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Crazy Cat Lady >^.^<

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  • HELP! Common core math question!?

    What of the following can be used to find 76/4?

    A. (2*38) + (2*2)

    B. (4*19) + (4*4)

    C. (4*7) + (4*6)

    D. (4*10) + (4*6)

    I am thinking the answer is B, but my daughter (This is her homework) does not think any of the answers fit. Can someone please help explain this? Thank you!!

    2 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • Compare and contrast empiricism and authority as methods of acquiring knowledge.?

    Compare and contrast empiricism and authority as methods of acquiring knowledge. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • I'm looking for a specific anti-bullying ad?

    I heard an AdCouncil ad on the radio, it was kids saying things like "Today in Science I learned that I was Ugly" and "Today at lunch, I learned I sit alone because I smell" went on and on with statements like this, but at the end, a girl says 'what i didn't learn at school today, was why no one does anything"

    I'd like to find the ad so I can share it with my friends on some anti-bullying sites I am on. Has anyone seen this or heard this ad, and if so, can you give me a link for it? Thank you for you help!

    4 AnswersOther - Social Science8 years ago
  • Parents… do yo feel about supplying your children with birth control?

    I'm just wondering what the general consensus is out there. As parents, do you feel it is more important to forbid your kids (teenager's 16 and above) from having sex, or do yo feel it is more important to supply them with the tools necessary to make wise decisions. This could range from media centered on what happens to kids when they become parents to actually supplying your kids with some sort of birth control methods. Would you ever pressure your daughter into abortion or adoption, or would you help her to make the decision that is right for her?

    What about boys….would you encourage your son to step up and take responsibility, or would you encourage him to sign off on all rights to the child as to not hinder his future.

    I'm not looking for any angry answers, I'm just wondering what the general consensus is out there. I will tell you that I am the mother of an 18 year old boy and a nine year old girl. As for my son, who I have no problem buying condoms for, we have had conversations about what he would do if he were in a situation like this…I would encourage him to step up and be a man, do what he needs to do the help raise this child, and if the mother decided that adoption was what was best for her, that he should do his best to support her in that decision, thus putting everyones future first. As for my daughter, I have not yet deemed her old enough to understand a conversation about this. When she is older though, I will let her know that I will always support her in her decisions, and I will always be there to help her make wise decisions. I want her to alway know that she can feel comfortable coming to me about birth control issues without thinking she has to sneak around. One thing I will would never do is forbid my children from having sex, because that is a sure fire way to get them to actually do it.

    So, what are your thoughts of all of this? And please do not bash me or each other, I'm just curious as to what you think.

    10 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • What is the best smartphone?

    I want to get a new smartphone, but I would like some opinions about which are the best. Thanks!

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • What is the best kind of bedding to use in a rat cage?

    What would be the best kind of bedding to use in a rats cage for the best odor absorption? It is a large cage, so the rats (3) have plenty of room to run, climb and play >^.^<

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • I want to buy my son who is away at college a plane ticket to come home?

    My son is attending college in another state and I want to buy him an airline ticket for him to visit home on Columbus Day Weekend. How do I do that so he can check in at the airport without having the credit card the ticket was purchased with? I know this question probably sounds pretty dumb, but I am new to this kid going away to college thing...Thanks!

    2 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • What is your favorite gender?

    With cats and dogs, what gender do you prefer, and why? I am really just curious to hear the opinions of others out there.

    I don't have a preference in dogs, but although I have both male and female cats, I prefer the males because they seem have a better disposition. (And yes, all of my pets are spayed or neutered). Let me know what you think. Thanks!

    6 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • National American Miss?

    Hi Everyone! My daughter is going to be participation in the National American Miss pageant at the end of August. She wants to compete in the actress competition, but we have lost the magazine that has the lines she can choose from. I have tried contacting NAM a couple times, but have not heard back from them yet…it's pageant season and they are very busy, so that's probably the reason for the delay in the response. Is there anyone out there who can give me a link to where I can find the lines, or has anyone competed or is competing this year and can give me a few lines? (I have thoroughly searched the NAM website but have not been successful is finding the info.) Thank you in advance for your help.

    Note------This is NOT a Toddlers and Tiaras type of pageant. Just in case there is any question, here is the link to their home site Please don't leave rude answers….

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • How do I change name on iPad?

    I bought my son an iPad and signed in on it with our iTunes account. When I tried the text feature, it showed up as my name. How can I change it so it will show up as my son's name?

    Thank you for your help!

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • What is good to eat before an exam to help promote good mental alertness?

    I have a final exam tomorrow, and although I am confident I will do well, what is something I could eat prior that may promote mental alertness?

    4 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • Conversion of hands to inches?

    Hi all. I am a vet tech student and currently we are studying farm animals. I am having a bit of trouble converting hands to inches for horses. I know that 1 hand = 4 inches, but I am getting stuck when there is a decimal involved, such as if a horse was 16.3 hands, I am having trouble figuring it out because from what I understand there shouldn't be any decimals in the inches, it should just be whole numbers. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Your thoughts on religion?

    I am just curious about your ideas on different religions. Do you think there is one right religion/belief system and the rest are wrong? Do you have respect for all religions/belief systems even if you don't believe in all of them? Do you treat people of different religions/beliefs differently than you would someone who followed your belief system or do you treat them the same as everyone else?

    I am asking this question just out of curiosity on what others think about this subject. I am not judgmental so I wont judge any of you on your answers.

    Please be as honest as you want to be, but please don't be rude to me or each other. Just to make this fair….I believe in coexistence. I have faith, I do believe in God, but I don't categorize myself into any particular "religion", instead I consider myself more non-demoninational, and I have the utmost respect for those who have a different belief system than my own because I feel no one should be judged no matter what they believe.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Spaying and Neutering? What are your thoughts?

    I just want to see other peoples thoughts and opinions on spaying and neutering. I know that most people are in favor of it, at least those who have a sense of compassion and responsibility. My thoughts on spaying and neutering is it should always be done unless you are a reputable breeder and you plan on breeding your pet. Even then, the animal should only be bred to or below the recommended times and then should be spayed and neutered and allowed to live the rest of their life as a pampered pet. For any other adoption, spaying and neutering should always be done. Each year there are 3 to 4 million animals euthanized due to them being homeless and unwanted. So, my thoughts on spaying and neutering is it should always be done unless you are a reputable breeder.

    I am interested in your thoughts and opinions. I am asking this question partially out of curiosity, and also because I am a vet tech student and hearing different opinions may actually benefit me at some point in my schooling and career.

    Be as honest as you want to be, but please don't be rude to me or each other. Thank you >^.^<

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Would you leave your partner or spouse if their physical appearance changed drastically?

    There sees to be a lot of people on here who say they would leave their partner or spouse if they gained weight and let themselves go. The reasons given is because their partner of spouse would no longer be appealing to them, and it is up to each member is a relationship to keep their physical appearance up to par with what pleases the other. According to statements on here, failure to do this is good reason for the one who is no longer physically attracted to end the relationship. What I want to know is if your partner or spouse's appearance was to change drastically, but to no fault of their own, would you still consider that grounds to end the relationship. Say if your partner had cancer and during the treatment they lost a tremendous amount of weight, lost all of their hair and looked downright horrific. How about an accident of some sort, maybe a car accident where they were paralyzed and could not care for themselves? What if they were burned and had extensive scaring? Any of these circumstances could change a persons appearance to the point that their partner may no longer find them sexually attractive. Would you consider this an acceptable reason for ending the relationship, or would you be able to look past the the illness and scars, loving who the person is that you fell in love with rather than the physical appearance that you fell in love with? I do have know what I would do, but I will give my opinion when the question is resolved. Please answer honestly. Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Tips on how to help a child ride a bike?

    I was just wondering if anyone had some tips or advice on helping a child learn to ride a bike. My 8 year old daughter has not learned yet. Before anyone attacks my on that, there were issues the past few years that prevented us from teaching her. I am trying to teach her now, but she is very stubborn and gives up to easy. Any tips or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Raw diet for dogs? ^•^?

    Can anyone give me ideas, links and/or opinions about raw food diets for dogs? I've heard it's healthier for them. No rude answers please. Thanks!

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I accidently gave someone a thumbs down, can I change it?

    I meant to give another members answer a thumbs up, but I accidently clicked thumbs down...can I change it?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Harry Potter Trivia Question....?

    Best answer to the first person to get it right. What breed is Hagrid's dog Fang in the Harry Potter movies?

    5 AnswersMovies9 years ago