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  • What are some good things to do with a Youth Club/Group?

    A friend and I have been helping/running a young peoples group once a week for about 2 years now. We used to be members ourselves, but then we took it over after a few years break. It's been great fun, and challenging at times. We're writing the schedule for next term, and although we have our favourites we'd like to try some new things. We do games nights, outdoor events (although we don't have a green we go to a nearby woods/open space) and extras like cookery, photo challenges and quizzes. We have a medium sized hall and a kitchen.

    We're looking for new ideas. We don't want the kids to get bored! They are roughly 11-15 years old.


    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • Making riding more interesting?

    We've had a ridiculously long winter here in the UK and it's reduced my riding to mainly school based work. It's getting fairly boring now - I am having lessons, about twice a month due to the awful weather and an outdoor school, but do you have any suggestions of what we can do to have a bit more fun? She can't do anything too strenuous as she's not fit enough yet, but she can easily work for a good 45 mins at the moment.

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • What are your 2013 horsey aims?

    I know it's a bit after new years, but I just wondered what people were wanting to achieve with their horses this year? I've got a few ideas, what are yours?

    - to ride on the beach

    - to improve my seat, enabling me to ride better (and more easily bareback)

    - to come 1st in a prelim and place in a novice dressage test

    - to make sure I do at least one groundwork session a fortnight with my horse.

    18 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Should I give up jumping for now?

    I'm sharing a lovely 22 year old mare at the moment. I'm a pretty experienced rider & owner, but haven't got much experience jumping. Sure, I've done the odd clear round, and used to jump single jumps up to 3ft with my first horse, I've been XC schooling once or twice but due to the difficult nature of previous horses, I've not done any "proper" jumping, at least not for a good 4 years. I had a decent position over fences before, but my nerves are now preventing me from folding confidently and correctly.

    Now my new share is an ex-eventer, but she's pretty unreliable when it comes to jumping. She often gets in really deep to the fences and will throw in sharp stops even when she feels like she's gonna jump. She's really tricky, and both her owner and my trainer have said that. I've lost my nerve a bit jumping now, as after such a long time off, then a fall has left me feeling shaky. I'd like to learn to jump properly, but feel as if I couldn't on this mare.

    Should I just leave jumping for now, and concentrate on dressage and good old hacking? Will that mean I'll find jumping more difficult later on? I know you should get your flatwork sorted before you jump anyway, but isn't that more about the horses way of going and responsiveness? I don't know, what would you do in my situation?

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y=x^3+x at the point for which x=-1?

    I am really struggling with this question - I can do it for any x^2 but the x^3 has thrown me. Differentiation hasn't seemed to help, so I how do I find the gradient? I have the point as (-1,-2) but have no idea what to do from there!

    Would email my maths teacher, but college emails are down :/ thanks!

    4 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Bikini and Boy/Family Dilema!?

    I'm going on holiday to Spain next week, which will be lovely, except I've stumbled apon a little issue. I normally go with just my immediate family - mum, dad and younger brother. But this year, we're going with family friends. Now, this is great, except the idea that almost every day, I'm going to be wearing a bikini/swimsuit. Because it's normally just family, I don't mind, but this year, there's another 5 people, including a guy my age. We get on really well, there's Absolutely no romance or anything like that between us, but I just don't feel comfortable showing that much of myself to him and his family!! I was wondering what I could do? I'm 5ft8, 16yrs old (almost 17) a size 6-8 and a 32-34 A, and I'm pretty happy with my body (except my boobs - too small ;) ) I just like to be modest, which is hard when you are practically wearing underwear! I dont know how to feel comfortable with them, or what I can do to be more modest? I've got a cover-up, but I'll be too hot if I have to wear it all the time!

    Has anyone got any ideas? I don't really know what I'm asking, I suppose just to see what you think I could do to feel happier/less embarrassed/more confident??


    6 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Riding an older horse?

    All my life I've ridden horses, but most of them have been in the age range of 5-15. One of the mares I'm currently riding is 21, and despite being go-ey and forward thinking, she does get a little stiff in her shoulder and hips. I was just wondering what considerations I should make whilst riding her? I warm up slowly, at walk and trot with lots of circles (10m + 15m + 20m) for about 20-25 mins before any canter or pole work. She also gets an extra cool down of 5 mins at walk. I am always carefull of her legs, we never canter or trot out unless the ground is near perfect, and we jump only once or twice a week, up to 90cm at max, which she does with ease.

    Am I doing the right thing? Is there anything else I can do? She gets ridden roughly 5 times a week, by me and her owner, and she's in light-moderate work.


    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What can I do with this crazy horse?!?

    I bought a 6yr old tb last July. This was after I'd done all you should - I'd hacked him out (alone & in company), schooled him, had a little jump, had a lesson and handled him on the ground. Vet check (which he failed, but we sorted that problem out) and had 2 very experienced people look at him, one who'd seen him before, they said he's so chilled, happy to learn and would be a good horse for me. So we bought him, and in 1 year he's turned into a really dangerous, difficult, totally unpredictablle horse. He's okay to hack (he's green and does put in the odd spook & spin, but never bucks/rears/bolts), but put him in a school, and 80% of the time, he'll be totally mad, basically. He's not in pain, he's not being forced, he's just very naughty and has a "I'm not doing what you say, you can't make me" attitude. He bucks just randomly, going into rodeo mode and plunges for a good 5 mins at a time! I can sit it, just, but no-one's reeally sure how :L We've barely been able to progress, as we've spent 80% of our lessons trying to solve our erratic behaviour problems! After struggling with my trainer for almost 8 months, we decided its best if me and the horse part ways. We really don't get on, and I'm not experienced enough to deal with the horse he's turned into. We have good reason to believe he was doped, and he's just not the lovely horse I purchased. So we've decided to move him on. He got himself injured, so he's been with me recovering for almost 8 weeks now (horses and their timings ey?!)

    Problem is, who will take this mad horse?! He's very scopey, goes in a nice outline if he decides to (normally on the lunge!) and would make a fabulous XC horse, if somebody could get through to him. I'm sending him away for a few weeks for training and re-schooling at a professional yard, but if he can't do anything with him, what shall I do?! I can't really keep him as a field ornament - he's bored out of his mind and needs to be in work. No way am I getting back on him (i'm not scared, just not stupid!) He's a absolute sweetie to handle on the ground, the complete opposite to his ridden personality - and he never kicks or bites, he has no vices, he's good to clip except his face, but he doesn't need clipping at all. I just don't know what to do with him?!

    13 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How to build trust/confidence/fun again?

    In short, I've had a rough run the past 3 years with horses. I had 2 horses (one loaned, one owned) that were not what I needed and they've knocked my confidence and trust in horses a lot, more than I ever thought they would. My previous passion was jumping, but I have jumped 3 times in 3 years. I just don't enjoy riding any more either, and I don't know whether that's because I've "grown out of it" or the past 3 years have made it that way. (I like horses still!)

    I was just wondering what you think I should do? I have been offered a horse to ride over the summer ( a sparky but sane and sensible been-there-done-that 20 year old mare) to get her fit for her owner. I wonder though whether taking a break out from horses altogether might allow me to decide easier.

    I just want some advice! Thanks in advance, any ideas much appreciated!

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Has anybody else bought the wrong horse?

    I suppose I'm a bit of a saddo, wanting some re-assurance, but I just wanted to know if, like me, anyone had bought the wrong horse for them? How/when did you realise? What did you do about it?

    17 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Can horses get bloated from too much grass?

    I turned my horse out into his fairly bare feild this morning and during the day (from before 3-7pm) he managed to get through the fence and into the feild of 15cm long grass and stuffed himself. I came up to the yard at 7 to find him sleepy, wanting to lie sown( though not roll) and didn't want his hard feed. He'd been charging around for at least an hour in the day (3-4:30 ish) and didn't seem his self. Temperature was normal (37.8•c) and he showed no signs of colic (except being off feed).

    So my question is: can horses get bloated like humans can when they eat too much?

    Ps, He's been off work since Friday (before that in medium work 3/4 times a week) and I did reduce his concentrates.

    Thanks, I'm checking him again in an hour and will call vet if he's worse or he's not better tomorrow.

    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Horsey highs, lows and dreams of 2012?

    What's been your best and worst ride/achievement this year so far? Do you want to achieve anything specific this year?

    14 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Have I revised enough for GCSE?

    I have 4 GCSE exams in 8 days, starting with two tomorrow. I'm an A/A* candidate and am taking modules in the three sciences. I've been revising since November, and did well in my Nov mocks , which I didn't revise too much for. Overall, for me just refreshing my memory is what revision is.

    But now, I'm panicking a little. Not about the exam, but I find that revision doesn't really improve my grade, it just helps me stay calmer before the exam. So far, for Biology (the one I find hardest and have tomorrow!!!!) I have done about 6 past papers, and 3 hours of additional revision. Is that enough?

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Will ice skates soften and supple up when in use?

    I just bought some novice ice skates, from a retailer that with hindsight, I probably shouldn't have done, as he wasn't a skilled fitter. I had to fit them myself, and so I did my best, however the ones I chose are now feeling a little stiff and sore around my ankles as i've been walking around a bit more at home. I haven't skated in the skates yet, so I think I could take them back, but what I want to know is will the leather stretch and become more comfortable around my ankles? Or will it still rub and cause pressure points?

    Ta :)

    5 AnswersIce Skating9 years ago
  • What is the smallest pony that could carry me comfortably?

    I am 5ft8, and weigh roughly 8.5 stone (55kg) and am want to know what sort of pony and sized pony would be suitable. I've heard that most ponies will easily carry 15-20% of their body weight, so I'm presuming for a pony to comfortably carry me then they'd need to (healthily, of course) weigh 350kg?

    My QUESTION is: What breeds of pony would weigh 350- 450kg and at what heights would they do that?

    Thanks :D

    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • BHS and Pony Club Exam Help?

    I've been thinking about taking the BHS Exams at either Stage 2 or Stage 3. I am considering my routes to these choices, as laid out below. Please can you read it through, and then my question is at the bottom!

    To take Stage 2 BHS, you need either Stage 1 BHS or Pony Club Efficiency test B. I have neither, yet!

    To take Stage 3 BHS, you need either Stage 2 BHS or PC Efficiency Test B. I again, have neither.

    So my choice is:

    1) Just work through the BHS exam series, progressing through.

    2) Join Pony Club whilst I still can and do the C and B tests, then direct entry in BHS Stage 3.

    I was wondering if any of you have these qualifications, and if so, which route did you take? Are the Pony Club tests worth taking? Are they more basic/less recognised? I am probably joining a local Riding Club as a Junior Member (I'm 16) so does that change things?

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • POLL: 1 thing you love and 1 thing you'd change?

    Just curious :)

    What is one thing you love about your horse? (I know it'll be hard to choose!)

    and then

    1 thing you'd change/improve/get rid off!

    My answers:

    I love his face. It's so beautiful and full of such character!

    I would change the facts that he bucks. I would like that to go!

    21 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Why didn't my horse want to eat?

    My 6 year old TB gelding didn't want his tea tonight. I rode him this morning, he was fine. When I brought him in, he was calm and passed usual (if not slightly greener) droppings. He had an extra slice of hay (he usually just gets one!) this morning in the field, and he left a fair bit of it, which is unlike him. He ate the carrots out of his feed (there were more than usual, as its Christmas and he had less feed (long story, nothing that will affect this)) and then wouldn't eat the mix. He'll normally eat quite hungrily and eats about 95% of it.

    Is he just not hungry? Is he bored of his feed? Do I need to worry its something bad?

    Ta :)

    and a merry christmas seasons greetings!

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Getting back on after a fall.?

    On Friday, I took my 6 year old gelding tb out for a hack, and long story short, he bucked me off into a wire fence. We are both okay now, he had to have the vet out and was in bandages overnight, but he's turned out today and seemed fine. I had some nasty cuts and a few sprains and bruises, but nothing too bad.

    The problem is: he gets hot-headed if I leave him off work for too long, but I don't want to ride him today (I'm a little apprehensive about going out hacking for his first proper ride in 5 days, so I'd rather go in the school tomorrow.) the thing with that is, it is meant to rain tomorrow. I can ride in the rain, but its not pleasant and its a beautiful day today.

    I just wondered what you would do. I think I should give him another day off, and just ride tomorrow if he's still sound.

    13 AnswersHorses9 years ago