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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 8 years ago

Who thinks a new Assault Weapons Ban will help prevent gun violence?

I think you are wrong if you do. The gun ban will not help for the following reasons:

1.It didnt work the first time.

Columbine happened during the ban as well as most of are mass/school shootings in the last centuray.

2.These things are easy to make:

Google how to make a gun, any specific type of gun and you will find books, schematics, pretty much everything you need knowledge wise to make these things.(I have found schematics for makeing a .50 sniper rifel, MA31 Grease Gun .45, a bazooka, and an m 16 with no more than 30 minutes of serching combined)

3. Legal versions of these guns are really easy to modify, and make into illegal weopons.

Again google it.

4. If people want it there going to get it.

Kinda self explanetory.

5. There are to many already out there.

With the amount of these weapons allready floating around out there, a ban on the manufacture and sale is pointless because of the shear volume of these guns is stagerring. And those are just the ones legally owned and/or registered.

6. The law is self defeating.

The laws intent the first time around was to make these guns harder to come by in the first place. It not only failed in this (most companys noted record sales of guns being banned leading upto legislation as well as during the grace period before the ban was first enforced) as well as record purchases once the ban was lifted.

So instead of just banning the weapons why dont we just make it harder for criminals to get them? Obviously this is what the Gumnit is trying to do with a new AW ban and even though i think they are doing it wrong good on them anyways for trying. For those reasons I just described and more that I dont have time to put down right now, are prime examples of why a ban wont work and will just piss people off. Instead of going all bat crap crasy on the guns themselves why dont we look to examples of regulations that have worked in the past. For example drivers licenses and Concealed Carry Permits. When these ideas first appeared everyone thought they were crazy ideas that would never work, yet after there instalation crimes dropped involving both things they were intended to regulate. Now fellow Pro-Gunners bare with me here as im about to say something that i thought i would never say but, licensing and regetering these guns and magasines (Semi automatic rifels regradless of size and magasines over 10 rd capaity) might work better than a ban on them to prevent crimes. Now i personally dont like this. I dont like the thought of the government knowing what I have but I would rather have them know what I got than not be able to get them in the first place. History and statistics are on my side on this (even though it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to say it) so my fellow gunners would you be willing to let the gumnit know what you got in exchange for being able to keep it? there going to pass a law about this so we might as well reach a compromise that will hopefully satisfy both sides. So click on this link and sign this petition so the Gumnit will do something to prevent violance that dosent result in us looseing are guns.

PS please ignore my spelling mistakes as im tired and in Afghanistan and the keyboards here are total crap.

Anti gunners and Pro Gunners what do you think will work?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    George nailed it before I could. What has outlawing any drug ever done? It's gone underground, still been used, and even been the foundation for cartels.


    An assault weapon ban does absolutely diddly. I carry a 1911 daily, 2 spare 8-round mags, one in the well, and a round in the chamber. I carry ******, locked, and ready to rock. Banning a 30-round DETACHABLE BOX MAGAZINE - not a clip, you lame media sources - will not stop me from carrying my personal gun. In fact, all my carried ammunition doesn't add up to 30 rounds.

    And then there's this:

    I owned a beautiful little Savage .243W bolt action. I mounted a 6-24x magnification scope with rheostat adjustment, and I had a muzzle brake installed. Magazine was 4 rounds, and would NOT accept a fourth assuming one had been chambered. 4 shots max, at all times. I could kill a whitetail at 5-600 yards easily.

    My point? What do you care how many times I fire? Does it make you feel better that I don't waste ammo, and can get you in one shot from a distance, and drive away? Is being shot once and killed different than five times and killed?

    Dead is dead.

    Source(s): Smarter than the av-er-age bear.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    An assault weapons ban will NOT help prevent gun violence. Mass murderers will find some 'GUN FREE ZONE" to do their dastardly deeds. If they thought that someone, somewhere might actually shoot back, they might think again about shooting at innocent citizens.

    Prohibition worked so well with alcohol. LOL

  • The new Assault Weapons Ban will NOT help prevent gun violence.

  • D.E.M.
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    As has been noted gun laws have never stopped anything. When even Bloombergs anti gun nuts say none of these laws will stop anything, you have to ask why are they doing this push against the Second Amendment and the law abiding firearm owner. What is the real agenda but control of the Middle class and the working stiff.

    The sad thing is while the liberals, conservatives and independents are arguing on here about what this one or that one said they are slowly chipping away at our firearm rights. In some cases like NY and Conn. they are making leaps and bounds see the SAFE act. The point is each wants to protect what he or she uses and doesn't care about the others. When will we realize that once one is band the rest are easier to take. Say weapons of war only are banned. Them stating the black rifles or so called assault weapons. SO AR's etc are banned. Then they say well it says black rifles. SO now they go for my synthetic stock .243 it has a black stock. Then the 30-06 caliber and .308 caliber rifles as those are rounds of war so anything that shots them must be a weapon of war. Now Pistols the .38, .357, .45, 9mm, etc have all been used militarily, ban them soon it encompasses all firearms and they took them one at a time.

    To lose one style of firearm because we don't use it can lose them all. Look at how other countries did it. Registration of handguns! Registration of Rifles! Ban certain firearms deemed as non hunting, Confiscate! Ban the rest of them, unless you qualify for a costly special permit and are an elitist. Confiscate them! Handguns are not needed ban them. What rights or protections do they now have? ZERO!

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  • You said it all!

    Maybe we (liberal, conservative and libertarians) should unit and go to war against the criminals!

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