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  • Am i crazy to be worried? 6 positive pregnancy tests, 114 HCG..?

    6 days ago, found out I was pregnant, took 6 tests all positive. .My last period was like March 4th, the last two days, off and on I was having pains on my left side and bsck, it felt like kidney stones ..went to the ER, they confirmed the pregnancy, did the blood test, and my level right now is 114, is that low to be 4 to 5 weeks? I'm just really worried and I've been crying all day, I go back tomorrow to see if the levels go up.

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • What could be wrong with my ac in my car?

    In the last two weeks my car has been down at pepboys 6 times..I went there because my warranty is covering it...they have replaced the compressor, condenser, dryer, they replaced the ac switch and will work for a little bit and then stop blowing cold air. The compressor won't click they are saying it's the thermostat. .could this be it?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • My bf gave me his facebook password and curiosty got the best of me? Should I confront?

    ..Last night at my boyfriends house, he was going to go out and get us something to eat while I stayed, he asked if I wanted to go online and I said sure, he said I can go on his FB or whatever. I asked Why would I need to go on your FB? He said he has nothing to hide..he doesn't then he told me his password..

    and curiosity got the best of me. there were this messages from this girl I guess he messed around with, Im guessing before me. We've been together since October, and he says he love me and all of that but these messages were from dec 15th..h started it by saying "hey sexy" to her and they asked how each other was then he tells her that he misses the late night phone calls/texts and pictures from her and then he asks her to call him sometime and she replies she never saved his number that she thinks se may know what number it is and he gives it to her again? that was it.

    Im a little hurt by this...just don't know if I should tell him how I feel...I'm a single mother and ive been hurt aa lot..obviously I have trust issues...I love this guy but now Im not sure I can trust him...

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Headaches and shortness of breath everyday?

    I've had these horrible headaches almost like migraines everyday for the past two weeks and now shortness of breath and tiredness? Lately ive been experiencing shortness of breath even if im just sitting down, Sometime ill randomly get dizzy like if i get up to fast or if im laying down.. any ideas what might be wrong?? I keep taking bayer migraine and goodys..nothing is even touching it..

    4 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • My son's temp is 102.9? What should I do? Should I take him back to the ER?

    For the past few days my two year old son has been sick, this morning when he woke up he felt really hot, so I took his temp, rectal it was 103.8..I took him to the ER they gave him motrin, and then gave me a prescription for an antibitoic and cough medicine, they sent him home with a temp of 101.9..he's been sleeping all day and not eating..just drinking..I just took it again and it was 103.3..gave him some tylenol and a sponge bath 102.9? Should I take him back to the ER? I feel stupid for asking just hoping to get some answers from experienced mothers/fathers.

    8 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • What movie is this? Freddy movie I think?

    The only part I really remember is there is this blonde girl shes going down the hallway and she is telling her friends about freddy singing the song..and her bf who wa sin jail comes out of nowhere and finishes it for her? What movie is that?

    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • How much would it be to change my sons last name? In the state of Florida?

    Long story short, my sons father terminated his rights, decided he didnt want to be a father and everything..My son has his last name and I want to change it back to mine, I got all the paperwork..people are telling it's like $400 to file?? that seems extreme but I will pay it just don't know.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Why can't my Straight Talk phone send or receive messages if I have the unlimited everything plan?

    Why can't my Straight Talk phone send or receive messages if I have the unlimited everything plan, but it can call and receive calls, and go on the internet.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Wtf? Opinions? Broke up with me in a text message?

    So...My bf or now I should say in the army..he came to florida on leave, I picked him from the airport couple days were amazing..his mom lives here to so he was stying with her..Wed he asks me if he can spend time with his mom...of course he can! :) so I get a text when I'm at work Sunday saying "Sorry Jess I can't do this" and continues to text to break up with me and he wasnt nice about it? what the hell? in a text message? really? it hurts bc thats not respect and I thought I met more to is this a new thing? should I be happy bc this is the type of man..or boy he is?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What could be causing Shortness of breath?

    I've been having this go on for about a month now...but I've been having shortness of breath throughout the day especially at night. It happens when I talk, when I breathe sucks..I have a cough too...any ideas?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Last name spelled incorrectly on plane ticket?

    Okay...So my bf gave me his credit info to buy him a ticket..I bought it on Thrusday...flight is on dumb me i guess with the keyboards...put in an extra L at the end of his last name...his last name is Neil..So..I called priceline they can't do anything then I called Jetblue and they put a note in the computer? Do you think he will have a problem checking in and getting on the plane?

    3 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • 20 month old with Pneumonia...?

    My son who i 20 months old has been sick for two and out of the doctor..was diagnosed With double ear infection...he's has been running high fevers...coughing really bad...throwing appetite..and no energy at all..went to the ER today and they did chest x-rays and diagnosed him with pneumonia sent us home with an antibiotic..Ive been giving him tylenol for pain.fever and just gave him the antibiotic and of course he threw it all up..he has thrown four times tonight all liquid..what should I do? take him back to the ER

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • what did he mean whe he said this?

    My bf and I were texting..and I was telling him I'll be his one and only and I hope I'll be his...and his reply was "well I wouldn't ask for anything less" ? idk what that

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • When someone gets they tell the truth? should I believe this?

    My bf is home from Kuwait, he got really drunk last night with his friends and called me.He started telling me he wants to marry me, have a baby with me, he wants to adopt my son, telling me he loves my son wants him to have his last name...just being really sweet...I asked him if he was just saying this bc he was drunk...he said no Im not this morning he texted me and asked me what happened last night? I told him well you said a lot of things..he told me I know what I said..I was stupid I guess and texted back it's okay if you didnt mean it...and I got omg idk...idk if I made him mad not believing him or what...but what do you thnik? do you think drunk people tell the truth?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Please help..What does this mean? What should I do?

    My bf is in the army serving in Kuwait right now..he has been over there since dec Our relationship was something out of a Nicholas Sparks movie/book he is very romantic and tells me all these sweet he wants to marry me..make me happy..take care of me and my 19 month old son..making all these promises to me..He was a guy I never thought existed

    . He comes home in three weeks..we skype all the time and a week ago he was telling me loves his everything and he cant wait to come to me..then out of nowhere he sends me a facebook messege saying he is scared and freaking out about coming home to me that he cant handle it...he says he thinks he rushed everything with me and now wants to start over and take things slow and when he comes home see where it goes..but he doesnt want to throw me away? WTF? Idk...if its bc he is over there or what? now he is saying his feelings hasnt changed..that all we are doing is starting over fresh and taking things slow..not a break eveything that has hapened or said is over and doesnt mean anything? Im just confused..hurt and feel like Im on his hook..wha do u think?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What is the name of this movie?

    What is the name of this movie?

    Okay it's been like maybe ten years since I've seen this movie and I'm going to try not to sound crazy when I describe it...I remember bits and pieces of it. It's a moive and it has the settings of the movie like grease or cry baby..Of course there is the bad boy with the motorcycle and the girl has brown hair and towards the end he goes away on the motorcycle thinking he isn't good enough for her but she follows him and finds him in this big open field or something and then there is this blonde girl with this nerd and in the movie they have sex and parents come and he falls out the window.??? Idk..if u have any ideas please help. its making me crazy. It's not a fool on has the poodle skirts and all that...any ides?

    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • What is the name of this movie?

    Okay it's been like maybe ten years since I've seen this movie and I'm going to try not to sound crazy when I describe it...I remember bits and pieces of it. It's a moive and it has the settings of the movie like grease or cry baby..Of course there is the bad boy with the motorcycle and the girl has brown hair and he goes away on the motorcycle thinking he isn't good enough for her but she follows him and finds him in this big open field or something and then there is this blonde girl with this nerd and in the movie they have sex and parents come and he falls out the window.??? Idk..if u have any ideas please help. its making me crazy.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • What do I do? What does he want?

    My bf is in the army serving in Kuwait right now..he has been over there since dec. he comes home in three weeks..we skype all the time and three days ago he was telling me loves his everything and he cant wait to come to me..then out of nowhere he sends me a facebook messege saying he is scared and freaking out about coming home to me that he cant handle it...he says he thinks he rushed everything with me and now wants to start over and take things slow and when he comes home see where it goes..but he doesnt want to throw me away? WTF? Idk...if its bc he is over there or what? but what do u think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What does this mean? Your item has been dispatched from the APO, AE 09399 International Service Center on Apri?

    I sent my boyfriend who is Kuwait an Easter basket care package..I put Peanut butter, candy and cigs in there..the usual and when I went to to see the status of it this is what it said:.

    Your item has been dispatched from the APO, AE 09399 International Service Center on April 01, 2012 at 6:42 pm.

    what does this mean? can he get it?

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • the father of my child wants joint physical custody?

    he has not seen his son in 3 weeks, not supported him in months. he rents a small room. he doesnt have life/health insurnce on our son, i do. i have an attorney and we put in the parenting plan every other weekend and one day a week. he said no. do u think he will get it

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago