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28 year old guy, Married, lost 70lbs this year, so not as big as in picture now. Spiritualist leanings, lived a harsh couple of years and prefer to help people but sometimes troll if the question is stupid. Otherwise I feel that I am quite amicable. Peace

  • does anyone get horny after a hangover?

    I suffer from what is classicaly called brewers droop when intoxicated. however the morning after i am like a hungry lion chasing after some fresh meat! is this common?

    1 AnswerMen's Health7 years ago
  • How do the police handle suicide cases?

    This is a very genuine question in which my brother in law was found dead yesterday in his caravan some 130 miles away from where we live. Understandably my wife and family are devestated. My mother in law informed us that one of the investigating officers stated that it seems there is no foul play. But yet they have taken notes that he left apparently and his phone! From all accounts he was in a normal to good mood recently and it has come as an absolute shock that a) he could have done this to himself and b) the police have said nothing to anyone since.

    A little background information is tha my B-I-L suffered severe siezures and fits and had issues with his back. He was on various medications but from all accounts was well on top of his medication. However some of the doors in his caravan have been damaged, hanging off hinges or not opening/closing properly. And the way he was found....basically sitting down with a rope around his neck (Not in some weird sexual asphxiation way) which seems a pretty absurd way to commit suicide.

    I suppose we will find out more soon but I was wondering what the process is for the police to follow next? We are now there and are all basically looking for answers. We could understand an overdose but apparently killing yourself by hanging yourself sat down? Its all very confusing. Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • be honest, how many people....?

    Think about sex in the work place!

    Like many others I work in an office. I work both days and night shifts. we seem to have an equal proportion of men to women of varied ages! some women are hot and like to show off at work! like some guys at work like to flirt!

    how many people think about sex at work when they should be just working and focusing on their job?

    2 AnswersSociology7 years ago
  • GS why are most women afraid to dine/drink/wait alone?

    In an ever feminist approach towards society, why is this simple thing still difficult for ladies to do? for example If I am meeting friends somewhere and I have got to a venue a little early I could sit down and order a meal or a drink and enjoy my own company for a while before my friends arrived, for some reason ladies do not do this! Even when meeting women somewhere Men have to be there first. to play devils advocate why in a modern world cant a woman do this? if women can do anything a man can why not this? who says it isn't socially acceptable for women to do this?

    11 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • is it true that some women use their sexuality to get ahead?

    following a conversation the other night, my wife seems to think that this is the case. I found this funny as the equality that so many women have fought for over the years it seems like it is an easy option and not very equal in terms of promotions and job prospects and so on. I must point out I am not overly bothered if some women do this or not as I know how hard life can be.

    18 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • what's the deal with self harming?

    I have met numerous people in my life who do it and have done it. I have dealt with depression in my life and I know it affects people in different ways however personally I don't know what possesses people to self harm. If I have a hard day I usually find a few beers in the fridge and listen to some music. I never think of getting a knife and cutting myself. I suppose where I come from there are many people who would take pleasure in making sure you have blood on you.

    is this a cry for attention? is it mainly teenagers who do it? is music and lifestyle choice something to do with it? I just don't understand it. I should point out that like most people I have had some serious issues in my life also but still don't understand the self harm thing.

    I am 29 years old and married with a stepchild if this helps anything!

    7 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • 30th Birthday Ideas!?

    I have done the big 18th and 21st. I have also been married but I am 30 soon and want some ideas that may be cool to do....I don't want to spend loads of money on a big bash just something a little out of the ordinary....anyone with ideas (preferably those who have had 30ths themselves) thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • why are some people so happy to remain ignorant?

    numerous studies are now deducing that what we accepted as fact, are now being not only questioned but changed. People who are happy to believe that what they were taught at school or what the general consensus is, is obviously truth to them. do people not want to challenge what we know is fallacy? some examples are:

    1) all major governments run on lies and control, co operating with banks and other avenues of power for complete population control through monetary slavery (money). The fact that fear tactics keep us from simply asking questions as to why?

    2) organized religion is now on a downward spiral and will probably cease to exist before long

    3) the dumbing down of our generation and the ones after by throwing distractions at us and diverting us from the real issues via mainstream media and over saturation of issues that throw us off track purposely!

    4) the seperation of our race, via fear, racisim, sexual, political and social differences when we are all one true race!

    5) the simple fact that the needs of the very few outweigh the needs of the very many and that the top 8% and even lower control and operate all of the worlds wealth and will do anything to keep it that way by the means above!

    I suppose my question is we know these problems are here and we simply accept it....why?

    3 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Has the chamber under the sphinx been excavated yet?

    Many scientists are now starting to believe that the answers to our race and its history are hidden there....i know there was some problems with the Egyptian government about access and obvious so called sensitive information. but why is this information not being either sought or at least shared?

    3 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • So I have a meeting with my manager!?

    to cut a long story short I have been with the same company for over two years. I work in sheltered housing for the elderly. In this time I lost my father to cancer, I was married and I have had numerous other major issues much too long to state on here. I have never let it affect my work life and in January of this year my manager(s) started to pry heavily in my work and basically pointed out all the mistakes I have made in the last few months.

    The company has gone through radical changes and massive staff cutting all in an effort to save money thus changes to personnel and management. My current manager I have had for the last 8-12 months is very anal retentive (often ignoring other problems on my court in order to save money) it feels that she has gone out of her way to make me feel useless in my Job. I have never had a disciplinary from her, my appraisal was basically pointing out my few mistakes and making me feel guilty for them and not mentioning the tireless work I have done in order to make my area and its occupants work better. I am not a baby and I know most companies work to the same standard that basically **** rolls down hill, Communication and correspondence is only for when you have got something wrong.

    from the above mentioned I have developed problems with depression (my manager is well aware of this!) To the extent I am on strong anti depressants and am currently seeing a councillor for my pent up problems. this again my manager knows.

    I have been off sick a couple of times due to relapses and this time I have been off work for nearly 5 weeks. y manager has arranged a welfare visit with an occupational therapist (something she offered to do months ago but never acted upon) which will determine my fitness to work. the letter also stated that I could bring a work colleague with me however I don't see how that would help.

    I have expressed to her that I want to come back to work but it is up to MY doctor when I am able to return. ( I get paid for being off sick) he originally gave e the month and now I am into my second month.

    I have tried to explain my situation and I am happy to expand should I have missed anything out.

    my question is, what can I hope to get out of this meeting? will this be supportive? (why break the habit of a lifetime?) or will this prove disastrous for me?

    I must point out that none of my mistakes have been bad or have ever affected anyone within where I manage and live. If I was as bad as my manager likes to ake out why have I never sat in a disciplinary?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Living on your own....?

    I do not live on my own, but I enjoy my own time. I used to live on my own and enjoyed the solitude and the feeling of freedom and time to think. there are people in my family who do the same and don't seem to have problems with it.

    I suppose my question is, is this a male thing? if a man was to live alone he would be quite happy with this at least for the short term. If a woman was to live alone this would not be wanted the same and the willingness to pair up would be increased. if not at the very least to live with a friend. I know this would not be the same in every instance but in my recollections it has always seemed to be this way for the sexes....any opinions?

    6 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Mediums.....can anyone give me a reading?

    I have studied a lot in this field and I am very open minded. I don't claim to follow any religion as such but feel that there is something bigger at work than average people can see. can someone indulge me by telling me something about myself apart from the details that are on my homepage. only real answers please as this is quite serious to me!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If there were superhero's?

    In an ever more commercialised and capitalist society in the western hemisphere. would a superhero charge for their services to the community? for instance superman flying about with a chip and pin device that would enable a mother to pay via plastic before he dives down the grand canyon to save little Timmy or something.

    my question is if there were superheros would they be hero's or just bully's who take everything for themselves? or at the very least charge before they do anything?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • what color underwear do women like on men?

    speaking as a man, we like many different variations and colors of underwear on ladies. they have a bigger choice and to be honest look very good in them. but men it is usually boxers or briefs what color is you most preferred and why?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • why does every major action/disaster movie take place in NY?

    Don't get me wrong, new york seems like a vibrant place with a lot happening all of the time. But apart from the odd movie of this genre set in L.A or wherever its New York that seems to get hit all of the time.

    a short list off the top of my head includes:

    Godzilla, Independence Day, MIB, Clover-field, Spider-man, Ghost busters, Daredevil, Armageddon, Hell-boy, The day after tomorrow, I am Legend just to name a few....I am sure there are many more but don't you think NY was been blown to pieces enough? Why not Quebec or Manchester.....just for a change?

    9 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Why did they make another Spiderman movie? (contains Spoilers)?

    I have seen the others with Toby McGuire in them and after the first one they went pretty bad. Sam Riami did OK with the franchise ish. I watched the Amazing Spider-man the other night....basically rebooting the original trilogy and staring with Peter Parker back at school again. Although the movie had some plus points I feel the audience was robbed as it was practically the same movie with the main villain that had changed.

    I see what hollywood was thinking that Ian Nolan rebooted the Batman series (which in my opinion was darker, more to the point and probably the best batman trilogy ever made) so in came the copycat with Spider-man. what do you guys think? am I being a stickler or do I have a point?

    7 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Shih Tzu!?

    I have a 1 year old Shih Tzu, she seems perfectly healthy, happy, playful and content. I have had other dogs in my lifetime so I am not completely novice on this subject. My question is are Shih Tzu's known for their insatiable appetite? she has an array of different foods and treats and is very well fed according to her vet.

    for instance she has a biggish bowl of food for breakfast and again for her dinner (vets orders) but she will cry in her crate when we are eating as a family (as she will nose dive into our food if not). I have just had a late lunch (sandwich) and she sits there staring at me as if to say 'are you going to eat that'?

    I know if I let her have her way she would quite easily eat herself to death....i this common as she has a way of making me feel guilty. in short he seems to have the appetite of a saint bernard and she is a 16-18lb dog.

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • worst chat up lines......?

    I know they don't always work unless you have the confidence to deliver it convincingly. however my question is what is the worst you have either said or had said to you? the best worst one I heard (on TV) was your in luck....I have decided to go ugly early! lol

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What do you call a sandwich where you are from?

    I live in Lancashire and they are mostly known as Butty's like a ham butty or a bacon butty. Everyone has their own language and dialect depending where they are from. what do you call it?

    15 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • why dont women cook the same anymore?

    I must point out that this is not a sexist question. I work with a lot of older people 80's 90's and all the old ladies still cook and bake.....they even make my lunch most days. my wife can cook but it is usually me who does most of the cooking in our household. I don't mind but you never see younger women cook these days the same. if it is my wife's turn to cook dinner she will usually get a take out. is this a dying art for the fairer sex? I find women who can make a good meal a very attractive know the old saying a mans heart is through his stomach.

    16 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago