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  • I'm terrified of my boyfriend? Please help?

    Okay, now for details. Me and my boyfriend got into a little fight, and I started ignoring him for a bit. Just a little silence. And then out of nowhere, he comes at me saying he wants to break up. The thing is, I love this man with absolutely all my heart, so when he said that to me, I was filled with horror and dread. I instantly started questioning why he would say such a thing and he was just saying random things and he seemed very unsure. I texted my friend about it, and my friend texted him asking him if he broke up with me, and my friend showed me the screenshot where my boyfriend answered "I don't know". Which just proved he was conflicted. I spoke to my boyfriend more, and told him how scared I was, and I admitted to my mistakes, he then eventually immediately regretted saying what he said, came to his senses, apologized for threatening to break up with me, and that he could never bring himself to leave me. And then we had a full make up day together and he showered me in reassurance, but the thing is, I'm still scared? I feel like any moment he could change his mind. Or he'll leave's like a trauma. i don't want to feel this way. Any insight?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Is this this reason to be upset?

    Okay, well me and my boyfriend were talking about spanking (we're both males btw). Basically he was telling me how he was into it and liked being spanked and that he spanks himself. So this is all new to me and im into it because it seems really kinky and etc, so im asking questions. I ask him when does he spank himself and etc, and so then i ask "How do you spank yourself?" Because i at least know there are items people use to spank themselves are another person, and keep in mind that im aroused and into it, and then he goes "Lmfao, really? That's a stupid question. I use my hand". And every form of arousal leaves my body and I just felt insulted and embarrassed. I just felt vulnerable since i was exploring his kink and he made it seem like i was an idiot, so from then till now i've been sort of silent with him, and he seems clueless about what he could have done wrong, but i don't want to argue about something he said hours ago, yet I just still have this anger about it. What should i do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How to look more masculine without a beard?

    I have no idea why I can't grow a beard like most guys i know. It really brings down my self esteem. I have my mothers eyes, which look incredibly feminine, so that plus a smooth face makes me look really...not masculine. The fact that i'm also skinny and 126 pounds doesn't help my case either. My voice is okay, but at times I usually have to manually create a deeper tone for it, but it's pretty average normally. Does anyone have any tips on bears growth, and if not, any tips on how to present myself as more masculine in other ways?

    5 AnswersMen's Health3 years ago
  • Why can't i grow facial hair? I'm 18??

    I'm 18, 5'11, and 126 pounds. Literally guys that i know who are even shorter than me have beards by now. Literally any other guy i know has a full face of facial hair and im still naked on the face. It kinda makes me feel bad. I have my mothers facial features, which makes me look extremely feminine, and I hate it. I know friends that shave, and their beards grow back in a week. All i have is peach fuzz above my upper lip and a few coils of hair on my chin. Barely even visible. You'd have to shine a flashlight on my face to see them. I'm just tired of being so underdeveloped than most guys. I really am. Is there some sort of medical reason for this? Like i know a thing of being a late bloomer, but it seems as if i'll NEVER bloom. I'm 18, I don't even feel like im near the ending stages of puberty. I never had a huge growth spurt, never developed bigger muscles, OR facial hair. My voice got deeper, but it's still average compared to how I feel it should be. This is really annoying. Anyone care to explain why my body is being this way?

    2 AnswersMen's Health3 years ago
  • Difficulty swallowing all my life? Anxiety??

    For as long as I can remember, i've had a weird major swallowing issue that got worse as I got older. Basically, it feels as if i can't swallow anything if it isn't liquefied. It feels like the food will just stop halfway through going down my throat. When i was 13, (now 18) I finally brought the issue up with my mom, we went to the hospital and I had a barium swallow done, AND they put a camera down my throat. All the results came back normal and the doctor said nothing was wrong, but i don't understand? I chew, and chew, and chew and it feels like the food can't ever go down. Sometimes it feels like my throat actually gets tired! Let's say I take a bite of cereal, swallow, then try to take another bite, it'll feel as if my throat needs to "Recharge" before it could swallow again. Plus if I were to try to eat sandwiches or chips or something, my mouth would get really dry as I eat, and I can't swallow the food as a whole. I have no idea what happened or why this issue has occurred, and why the tests i had came back normal... I really just want to eat again. If anyone has any tips or anything, please help?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care3 years ago

    Okay, today my kitchen was filled with maggots due to me being a last dumb teenager who didn't take out the trash for a few days. Maggots in the trash, maggots on the floor. Everywhere, uck. And I didn't even realize it and I've walked barefoot in and out of the kitchen all day, I was petrified. Anyways, after prayer, reading articles on how to over come fear, reading how people eat MAGGOTS like they're nothing, I managed to brave them and clean the entire kitchen with a method that I like to call "THROWING HOT WATER AND BLEACH ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE AND CHUCKING THE TRASH SO HARD INTO THE DUMPSTER". Then I sprayed and scrubbed everywhere. I've always had a phobia of anything worm like. When I saw the maggots today, I felt nauseated and I needed to lay for a bit because I thought i would of passed out. I'm actually surprised I managed to clean them out. Anyways, any tips on how to over come this fear? I just don't get how garbage men and doctors and how other people can deal with them with ease on a daily basis. Just how??? I want to die when I see one, just ONE. I feel so weak and ashamed. It seems like something I shouldn't be afraid of.

    2 AnswersPsychology3 years ago
  • why is my cat being more affectionate than usual?

    this is beyond bizarre behavior for him. Typically he would really be mindful of himself only, but recently it's like he becomes so agitated if I am nowhere near him. He meows around the house looking for me when he can't see me. He attacks and seemingly "bangs" and rattles and meows behind the bathroom door if I'm in it, at night when I'm in bed, he literally goes over my head to lay down, sometimes even on top of my face. He constantly head bunts me, so radically to the point where he rubs his face against me so hard, it spreads his mouth open and the outside of his teeth starts to rub against me. Im guessing he really is just affectionate but ive never really experienced cat behavior like so??? I know cats can be dependable but it seems almost like a crime for me to be nowhere near him. Literally as I type this. He's knocked out asleep on my arm. Im not sure whether to feel special or harassed haha. Joking joking, I know it's probably something good, but this is really extreme and i'm afraid that he may get even more affectionate to the point of irrationality :^/. I love my cat, but it seems as if he could never take a break or be alone. His behavior canbe bothersome, especially when I'm doing something important like cooking. (He jumped on top of the stove while it was on when I was cooking to be closer to me and nearly got burned but I got him down in time)

    3 AnswersCats3 years ago
  • Am I at risk of rabies?

    So, last sunday, me and my friend went out to an arcade, when we were leaving, we came across a stray kitten, or actually, a stray kitten came across to us, feeling sad, we took it and drove it to my neighborhood, while in the car I turned on my phones flashlight in an attempt to examine the cat, who was very calm, curious, and friendly. We noticed the cat had wounds on it's leg and end of tail, but they looked as if they were healing up, patches of fur missing with the skin exposed and the pink dry scar tissue of where the wound was. Keep in mind that me and my friend NEVER directly touched the wounds, nor did the cat lick/bite us in anyway. But as I took out my house keys (i like to prepare them before I go up to my house door) obviously the cat started to play with the strap the keys were on. Biting and pawing at the strap as it flung around. In the scramble to free my key strap, I accidentally got scratched by a single claw. However, it wasn't a deep scratch. I would barely of called it a scratch. It was so light, all it simply did was create a nearly transparent line on the back of my thumb. No skin was broken at all, it was on the fore side of my thumb. Me being a hypochondriac however, rushed for my friends hand sanitizer and used it immediately. I've left the cat outside with a can of food and watched it eat It from through my window. I have made no physical contact with the cats mouth, saliva, or anything. No bites at all. What do you think?

    10 AnswersCats3 years ago
  • Should I tell my boyfriend Good morning?

    (We're both males BTW). Anyways, my boyfriend isn't the worlds strongest texter. We could be having an in-depth discussion, and he'll start replying midway. Sometimes not even texting me for a day or so. This issue kind of got me upset, and when I saw him, I told him about it, but all he did was hold me and tell me he's constantly busy with homework. Okay, I can understand, he has his own life with his own people to enjoy it with. I don't want to be pushy. His texting habits have become so minimal, he doesn't even text me good morning or good night anymore. But it's not like I myself have done that very often either. Usually I'm the one waiting for those messages. So I was thinking, if I said good morning or goodnight to him every day/night, would that be good/ encourage him to text me more? Even if he doesn't respond to my messages all day? It seems kind of ridiculous to message him about something at like 2 PM, then at 11 PM to just send a "Goodnight, Sweetheart". Or something. What do you all think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How can I show affection to my boyfriend?

    Just to get this out of the way, we're both males haha. Just because usually on questions like this, people would mistake the asker to be female, but yes it is a homo relationship. Anyways, so. My boyfriend. He's a sweet, goofy, charming guy. He tells me good morning, calls me beautiful, always tells me how lucky he is for finding me, and overall is like a master at showing affection. Even on our dates, he always initiates the first cuddle/kiss, even telling Me "You don't have to wait till I kiss you to kiss me back.". Clearly showing me that HE himself desires to be the one having the affection initiated on. The problem is, my own pride/embarrassment. I'm an awkward mess, believe it or not. I overthink things. Either thinking my breath may stink, he may find my affection annoying, or I'm just too...ugly? (I'm not ugly but damn, my mind screws me over 24/7). My best friend invited us over this weekend for a sleepover, and we will both sleep on the living couch bed alone. So it's the perfect time for me to cuddle with him and show him affection. Like, I want him to be the one who gains the butterflies. But how can I do so without being nervous? I know I should clear my head and relax. I've had issues with anxiety and I do overthink everything. I just want to love him, and show him that I love him. He's such a great boy. Any tips? (Please no Homophobic answers as well. I know I probably won't get some, but there's always That ONE person.) thank you!

    Singles & Dating3 years ago
  • Teeth are decaying? Can't afford the dentist at all, what can I do? Please help.?

    My teeth are awful. Just, awful. And when I talk to people, it's the thing they always stare at. And I can't bring it up because telling someone "Stop looking at my teeth" will just have their entire attention focus on my teeth. When I go out with friends, we always take pictures, and when I look back, everyone is flashing their perfect smiles, but me. They can all let their faces be free and loose and smile, but when I'm out, I'm always conscious on which facial expressions to make to make sure my teeth aren't shown. It's sad. When everyone is laughing and having a good time, I simply smile with my mouth closed. As for dentists, completely out of the question. We have no money for it, and we have no insurance. I tell my mom, but she just says "I don't know what to tell you". I don't want to go to the dentist, just to be denied due to having no money. Do I just let my teeth decay or...? At this point, I'm so ashamed that I don't even want to hang out with anyone, I don't want them to feel disgusted by me. if I could stay hidden forever, then fine. Let my teeth rot away. But since I obviously can't do that. What can I do? Telling my mom won't help. Dentists won't help. I know natural "remedies" won't reverse my tooth decay. It's completely worthless now, my teeth have ruined my life. The only time where I can never worry about them is when I'm inside my room alone. But as soon as I leave my house, they ruin everything.

    11 AnswersDental3 years ago

    long story short, one of my front teeth started decaying and now it's nearly halfway gone. I've gotten pretty adjusted to talking without showing the decayed area of the tooth so I never took it much into consideration, however randomly today, on the other front tooth, a piece chipped off the literal front of the tooth, revealing a hole of decay straight in the middle. I'm already insecure about my teeth already, and just having a cavity be exposed in the CENTER of one of my front teeth has just made me want to die right now. My teeth are just awful. And about the dentist, no chance. I bring it up to my mom 24/7, but she says we have no money for it, no insurance for It, and that it's too expensive. Idk what to do and I just want to cry or kill myself. Isn't there something I could buy to put over the teeth???? Like an over the counter tooth filling or something? Anything would be useful. I can't live my life like this.

    2 AnswersDental3 years ago
  • I hate being single? I don't know how to cope?

    Every friend of mine is in a relationship. And I'm just. There. They always post pictures of their dates and stuff and their partners and whatever and I have nothing to contribute but pictures of my cat and pictures of a drink I got from dunkin donuts. This feeling is horrible. It feels like no one cares for me on a deep personal level. Like I know that obviously there are people who care about me, but there's no one that wants to invest in me. No one that's determined to get to know me. Learn how to love me on a personal level. There's none of that and it's just so unsatisfying and it makes me wonder what could be wrong? Everything came so natural to my best friend. She gained a crush, had it for months, then her crush actually messaged her and told her his feelings, then she finally came out and told him hers, and they instantly clicked. Me, however? I gain a crush, I tell them, they shrug it off, or I barely get a Reaction, and that's it. I don't overreact, or start treating the person bad when they reject me. I just swallow it, then make a dumb little joke afterwards, and then that's it. Even though I'm absolutely crushed and they don't really care. Not that I blame them. I just want to feel cared for. I want to know that I'm a person worth loving. Because I just feel miserable and unwanted.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago

    I don't know what this is! Okay, so basically all day I ate a series of bowls of cereal back to back today, and of course, surprise, surprise, I had diarrhea. Now as I was having diarrhea, out of nowhere, the insides of my ears, neck, face, chin etc all became strangely itchy? So I grabbed a Q+tip and used it to relieve my ears. Then out of nowhere, my breathing feels really thick and it still does! Like, I don't get it? It's a really scary feeling. Like, a very deep wheezing feeling but without the sound of a wheeze??? I'm not sure WHY I feel like this, because I've been eating milk and this cereal all my life 24/7 so how could I be allergic to them like now??? From looking in the mirror alone, I see absolutely no swelling anywhere, just a very thick feeling in my throat/chest. Add pressure to the bottom on your throat where your pulse is and breathe. That's what it feels like. Idk what to do? I'm freaking out? I do have an anxiety disorder but I wasn't anxious at all when these symptoms came on??? Now I'm anxious though, I'm home alone and I got dressed just in case it gets even worse and I need to go to the hospital. I also did adopt a kitten yesterday, but idk if thats something since I've NEVER been allergic to cats before in my life either??? I'm going to try and relax but some insight on this would really help :^(

    I am not coughing either.

    1 AnswerOther - Health4 years ago
  • I can't swallow food, but nothing is wrong?

    Basically since I was 7 years old, I've had this weird issue where I can't swallow food normally. I'll explain. The only way I could actually swallow food, is by chewing it, then mixing it with liquid in my mouth. There aee Certain textures I am incapable of swallowing even with the assist of liquids, such as, fat, like meat fat, tough meat, Corn and mainly all fruits and vegetables, and so on. When I was 13, I finally addressed this issue with my Mother, so I went to the hospital, and the diagnosed me with dysphagia. But that was just a diagnosis based on me telling them about my issue, later on, I got x-ray's, and I was made to swallow a liquid while they were X-raying me, then they put a camera down my throat, and told me that absolutely nothing was wrong???? I am an anxiety sufferer, but the way this feels is like, it feels like there's actually something wrong physically, not mentally. It's taken a huge toll on my social life an I forgot what it even feels like to just naturally swallow. I often look upon people who eat and the way they swallow food effortlessly leaves me in awe and shock and it makes me resent myself. Why couldn't I be like them, and WHY must I have this awful issue. I just hate it so much. Any insights???

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care4 years ago
  • Please help! Maggots in Kitchen Trash bag!?

    There's a trash bag in our kitchen that I forgot to take out before I left with some family for a few days, and when I returned back home, I saw a ton of flies in the house, so I was confused for a second until I seen the trash bag on the floor, and dread absolutely consumed me. Because I knew if there were flies, then there are maggots. And so I took a peek, and well, you know. I have a major fear of worms or anything "Wormy" and seeing the maggots always paralyzes me with fear and I feel like my whole world is crashing??? Do garbage men deal with stuff like this on a daily basis??? If so, HOW. I don't even want to go NEAR my kitchen right Now, and I locked myself in my room. I wish I could just muster up the courage to just Grab it, and toss it outside, but the thought of those little monsters even making the slightest contact with my skin makes Me want to die :^(. Any suggestions on what to do?

    Mental Health4 years ago
  • Half my front tooth is decaying and mom doesn't care?

    I've had really bad teeth all my life and back in 2015 I noticed a cavity on my right front tooth gumline. It didn't seem like a threat since it was SO tiny, so I just ignored it. Now however, it's taken up half of my front tooth, the embarrassment of going out and smiling and even talking is horrible. Every time I open my mouth the first thing you'd notice is a HUGE brownish/yellow part of my tooth. I told my mom about it and it's progress and all she had to say was "You did this to yourself so don't bother me. It's your problem". So apparently going to a dentist is out of the ball park since she's being completely unsupportive. I'm 17. No, job. No money. And I'm pretty sure my insurance doesn't cover anything dental (According to my mom). So what can I do outside of brushing and flossing to save this tooth? I'm on the verge of completely giving up and letting it just rot away. If I can't have any professional help, what IS there to do? Sometimes I just want to knock a brick upside my mothers head due to her own arrogance. When it's not her problem, she doesn't care or she stalls to focus on it. I had an abscessed tooth once and my face was swollen and I begged her to take me to the hospital, she refused, so I had my sister take me and my sister and Mom got into an argument, yet when my mom felt the side of her face hurt one time, she immediately rushed to the hospital just to find out nothing was wrong. I'm completely helpless.

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • How to get rid of a perm? (male)?

    Yes, I'm a boy. But I was curious and I permed my own hair. It was cool at first but how my hair used to be was really stiff and crunchy and easy to pat down. Now it's a huge puffy afro and it gets really stringy and long when wet. I kinda want my old hair back. What can I do to make it crunchy and back together again? Like how do you basically get rid of a perm? (black male)

    1 AnswerHair4 years ago
  • I'm not graduating highschool, is my future going to crash?

    I'm not graduating highschool, I have so many classes to make up beyond repair and it's senior year. I've already accepted that fact but apparently no one else has. Going to school is literally a bother and a waste as of now. Everyone keeps telling me that graduating is so important and that I have to/Can (when I can't) make it and that if I don't graduate then I won't have a "Life". Honestly what does that even mean. Does not receiving a piece of paper mean that I have little to no means of ways to live a good life? Well if that's the case, Because it apparently is to society, I shouldn't even be alive right now. I'm not graduating, which means that I won't have a life, right? So that only makes sense. I'm joking of course I know that I'll still have a life. But is it really THAT bad that people make it out to be. Sure, I won't go to a fancy college, sure, I probably won't pursue certain things that I love to do, but does that really mean I'm basically screwed? I couldn't care less for school, I literally don't. School isn't what builds a person and their character. It's life that builds a person, and who they are. School is just a place where kids are forced to go for like 12 years. Like. Okay.

  • Why can't I swallow correctly? My life is ruined completely??

    For god knows how long, ever since I was like 9 or 10, I've had this weird swallowing issue. It feels like I can't swallow things that are solid. When I eat, I have to add a liquid in my mouth to liquefy it. And even then it's still had to swallow, but it's manageable to get down. I just went out to eat with my friend and it was so embarrassing. Not only did I take forever to finish, but I had so much food stuffed in my mouth that I couldn't just swallow. I had to literally mush it all around and she was just looking like "Wtf r u OK". A long time ago, in 8th grade, I went to the doctors for this exact problem. They diagnosed me with dysphagia, but that was based on symptoms I told them, they done no tests then they did an x-ray while.making me swallow thick liquid, normal, then they literally put a camera down my throat, and said everything was normal, but if everything is normal...why can't I swallow still? It's been so long and I hate eating in public and I get sad because I always think about this problem and the future. Like a dinner date with someone, or even domestic life with a partner and us eating together. It's horrible and I'm so worried. I forgot what it feels like to swallow something solid and every time I see someone do it, I'm just like "How?????".

    3 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago