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JWs, what fate awaits Trinitarians?

What do your tenets say in regards to the fate of those who consider Christ divine?

If your tenets are correct, we will meet Jehovah and He will inform us as to our error on this particular point.

Does our agreement on the existence of God merit any favor? If, in general, we have attempted to show God's grace and love via the way we conduct our lives, will we be awarded paradise on earth?

Again, assuming your tenets are correct, were God to inform me personally that I was in error regarding Christ's divinity, I would offer a sincere apology.

Could you give me some thoughts regarding how God might treat those of us who you believe have been misled?


12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to seek common ground with those to whom they speak. This may put them at ease and make the discussions more enjoyable with the possibility of the Witness getting to come back to talk further with the person. We readily express commendation to those who tell us they believe in God.

    Jehovah's Witnesses also consider Christ divine. He came from heaven, was the first of God's creations and is the image of God which means he perfectly acts and things like God does. We just don't believe him to be Jehovah God. Jesus consistently said he was the Son of God and said Jehovah was greater than he was. If God is greater than Jesus, then they are not and can not be the same person-John 16:28; Revelation 3:14; Colossians 1:15; John 10:31-36; 14:28

    God has committed judgment into Jesus' hands, not any humans. Plus, humans can not read another person's heart. Only God can do this. So we do not say what awaits any individual person-Matthew 7:1-5; 24:21; 25:31; Proverbs 21:2

    Source(s): Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    First off: You not going to meet God, the idea that all humans stand in front of God like on an Assembly line is silly.If Jesus could say in the Sermon on the mount" Blessed are the Pure in heart for they shall see God" that would mean murderers & all badness would stand before God, thus making them " pure in heart".

    Thessalonians says all who do not know God will be destroyed, so do you " know God"?

    Another thing God does not take counsel from humans - be they Witnesses or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most Trinitarians are sincere in how they believe, once when Jesus was ask about those that were not with him but were declaring him to others Jesus replied, those not against me are for me!

    Alon with that remark we know that man is not the judge so we can't say one way or the other. All we can do is show what the scriptures say and from that you draw your own conclusions.

    1 Co 6:9-10 shows who will not inherit God's Kingdom and verse 11 says who will.

    Rustic B gives his opinion but he does not know what we teach because he doesn't look for answers, he examines to criticize.

    We DO NOT judge our fellow humans, that is Christ job.

  • 1 decade ago

    We can't read your heart. Only Jehovah and Jesus can do that. That is why we continue in the preaching work until we are told to stop. We are blessed to do this work worldwide but, let's face it, it could be done much more efficiently by angels don't you think? "Let's see 123 Main Street, Bob Jones, oh yeah, I remember him since birth. No change of attitude yet. Let's pass this door and comfort Jane Smith about the resurrection. She just lost her mom"

    The Bible is God's way of speaking to you. If you pray to Jehovah and BEG him for the truth, he will hear your prayers and answer them. After all, he doesn't want anyone to lose their lives. But you can't start studying with a closed mind and learn the truth.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jehovah God, only puts to death, and does not resurrect, wicked ones. So, as I am Jehovah's witness, I ask you, What do the trinitarians say about Jehovah's witnesses and what God will do to us, If we are wrong?{ which we are not} God is love. Job 4: 8" According to what I have seen, those devising what is hurtful

    And those sowing trouble will themselves reap it.

     9 Through the breath of God they perish,

    And through the spirit of his anger they come to an end"... Exodus 33:: “I myself shall cause all my goodness to pass before your face, and I will declare the name of Jehovah before you; and I will favor the one whom I may favor, and I will show mercy to the one to whom I may "

    I hardly think that they will gift us the same reprieve, because they really do not know, That God Almighty is indeed, Love.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it's not up to us to pass judgment as to what will be the fate of anyone. That belongs to God himself and his appointed King, his Son Christ Jesus. They are the only ones who can read our hearts and know our true motives. HOWEVER, the Bible says something very specific as to what we believe in, and what will be the fate according to God and his Son. It's in 1 Thess 1:8,9 (NASB)

    dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

    These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,

  • lavell
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you notice in addition they have their scriptures that are extremely convincing besides. each and each time a Trinitarian and a non-Trinitarian conflict it particularly is easily them throwing scriptures at one yet another hoping to cancel the refuting scripture out. the only ingredient the non-Trinitarians have of their corner however is greater scriptures to help their argument. alongside with direct costs from Jesus interior the gospels asserting he's not God and refusing the gives you of worship from human beings. such because of the fact the only in Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18 "And he mentioned unto him, Why callest thou me solid? there is none solid yet one, this is, God." and yet another direct quote from Jesus: John 14:28 My Father is larger than I. John 20:17 I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. in case you opt for to refute that, you will possibly might desire to get a scripture the place Jesus himself says he's Almighty God and all might desire to worship him as God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jehovah send his representatives house to house to lovingly help them find the tue form of worship. Acts 5:42 -John 4:24- John 8:32

  • Brian
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Only God knows the heart condition of trinitarians.

    What we can do is let everybody know that there is only one way to the father, through Jesus.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The simple answer, according to their doctrine, is that if you persist in “false religion,” then you will have no hope of getting eternal life. That means you will end up getting destroyed by Jehovah.

    All other Bible-based religions are considered by JWs to be false ones. In fact, they think they are the only true Christians. For example, Trinitarians, they say, are in a false religion and they refer to it as “Christendom."

    I will get a lot of thumbs down from the JWs for saying this. However, what I say is entirely true. They just don’t like outsiders to hear it.

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