cajas de "litter" para gatos en la casa,además lo dejo salir todo el ddíacomo guste pero insiste en hacer esto, mi mama no regresa hasta dentro de dos semanas y me apena dejarlo encerrado en mi garaje pero no se que hacer para pararlo, soy muy limpia y odio olores en la casa y como va voy a tener que salir de este sofá AYUDA!!!!

    11 AnswersGatos1 decade ago
  • Is it happening only to me?

    I see the numbers 1111 EVERYWHERE, do you?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Questions for those divorced?

    What was the ONE piece of advice from friends or loved ones that really made a difference during those difficult moments.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • "The Fifth element" movie, who's the DIVA?

    In the movie the fifth element (with Bruce Willis) who really sings for that actress that plays that blue Diva, the one that looks like a squid but sings gorgeous?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Grand Tefth Auto 4 - WHAT is inside this game?

    My teenager is begging for this game for a week now, although it is rated mature I decided to do a little research on it to see if it was appropiate, I received conflicting reviews, one site claims that the sexual stuff has to be unlocked via internet, does this mean someone can play sanz the sex? I am still concerned, what exactly is seen here other than the violence that may be objectionable?

    8 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Gators in my back yard!?

    We bought the house of our dreams and moved from NY, the problem is that behind our home there is a small lake with an island and in the lake there are 2 gators, one is 5 feet and fairly nice compared to the other one who is extremely aggresive and about 8 feet long, before they would swim away when they heard us in the yard but lately they are sunning themselves on our lawn and ignore us, I am so terrified of them I don't let my children out to play, I already called animal control twice and one trapper flat out refused to do anything unless I called him while the gator was visible (which is next to impossible) and the other brought a tiny stick with a piece of meat and a hook, the big gator ran away stick and all, he promised the gator would die from eating the hook, yeah right! Just yesterday the big gator attacked and ate a wild hog that was swiming in the lake, I am afraid my cats are next, killing gators is ilegal in FL, moving is not an option, any ideas?

    10 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Movie help!!!!!?

    I am trying to find a movie I saw a long time ago, here are the details, it was a hunter with two friends and one got abducted by aliens, they kept him for days and finally returned him back home, (Utah I think) it was based on a true story of an alien abduction here in the USA, I remember the guy was traumatized and the aliens placed something that looked like shrink wrap on him and put some gooey stuff on his mouth, I can't remember the title please help!!!!!!!!

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Will the sun grow cold and die?

    I recently noticed someone stating that the sun will not grow cold, well, actually it will! Suns are stars and stars die, eventually our sun will start taking a redish hue (also know to astronomers as a arrogant star because of it's gorgeous red color) and will eventually die out leaving the earth cold and dark, and everything killing all forms of life, HOWEVER out sun is a young star and chances are we will be long gone when it actually burns out.

    Anyone worried?

    14 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Do you believe GOD wrote the bible?!?!?

    Then what about this passages? How can an all loving perfect GOD want everyone killed for stupid reasons (the real list is way longer)

    Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests

    Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

    Kill Witches

    You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

    Kill Homosexuals

    "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

    Kill Fortunetellers

    A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

    Death for Hitting Dad

    Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)

    Death for Cursing Parents

    1) If on

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Rude Service person?

    Hi guys maybe someone can give me some ideas,

    Today we had some work done in our home (electrical) and the individual that came to do the work (sent by a well known service company) was extremely rude and disrespectful using foul language in front of my young children, even spitting on our floor, it got so bad that I seriously considered throwing him out! We never had such an experience before and don't know how to complain about it, a friend told me to complain to the Better Business Bureau and maybe the company manager how can I voice my opinion to the head of the company (out of state), I want to sound good, any wording ideas?

    4 AnswersOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • Tired of people syaing men are happier!?

    6%1462 answers

    Member Since: 09 Jun 2007

    Total Points: 4397 (Level 4)

    Points earned this week: 361 Why WOMEN ARE Happier!

    You get two last names, burn credit with one use the other!

    The Closet is all yours, his clothes fit on the Gavinet under the sink

    You can blame hours of shopping on wedding plans and a 60 pound weight gain on pregnancy, and people believe you!

    you CAN get pregnant, and feel life growing inside of you, men only feel gas

    If you flirt correctly service people do stuff for free or cheap.

    Our bathrooms have chatting (Men think we are actually there to pee).

    You make believe you need another bathroom less icky, but you actually want to get closer to the mall and bully your man into shopping all day, claims of lack of higiene are our TOOL!

    You can make your man do anything if you wear the right thong and say the right phrase.

    You can fake a female problem and stay home a few days a month from work, supervisor don't wanna know the details

    You can wear contact lenses, have plastic surgery, even increase your boobs! If a man does it he is called "gay"

    With the right pair of boobs you can own the world! We can stare at every man in the room and our husband won't notice.

    Your heels can make you appear taller, men need insole lifts!

    You may be moody but when you want sex you have a 99.9% of getting it, even if you just go out on the street and announce it, chances are someone will obligue! No need to beg, pay, cry.

    You always have female friends willing to examine everything you man did lately, both of you can get to the bottom of the most difficult to explain cases for free and without a profesional.

    You know stuff about color matching and we come prepared every were we go, while men to buy tiny bottle of shampoos at the corner store or brush their teeth with soap cause they forgot!

    You can get men to open jars, do the heavy lifting just by faking weakness.

    If it's the middle of the night most people will open the door to a woman than a man, we are non menancing!

    Your underwear comes in exquisit colors and fabrics (not to mention styles), plus playboy pays you to show your assets.

    You know how to fix, arrainge, clean and organize anything! You can fit a whole closet in a shoe bag.

    The divorce judge always goes in our favor, specially if we cry.

    We can blow our husbands entire paycheck and blame it on the hairstylist.

    We only have to shave our legs and underarms, and only once a week! The rest is OPTIONAL!

    You are asked by your husband to play with "his toys" all your life, you can be 90 and he still will want you!, Thank testosterone for that!

    You can be slim without being called punny, men can't!

    You get a diamond ring when you get married and never are suspected of being serial killers.

    WE can wear pants yet men can't wear skirts!!!!


    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago