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Cannot delete songs on iPad after home sharing?
I synced my ipad onto my mums laptop because we share an iTunes account, thinking I only synced one playlist. It has now synced our entire iTunes library which contains a LOT of music that I don't like at all, my mums. It is now not allowing me to delete songs by swiping, and when I try to delete albums it won't do that either. It's a nightmare because usually I'd just play through y library but I'm constantly trying to find songs I like amongst my mums that are filling my library.Please help!
1 AnswerSoftware8 years agoHow to make a story longer and drag it out?
I'm writing a story and its basically a romance with little things getting in the way. At the beginning of the romance, the girl sleeps with her best friend and roommate Ryan. He is in love with her. Later in the story her drink is spiked with ecstasy at a club, following a f all out with the guy she is seeing. She is hospitalised for several days , and the guy she is dating visits her and tells her he loves her . Though she must tell him she is moving to New York for a promotion. As you can see, these are big story lines really but they seem to go too fast. I know about adding in description and I have tried to do so, but whereas in a novel these things would be taken up by maybe twenty pages, mine maybe take up two. Does anyone have any tips on how to make these longer ? Preferably experienced writers, thank you x
7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoHow long after taking ecstasy do you feel the effects?
I'm not planning on it EVER because I'm not judgin people wh do but I really don't think it's a good idea, but yeah. I'm writing a book and the character's drink is spiked with it so I need to know when the effects start after taking it, thanks. Also, how did you feel depression wise and stuff the day after?
1 AnswerMedicine8 years agoWhat is depression after ecstasy like for those who've had it ?
I'm not planning on taking drugs because , without judging anyone who has, I strongly disagree with it because it could kill me so yeah. I'm writing a book about a girl who's drink got spiked with ecstasy powder, and after fainting she's taken to hospital. Of course she suffers the usual symptoms so I want to know what and how people felt the day after taking it please? Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Health & Beauty8 years agoI'm writing a love story, please help by answering these questions ?
1. Where did you meet your previous partners ?
2. Why did you break up with your previous Partners?
3. What caused conflict in your relationship?
4. If you are engaged or married , how were you proposed to?
5. Do you have any nice stories or funny stories regarding you and a lover?
Thank you very much ;)
5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoHow to come up with interesting and gripping events to make a love story good to read?
In this case it is between my friend and her hero and love Niall Horan from One Direction but I want to do it like a love story . It think them meeting, falling in love and marrying would be pretty boring, so what would be some good twists?
3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoI can't stop worrying about cross country tomorrow and I'm crying?
I'm 14 and I came 19th of about 60 in cross country for PE , now I have to do it tomorrow. I'm year nine but tmorrow it's year seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven. I've been overweight in the last but I lost lots of weight, I know I'm not overweight but my closest friends who are doing it are underweight , I'm not exaggerating they are. Anyway , I'm curvy sure but not fat. I'm just scared because boys are doing too including a really cute sporty guy I had an enormous crush on in the past. I'm gonna be hot, sweaty and if I do well I have to go to another competition but if I do bad I look like an unfit freak. I guess something I'm really scared of is being the fat girl again and that's how I feel, Ido paranoid that I'm her and that's how people see me. I was just crying t my mum but she said she didn't get hy I was so upset and blah blah blah but I am and I have to do it. Please help, I need reassurance
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agoWhat are some moral issues?
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agoMoral Issue for a school project for two 14 year old girls?
i need a moral issue for a school project im doing with my friend. we were going to do about the perception of beauty , body image and what lengths people go to to get the perfect look, but my tutor mentioned she was doing a similar thing in our next lesson so now we're a little unsure ( even though we were really proud of that idea). We want an original idea and hopefully one that will relate to our age group. Most people are doing about animal cruelty , etc.. but it seems obvious and pretty lazy. So yeah, do you have any ideas for a moral issue, preferably relatable? Thank you.
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years agoIs Icarly Igoodbye on tonight?
2 AnswersDrama8 years agoPlease explain this dirty joke to me?
A couple just got married and on the night of their honeymoon before passionate love, the wife tells the husband, "Please be gentile, I'm still a virgin." The husband being shocked, replied, "How's this possible? You've been married three times before." The wife responds, "Well, my first husband was a gynecologist and all he wanted to do was look at it. My second husband was a psychiatrist and all he wanted to do was talk about it. Finally, my third husband was a stamp collector and all he wanted to do was...oh, do I miss him!"
10 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years agoGood revision strategies for learning German dates?
I have to learn how to say dates and months and days of the week in German. I find it really hard to revise and make things go in. Does anyone have any good revision strategies?
5 AnswersTeaching9 years agoWhat to do right now at a sleepover with two people?
3 AnswersFriends9 years agoWhat to put in fanmail to Lawson?
I've tried searching on google put can't find very much, help?
1 AnswerGoogle9 years agoWhat are some cool photo poses to do with friends?
Well I want to take more photos with my friends for the memories and stuff, because we realised we hung out every day almost in the summer holidays and didn't take any . So what are some cool poses to use for photos ? We thought about that ed sheeran thing where you stick some paper on you tongue with a message written on. I need some good photies for the memories!
3 AnswersPhotography9 years agoI need weight loss motivation, I'm 14?
I'm in year nine now. Just before I started year eight I did slimming world and felt pretty great afterwards as I lost eleven pounds ( which I needed to). I felt great. S I stopped dieting and was just normal. But I wouldn't say I have a healthy diet if I'm being totally honest. And I've gained weight back, though I am still growing. Since Christmas last year I've started slimming world again but never stuck to it, lasted maybe a week then fallen off it. I CAN'T STAY MOTIVATED. I think it's cause my friends are really skinny, ( seriously, probably underweight) and I don't wanna be as skinny as them but I guess it's like, I wanna be a normal teen and not have to worry about stuff like that. But I know I'd feel better of I lost weight and once I get into the swing of its it's pretty easy. My mum just came up to me and touched my face and said, " you need to get bak on slimming world. You have a chubby face, you never used to ". Please don't give me all, ' you don't need to worry about that at your age' or whatever. I'm not overweight, just curvy. I'm definitely not overweight but it be truthful my weight bugs me and now other people have noticed I guess. On top of that, my brother, who is overweight, and in year six, has been sneaking junk food into the house and my mum and dad have recently got very mad at him , but I know it's because they are worried about his health. So, the bottom line is, I need motivation to help me and spur me on to lose ma few pounds, I don't need to lose mich, a couple of months should do it, but even though you'd think I'd want to, I have no motivation and really can't be bothered. Pease help?
48 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoOne direction/ Justin bieber themed presents?
Basically, I'm planning my two best friends Christmas presents. One is obsessed with one direction and one is obsessed with Justin beiber so I was gonna cover a shoebox in pics if 1D/JB and then fill the boxes with things for them, like themed stationary, and I'm gonna make them shirts by stencilling on and painting on vest tops. I don't want to spend too much but does anyone know what I could put in it? I don't mind making stuff. Thanks ;) xx
5 AnswersChristmas9 years agoWhat major issue could I do a schoo project about?
For an English project I have to think of an issue I feel strongly about and produce work on it. However I can't think of anything I feel very strongly about, and I think I would like something where I can use our society as an example. E.g. Animal testing - I could mention the amount of girls in my class ( all of them) who are wearing make up and how it was probably tested on animals. Does anyone have any ideas of what issue I could do and how I could present it ( poster, can, flyer, mug etc...)
1 AnswerHomework Help9 years agoWhat a some issues going on currently that people feel strongly aboutt? E.g. Animal testing, sex trafficking?
I need one for an English project but I can't think of one I feel particularly strongly about. I would like if possible one people can relate to and may find shocking, for example many girls in my school wear make up everyday so I could mention how what they are wearing was cruelly tested in animals, or ,ention that the chocolate they were eating at lunch was picked by a seven year old ( issue: fair trade).thanks
6 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago