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Hi, I'm Jessica aka CHILD OF THE GRAVE, and I hang out in Rock and Pop. I love music and I'm always looking for new bands, so if you think there's something I might enjoy, tell me. I'll also be happy to recommend bands to you as well. Metal is my favorite genre of music, but I don't consider myself a metalhead. I'm just a lover of music who really likes metal. Within the metal genre my favorite subgenres are traditional heavy metal, melodic black metal and deathcore. I listen to many other genres besides metal and rock, from Rihanna to Esoteric. I'm not fond of elitism. I believe that music is personal, and acting as though you have a monopoly on what is and isn't good music is sheer idiocy. I'm also not fond of kids who call bands like BMTH and Asking Alexandria screamo. It would be like someone playing a saxophone run in a bluegrass song and people calling it jazz. I have a, feel free to add me

  • R&P: Are there any bands/artists or albums that didn't 'click' with you on first listen?

    But after another listen or two, you found yourself really liking it?

    BQ: Favorite album of 2011?

    BQ2: Most anticipated release of 2012?

    14 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Thrash metal recommendations?

    My current genre obsesion happens to be thrash metal. However, my current collection of thrash is growing kind of old.

    Here's what I currently have in my collection.













    Ulysses Siren

    Death Angel






    Toxic Holocaust





    Demolition Hammer


    Corrosion of Conformity


    8 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Let's find out R&P's favorite album titles, shall we?

    Round 4 ( has just ended, and the newest inductee to R&P's Favorite Album Titles is Disgorging Guttural Regurgitations of Dismembered Disembowelment and Effluvious Visceral Entrail Secretions With a Side of Emaciated Malignant Lymphatic Putrescence, a Glass of Ensanguined Malodorous Discharge to Drink, and Coagulated Pustular Rectal Seepage for Dessert (With a Cherry on Top) by Tard, suggested by wakemeup.

    Here's the list so far

    Round 5 begins now. Same rules apply; only ONE album title, album title with the highest score gets inducted, thumbs down DO affect an album title's score.

    5 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Let's find out R&P's favorite album titles, shall we?

    Round 3 ( has brought us our first double induction. Ladies and gentleman, the newest additions to R&P's Favorite Album Titles are Free Your Mind...And Your Will Follow by Funkadelic, suggested by rnrstar, and Ahh...The Name is Bootsy, Baby! by Bootsy Collins, suggested by Jimmy Jazz.

    Here's the list so far.

    Voting for Round 4 begins now. Same rules as before; only ONE album, album with the highest score wins, thumbs down DO affect an album's score.

    12 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Let's find out R&P's favorite album titles, shall we?

    The second round of R&P's Favorite Album Titles has just ended (, and the winner was Lick My Decals Off, Baby by Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band, suggested by phatzwave.

    Here's the list as of now:

    Songs the Lord Gave Us by The Cramps

    Lick My Decals Off, Baby by Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band

    Voting for Round 3 starts now. Same rules as before; only ONE album title, album title with the highest score wins, thumbs down DO affect an album title's score.

    12 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Let's find out R&P's favorite album titles, shall we?

    Last time ( you suggested your favorite album titles and the people voted. And the winner of the first round of The Search for R&P's Favorite Album Titles is Songs the Lord Taught Us by The Cramps, suggested by Karla 'Schneidface'. Suggesting and voting for Round 2 is now open, same rules; only ONE album title, winner is determined by most thumbs up, thumbs down DO affect an album title's score.

    Songs the Lord Taught Us by The Cramps

    13 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: These have to be the most random lyrics I have ever heard?

    Metal Milkshake - Massacration


    Hot dog,








    Round one:


    Final lap,


    Game over!


    Atari, Ah!







    Michael Jackson...

    Maclaren, bacon, greatest hits,

    Fax modem, internet, puff, metal!

    Tape deck, I love you, pause, stop,

    Michael Jackson!!!

    Metal are the gods,

    Metal are the gods!

    Metal are the gods,

    Metal are the gods!!!

    MQ: What are the most random lyrics you've ever heard?

    7 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Let's find out R&P's favorite album titles, shall we?

    I've decided to ripoff both Iceage and The Game in order to discover R&P's favorite album titles. The rules are the same as Iceage's and The Game's; suggest one album title, JUST one, and the answer with the most thumbs up wins each round. Thumbs down DO effect an album title's score.

    BQ: Now playing?

    8 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: Have you ever checked out a band solely due to their name?

    Do you ever just think, "Cool name, maybe I should check this out,"? Have you ever found a band you really like using this method?

    I do this a lot actually, and it's how I got into Diablo Swing Orchestra and Los Amigos Invisibles, two of my favorite bands of all time.

    BQ: Most awesome song title(s) ever?

    BQ2: What about album(s)?

    BQ3: Now playing?

    10 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: Favorite songs that are tributes to self lovin'?

    So, She Bop by Cyndi Lauper is playing on my library radio. The catchiest song about masturbation I've ever heard. So I'm just curious, what are your favorite songs about going solo?

    BQ: What do you think is worse? Someone who's a genuine poseur and knows nothing about the music he/she pretends to like, or an elitist who constantly rants about how people listen need to listen to "real" music?

    BQ2: Favorite live album?

    BQ3: Um, I can't think of anything. Oh what the hell? Now playing?

    9 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: Is there a song that you think perfectly sums up your philosophy on life?

    For me it's Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath, especially those last two verses.

    They say that life's a carousel

    Spinning fast, you've got to ride it well

    The world is full of Kings and Queens

    Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams

    It's Heaven and Hell, oh well

    And they'll tell you black is really white

    The moon is just the sun at night

    And when you walk in golden halls

    You get to keep the gold that falls

    It's Heaven and Hell

    So what song describes your view on life?

    BQ: Now playing?

    Too Late by Black Sabbath

    BQ2: Do any have you have a good foreign/non-English language film you think I would enjoy? I'm open to all types of films.

    BQ3: On occasion I've seen users talk about how boring R&P has become. Do you think this is true, and if so what do you think the reason is?

    7 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • I'm planning on getting my first tattoo and would like some advice?

    Not anything huge, just some lyrics from my favorite song on my left shoulder. Other than knowing that it's gonna hurt when I get it and for a few days afterwards, I don't really know what to expect. I know from past experiences that sore skin and hot water don't mix, so what's your suggestion for that? Would I just have to take cold showers for few days? And is there anything specific that I would need to use to soothe the pain, or will any type of pain relieving ointment do? And how how to I know if something's seriously wrong?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Battle of the Underrated/Obscure Metal Albums (NWOBHM Edition)?

    You shall find no Maidens and Priests here, my fellow R&P members. What you shall find is NWOBHM bands and albums that deserve more credit than they get. I'm imploring my fellow metal fans to decide which wrongly ignored album from the NWOBHM era is the best.

    Satan - Court in the Act vs. Blitzkreig - A Time of Changes

    Holocaust - The Nightcomers vs. Tank - The Filth Hounds of Hades

    Legend - Death in the Nursery vs. Angel Witch - Angel Witch

    Demon - The Unexpected Guest vs. Cloven Hoof - Cloven Hoof

    Tygers of Pan Tang - Spellbound vs. Tokyo Blade - Night of the Blade

    Praying Mantis - Time Tells No Lies vs. Samson - Head On

    Raven - All For One vs. Grim Reaper - See You in Hell

    Elixir - The Son of Odin vs. Battleaxe - Burn This Town

    Girlschool - Hit and Run vs. Rock Goddess - Rock Goddess

    Quartz - Stand Up and Fight vs. Vardis - 100 M.P.H

    6 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: Dedicate a metal song to our veterans?

    So it's National Metal Day, and it's Veterans Day. I figured why not ask a question that deals with both?

    Aces High by Iron Maiden

    Dedicated specifically to my great-uncle who served in the 305th Air Division.

    BQ: Do you have any veterans in your family?

    9 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: Looking for music recommendations?

    I've recently really gotten into The Damned, and what really hooked me was Dave Vanian's vocals. What are some other bands that have singers with a similar style?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: Do you ever have band/artist "marathons"?

    Where you just listen to that band/artist's discography (whether this be just studio albums, or those plus EPs/demos and live recordings), and nothing else. I know I'm not the only one who does this, so tell me, if you also do this from time to time; what band/artist did your last music marathon focus around?

    BQ: Now playing?

    BQ2: (Current) Album of the year (any and all genres/subgenres/sub-subgenres welcome)

    10 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: I'm about to check out for the night?

    Going to fall asleep to the soothing sounds of Skepticism. Specifically their album Stormcrowfleet. Do any of you have albums/songs/bands you put on when you're trying to fall asleep?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Favorite band/artist from your home state/country, that hasn't permanently disbanded?

    I really enjoy Absu, who hail from my home state of Texas. Really amazing blackened thrash band that incorporates all sorts of different styles into their music, I'd recommend them to anyone who enjoys extreme metal.

    BQ: What do you think of their latest release?

    I have to say that Abzu is my second favorite Absu album after Tara. It's a catchy and memorable blackened thrash album, and a great metal album in general (one of the best of the year in my opinion) and the production is incredible, raw yet polished (if that makes any sense) and the last song, which clocks in at 14:26, is by far one of the best extreme metal songs I've heard in a while.

    12 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • In honor of Halloween. What's your favorite horror themed song?

    Mine's Phobophile by Cryptopsy. The atmosphere is perfect, and the lyrics delve into the psyche of a madman...too bad Lord Worm is impossible to understand.

    BQ: Favorite horror film?

    My vote has to go to the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Great acting as far as slasher films go, the way it was shot gives the film a gritty sense of realism and the fact that there's very little gore works in the films favor.

    7 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • R&P: Could any of you come here and slap me?

    Because I just got around to discovering Joy Division. I am blown away.

    So are there any bands that you just recently discovered that are widely acclaimed?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago