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  • Attachment image

    I have a question about the weight limits for glass shelving.?

    I've had a display cabinet in which I've been displaying model cars for the past 20 years.  I've decided to add another shelf, but, after reading a few websites, am beginning to wonder if I've been WAY overloading these.  The shelves are 1/4" glass, 12 1/2" deep and span 90 1/2", with a support in the middle (45 1/4").  I haven't a clue if they're tempered, but I'm guessing they are not. The cars I display are not small and usually weigh 2-3 pounds each. On any particular row, I display about 17 cars (with one usually right on the center support).  So, that's eight on each span, at almost three pounds each.  

    I ran some of the calculations on various sites and, apparently, I'm only supposed to put seven pounds on the span.  How in the world are supporting 24 pounds???   Again, I've had no issues for almost 20 years, but now I'm wondering if this is an accident waiting to happen.   I can add some more supports, but I just wanted some thoughts on why this hasn't catastrophically failed already.

    I've included a photo to show you the current setup.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)3 months ago
  • Question regarding poly pipe fix in a sprinkler system.?

    I have a piece of poly pipe that I need to replace on one of my sprinkler system zones. It's a piece that attaches to the barbed output on the valve and then, about a foot later, goes into a barbed T. My question is this. The valve is, of course, essentially fixed. Do I have to unearth a whole section of the poly pipe further down the line to get the foot-long section inserted without kinking it or can I quickly, kink/un-kink the section I'm installing? Thanks!

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)2 years ago
  • I am trying to remember the name of a movie that featured an abandoned/derelict department store.?

    We're not talking a mall. This would've been one of those multi-story, downtown department stores.

    The movie was shot in recent times (early 90s?) , but had many scenes in black and white. Perhaps the whole thing was in black and white, not sure.

    The main character was one guy; an actor I cannot remember, but I've seen on occasionally. I don't think he's too active now, or I could track him down that way.

    I'm fairly certain the plot involved his mother and something supernatural about the building. It could be that his mother/his family owned it and that there is some bad history in regards to it.

    I would've sworn the name of the movie was "Lebensborn" or "Lebensraum", but, from my searches, it appears I'm letting Nazi history get in the way.

    I'd lay good money the move title is one word and that the word is foreign (probably German). The move, however, is not.

    I guess it could be classified as a psychological thriller.

    Sorry. That's all I have to go on.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

    1 AnswerMovies5 years ago
  • Why did I lose the dial tone after an unused phone line was cut?

    We've been been using VOIP (handled by our cable provider's coax) for a few years now and yesterday, my wife took the hedge trimmers through the two old phone lines that come out of the house and into the NID on the side of the house. Whoops.

    The lines come into the house and are immediately lost into the basement ceiling.

    Years earlier, when our cable provider installed the equipment for VOIP, no phone line was close to the installation. I simply placed a new jack close to the modem, ran a wire from that jack to an existing jack and tied it into the existing house line. I then connected the cable modem's phone line to this jack. As it was tied into the original phone wiring in the house, any jack could dial out.

    I didn't touch anything else in regards to phone wiring and it's been working great for years, with no issues.

    Did the cutting of those wires that went to the NID create some sort of short-circuit? Do I need to take those -dead-end wires out of the equation?

    As we mostly use cordless phones now, we essentially only use one jack in the house. I know I could run a line directly from this jack to the new one next to the cable modem, but I'd like to keep the option of using other lines in the house.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    1 AnswerLand Phones8 years ago
  • Can I power my XM radio via a USB adapter?

    My unit works fine with the normal cigarette lighter adapter, but I'd like to use a USB adapter that fits into the cigarette lighter. It's a lower profile and can contain two ports, allowing me to power my phone or something else while I am listening to XM.

    The problem is that I cannot see any sort of power cable that has the XM unit plug on one end and USB on the other.

    Does this even exist?


    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Remote not working for Nikon D70. Any ideas?

    I've got a standard ML-L3 remote for my D70, which I have used for years without issue. It stopped working, so I replaced the battery. No dice. Just received a new remote and it doesn't work, either.

    I'm probably stuck with taking it to a shop, but are there any thoughts as to why the camera is no longer responding?

    Yes, I've ensured the camera was set for the remote.

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerCameras10 years ago
  • Questions about Isle Royale vacation?

    We're thinking of vacationing at Isle Royale National Park.

    The package deals include a ferry ride from either Houghton or Copper Harbor. We see pluses and minuses to both in regards to price, launch times, travel times on the water, nearby hotels and so on.

    Does anyone have any other advice or information regarding the ferries to Isle Royale?


    2 AnswersOther - United States10 years ago
  • JWs, what fate awaits Trinitarians?

    What do your tenets say in regards to the fate of those who consider Christ divine?

    If your tenets are correct, we will meet Jehovah and He will inform us as to our error on this particular point.

    Does our agreement on the existence of God merit any favor? If, in general, we have attempted to show God's grace and love via the way we conduct our lives, will we be awarded paradise on earth?

    Again, assuming your tenets are correct, were God to inform me personally that I was in error regarding Christ's divinity, I would offer a sincere apology.

    Could you give me some thoughts regarding how God might treat those of us who you believe have been misled?


    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually continuing, what would you think about two blocking levels?

    Answers to Dr. Bob's question got me thinking.

    Most claimed that they blocked due to abusive correspondence. That is certainly understandable, but, unfortunately, the ability to answer questions is also removed from the offending individual.

    Would people out here be willing to allow those they have blocked to continue answering their questions? Should there be some sort of two-tier blocking, in which the ability to send emails and answer questions were separate privileges?

    I ask this because, some people are blocked immediately by the person asking the question. It's rather hard to use the "abusive email" defense in those instances. It's a simple case of someone not liking the reply.

    If a reply doesn't violate the ToS, should an individual have the right to block the answerer?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How big of a dado blade do I need?


    I'm interested in buying a portable table saw and zeroed in on the Sears Craftsman Professional 21828. A couple of reviews are bad. Most are decent. All complained about the saw's inability to accept anything larger than a '1/2" dado'.

    I don't know much about woodworking, but plan to use this for various small projects. Most of the portable units seem to have this limitation. Is this a serious drawback for the general-purpose /casual user?

    Some articles mentioned that a 3/4" dado is required for shelving, which, unfortunately, is one of the projects I am considering. I didn't even know what a dado was until I read through other articles.

    Again, keep in mind that I don't plan on becoming a * serious * woodworker, but I'd like something that's a bit versatile (and relatively easily stored). I'd rather not spend much more than $300 or so.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Question about Berry Flooring quality?


    We're seriously looking at a particular offering from Berry Floor. Specifically the Lounge/Borneo Oak in their laminate range.

    Any experience on quality/longevity/installation would be appreciated.

    Also, we were told that this particular range can work decently in a kitchen.

    We'd appreciate thoughts on that as well.

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Revamping an old entertainment center for a large screen TV?

    I am interested in cutting down/revamping my existing entertainment center to accommodate a new flat-panel TV.

    I've already got the top off and would like to cut down the three main supports to a sight-friendly level for the new TV.

    My question is this. This thing is solid oak. It isn't coming apart any more than it is. How do I cut the existing three supports to the desired size? Do I just use a circular saw and finishing blade? I used a rather rough blade to remove the top and it splintered the surrounding wood rather badly. No big deal, since that's going away, however, I'd like the * real * cuts to leave, not only a smooth cut, but no splintering on the sides.

    The wood in question is 3/4" oak.

    I don't have a great deal of experience in woodworking, but I'd like to give this shot. It isn't worth anything, so , if I screw it up, no big deal.

    This link gives a before/after shot of pretty much what I plan to do (minus the new drawer he added). Where he has a drawer, I will have an open space to temporarily house the center channel speaker.

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Records retention after refinancing?

    I have a question regarding the retention of real estate refinancing/purchase records.

    I purchased a house approximately 15 years ago. Over the course of that time, I refinanced it twice. About a month ago, I paid it off.

    On top of that, I got married about four years ago and my now-wife sold her house at that time.

    Needless to say, we have a sizable chunk of paperwork as a result.

    How long do I need to keep the records from the various transactions and how long do we keep the records from my wife's original purchase and subsequent sale?

    Should we just keep it * all * as a safe bet?

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What to do for a bullfrog?

    I found a bullfrog sitting in the middle of a road in our office park. I relocated it to the grass along the road, but there really isn't any water (pond or otherwise) within 1/4 mile. Should I just leave it there or take it to a place with some decent water?

    I've heard they're rather territorial, so I'd hate to drop it in a location that was hostile. It's quite large. Easily 1 1/2 average-sized male fists.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Help filling a gap when installing attic stairs?

    I am attempting to install a set of "pull-down" stairs to access the attic in the garage. The stairs come preassembled as a unit and fit into an opening between the ceiling joists.

    The joists are 24" on center, leaving me with approximately a 22 3/4" gap. Unfortunately, the width of the pre-packaged ladder assembly is about 1 1/8" narrower than that.

    The difference is too large to shim, so what would be the best way to narrow the gap?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance!

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How bad are the bugs in Maine?

    How are bugs in the Acadia area in mid-July? According to what I have read, the black flies have already run their course.

    Any thoughts as to the intensity of the airborne pests?


    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Can someone translate the POST beeps for a PowerSpec B617?

    I am not sure what the BIOS is, as there is no signal sent to the monitor. I believe the specs say the motherboard is an Intel DG31PR. Of course, every flipping thing is integrated on the motherboard, so I can't start pulling extra cards.

    Just for grins, I reseated the memory and temporarily swapped out the hard drive. No change

    When I turn it on, I get one of the following:

    (1) Three beeps. A pause. Three beeps. A pause. Three beeps.

    (2) Three beeps then silence

    (3) Nothing

    I have the PC going through a UPS, but unplugged the whole mess Friday evening (turning the UPS and PC off as well) , as storms were anticipated. I came home tonight, plugged everything back in and this is the result.

    Any clues/suggestions would be appreciated.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago