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  • What titles can you earn without a purebred dog?

    I know the AKC has the option to submit for an "Alternative Listing" designed for purebred dogs without pedigrees, but that's not what I'm looking for. I also know there is a National Mixed Breeds organization.

    So I guess my question is this, can you get an alternative listing with the AKC without having a "suspected purebred"? Additionally, if you do acquire the alternative listing with your potential purebred, what titles are you eligible for? I.e. - What events can you participate in?

    I have tried to research this myself online and it was a little overwhelming, so please no general links where I can do more looking. A specific page that answers these questions would be fine.


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Advice on visiting ex-boyfriend?

    My ex and I broke up a little less than 3 weeks ago, mostly due to a month or so of high stress brought on by classes and travel. I'm not saying we never had other problems, but it is what it is.

    I still have feelings for him and I've let him know. Now that things have cooled down and the stress and pressure is off, it seems like he may still have feelings for me as well. We attend the same university, but I'm from out of state and staying there now. He had tickets to come visit me before we broke up, he's still going to visit, and will arrive in less than a week. We talk on the phone for a short time every night and have agreed to let our feelings show and be honest with each other while he's here.

    I'm looking for advice as to things to do, how to act, what to wear, pretty much anything. I do want him to want to get back together, though I'm still unsure if that's what I want. I'm also wondering how everyone feels about getting back into a previous relationship. I would also love to hear anyone's previous experiences in a similar situation.

    Thanks to everyone in advance. .

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Question about Padre Renteria from Pedro Paramo?

    I am looking for a good character analysis of the priest (Father Renteria) from the book Pedro Paramo, by Juan Rulfo in either English or Spanish for a comparative essay I'm working on. Also welcome are your thoughts on how you think Renteria represents Rulfo's view of the clergy and religion.


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Economical reception?

    Is it more economical to have a buffet style reception or to have plated meals? Does it depend on the number of guests? An estimate per head would be appreciated.

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Pregnant mice concerns...?

    I bought two mice from the local pet store 6 days ago now. They were meant to be snake food and not sexed. I chose two of them and after bringing them home, I was convinced that one was male and one was female. I was debating on separating them or bringing one back to trade for another female. However, the day before yesterday the female mouse began to look pregnant to me. Not large enough to be sure, but just enough to be suspicious. As of last night, BOTH mice look significantly larger and possibly pregnant.

    My questions are these - if they are both pregnant can they stay in the same tank together or should they be separated? And secondly, can anyone link me to some pregnant mice in their early stages of pregnancy? My final worry is that the mice I have are younger than they should be to be to be pregnant in the first place, is it likely they will experience difficult pregnancies?.

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Question about engagement/marriage?

    How long do you think it is appropriate for a couple in their early twenties to wait before getting engaged and then married? Personal stories and opinions welcomed.

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Question about engagement/marriage?

    How long do you think it is appropriate for a couple in their early twenties to wait before getting engaged and then married? Personal stories and opinions welcomed.

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Looking for the name/artist of this country song...?

    I know the song starts out with a guy named Joe pulling over and helping an old woman with her car, she tries to pay him, he says no, the best way to pay him back is to do a good deed for someone else and so on. Finally at the end of the song the good deeds go on and on until a waitress gets an extra tip or something, and she goes home and it turns out her husband is Joe, so the kindness come full circle.

    Anyway, no combination of words I type in will give me the song I'm looking for.. help?

    4 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Looking for a nightlife guide in montreal...?

    My girlfriends and I are looking to come up from NY to stay in Montreal for a few nights, there will probably be four of us altogether in the 18-19 age range. Looking for a native to maybe escort us around for a night or two. Feel free to drop me an e-mail!

    2 AnswersMontreal1 decade ago
  • Molly Breeding?

    I'm interested in breeding Mollies, I've researched it and it seems fairly easy, I'm just waiting until after spring break to start. My only question is: What is the smallest size tank I can get away with will breeding them?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago