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  • Does anyone know the law about putting down cats in California?

    My wife volunteers at an animal shelter in San Bernadino County, California. She saw a pregnant cat and wanted to adopt it. She told me, that the animal control officers in charge of the shelter told her that the only way she could adopt the cat is by them sending the cat to a vet to have the cat induce an abortion and that then once they kill the kittens that's when my wife could adopt the mom cat, they told my wife that there is no way she could adopt the cat and kittens, they said its against the law to let her keep the mom cat and the kittens is this true, Is this legal? I don't really know the laws about this kinda stuff and I need to know because there is some other shady stuff going on there. Please help if you know anything.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Who here agrees with my idea?

    A moderate religious stance isn't tolerance of different religions, but more of a philosophy of if you leave my imaginary friends alone ill leave yours alone.

    10 points to who can guess what my religion is!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • hey atheist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    If Yggdrasil isn't real then why hasn't the earth fallen into ginnungagap?

    Check mate.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can you were thedefense of freedom medal on a military uniform?

    Goin to Afghanistan as a contractor, but im in the Army reserve too (long story dont ask) any whoo if I earn that medal can I wear it on my stack or not. Im asking because 4 years active duty and 2 years reserve duty have kinda made me proud of what ive done and just wanted to know how much trouble id get into for it. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerMilitary8 years ago
  • Does anyone know the facts on guns?

    I do:

    Fact # 1: 31.5 people are killed every day in the US with guns is true. However, that means that nearly 260,000,000 guns didn't kill anyone.According to the Chicago PD’s 2011 Murder Analysis Report, 69.42% of homicide victims had at least one prior arrest. And in the decade preceding 2011, 87.89% of homicide offenders had at least one prior arrest.

    Fact #2: Murder rates are dropping. They have been dropping steadily (excusing for spikes in 2003 and 2005). This coincides with numerous factors like longer jail time for violent offenders, the removal of lead from the environment in the form of unleaded gas (these are national numbers mind you not based on individual states) and more concealed carry permits. Not just the permits them selves but the mandatory safety training that comes with it in almost all states.

    Fact #3 There have been 61 mass shootings since 1982. This is true how ever 60 of those were done in safe zone areas that had no impact on what the bad guy was carrying. The most mass shootings have also mostly taken place in states where they have a traditionally harsh stance on guns.

    So in conclusion the best way to minimize gun deaths in this country is to make sure violent offenders are either fully rehabilitated or not released at all and don't hangout with felons.

    Resources quoted: I got a little lazy with this but if you want to read a better written one then click the link

    I also used this interactive map

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Fellow Patsatfarians unite!!!?

    Click the link above to hear about a grave injustice done to one of our coreligionist. We must stand together against this violation of our first amendment rights by the New Jersey DMV.

    Unite for the Right!

    Say this prayer for him so he may find peace in his martyrdom:

    Oh holly and starchy one,

    Blessed be they name and ingredients,

    for you have released us from are own

    vacume sealed bags of ignorance release those of the New Jersey DMV

    of there hatred for the followers of your word.

    We pastafarians join in prayer and to

    thank you for releasing us from the mason jar

    of sin and freeing our cynicism with the flavorings of truth.

    RA MEN.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If I placed someone under citizens arrest?

    and that person had a bounty on them (not a skip but one of those $100,000 for info leading to arrest like the FBI has) would I get the money? If not I know its legal to do it since there wanted and all but just curious. Im looking into becoming a PI and was curious if I could make money hunting down people on most wanted lists instead of just following them around and calling an FBI hotline.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How can I get back in the Marines?

    I was in the Marine 06-10 got out for a year, couldn't find work but not wanting to go back to the real military i re enlisted into the Army reserves. Its been Almost two years and I still haven't been to AIT and I don't even have my damn uniforms. Im on IRR so i can go to Afghanistan as a PMC but if that falls through does anyone know if I can switch to Army Active with a new MOS or If I can go back to the Marines (Active or Reserve I don't care im just tired of the Army's incompetence) and have them pic up my contract. Preferably Id like to go back to the Grunts in the Marines or Army Special Forces (same thing really) anyone have any idea at all?

    1 AnswerMilitary8 years ago
  • two questions for you atheist?



    solve for q

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Who thinks a new Assault Weapons Ban will help prevent gun violence?

    I think you are wrong if you do. The gun ban will not help for the following reasons:

    1.It didnt work the first time.

    Columbine happened during the ban as well as most of are mass/school shootings in the last centuray.

    2.These things are easy to make:

    Google how to make a gun, any specific type of gun and you will find books, schematics, pretty much everything you need knowledge wise to make these things.(I have found schematics for makeing a .50 sniper rifel, MA31 Grease Gun .45, a bazooka, and an m 16 with no more than 30 minutes of serching combined)

    3. Legal versions of these guns are really easy to modify, and make into illegal weopons.

    Again google it.

    4. If people want it there going to get it.

    Kinda self explanetory.

    5. There are to many already out there.

    With the amount of these weapons allready floating around out there, a ban on the manufacture and sale is pointless because of the shear volume of these guns is stagerring. And those are just the ones legally owned and/or registered.

    6. The law is self defeating.

    The laws intent the first time around was to make these guns harder to come by in the first place. It not only failed in this (most companys noted record sales of guns being banned leading upto legislation as well as during the grace period before the ban was first enforced) as well as record purchases once the ban was lifted.

    So instead of just banning the weapons why dont we just make it harder for criminals to get them? Obviously this is what the Gumnit is trying to do with a new AW ban and even though i think they are doing it wrong good on them anyways for trying. For those reasons I just described and more that I dont have time to put down right now, are prime examples of why a ban wont work and will just piss people off. Instead of going all bat crap crasy on the guns themselves why dont we look to examples of regulations that have worked in the past. For example drivers licenses and Concealed Carry Permits. When these ideas first appeared everyone thought they were crazy ideas that would never work, yet after there instalation crimes dropped involving both things they were intended to regulate. Now fellow Pro-Gunners bare with me here as im about to say something that i thought i would never say but, licensing and regetering these guns and magasines (Semi automatic rifels regradless of size and magasines over 10 rd capaity) might work better than a ban on them to prevent crimes. Now i personally dont like this. I dont like the thought of the government knowing what I have but I would rather have them know what I got than not be able to get them in the first place. History and statistics are on my side on this (even though it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to say it) so my fellow gunners would you be willing to let the gumnit know what you got in exchange for being able to keep it? there going to pass a law about this so we might as well reach a compromise that will hopefully satisfy both sides. So click on this link and sign this petition so the Gumnit will do something to prevent violance that dosent result in us looseing are guns.

    PS please ignore my spelling mistakes as im tired and in Afghanistan and the keyboards here are total crap.

    Anti gunners and Pro Gunners what do you think will work?

    5 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Athiest can you help me?

    To make a long and rather unnecessary story short my daughter has to go to a religious daycare center/ Private bible thumper school I need to know what is the best way to screw with the teachers. I was thinking about haveing my daughter scream hail satan or praise the flying sphagetti monster once she entered class but i want to here if there is a better one from you guys.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • When you read scripture on here?

    Does anyone else hear the voice of the priest from Monty Python and the Holy Grail when they read scripture on here?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does anyone else think that someone is going to try to ban bows and arrows now?

    You herd about that horrible incedent at Casper College in Wyoming does anyone else think that some will try yo impose sweeping anti bow and arrow legislation now?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is this the most important military decision ever?

    This is the greatest advancement in the military sciences ever!!!!

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Does anyone else wish these guys would put up or shut up?

    These secessionist wackos are idiots. Does anyone else just wish they would shoot first so we could wipe them out? Im a Conservative and all but come on the Dem won fair and square deal with it and try to work with him. I guess what im saying is that the First Civil War kinda settled this whole seceding form the union thing. And i believe that it might lead to a fight (or at least i hope it does so i can kick some of these idiots asses) if we cant just get over it. PS Please sign the Petition to get the people who signed the secessionist petitions to have there citizenship revoked.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • My Dog has been bleeding from her mouth for the last three days?

    She is about 7 months old, and a Lhasa Apso. She just got better after eating some rat poison, and now all of a sudden shes bleeding from her mouth. Its all bright red blood and comes out like drooling. Does anyone know what it is we cant afford a vet right now so if anyone knows any free vets in san bernadino county that would be awsome.

    Also she is acting as if nothing is happening at all and my wife says her tounge looks a little wierd.

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How can i get permission to make money on star wars fan fiction?

    I have an idea for a series of books that are related to the main story but actually fallow a series of events that are not totally connected to the canon of the universe. How can I get permission to actually publish this and hopefully make some money? (Or even better have it canonized?)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Dou you ever notice that the most devoute christians?

    Type the craziest stuff into Questions? Like: Jesus is lord so dont play an xbox on the moon on saturdya becuase jehova is black. Hail gabriel lord of the.... (it really just cut off like that)

    I have really seen this on here and i couldnt tell if troll or crazy.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How do you feel about?

    The westboro baptist church?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago