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  • how do i get better range as an infielder.?

    i am a great short stop and 2nd baseman i have great technique in back hand forehand and getting set up to throw before i have the ball, i just could be alot beter if i had beter range, any1 know any drills to help me with this?

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Washington redskins logo?

    does anyobdy know what the logo was for the washington redskins in 1956? i cant find a picture anywhere please send a link.

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • She stops kissing me?

    me and my girlfriend were lieing in bed pretty much all day because she wasnt feeling well. i stayed there with her the whole day, every time we started kissing shed stop after like 2 minutes well i was still going, not pulling away or anything just letting me go at her... and whenever she did it i at first thought she was just takeing a breathe or something so i kept going and always ended up feeling really stupid. why would she stop like that?

    23 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • why can't i see the little emotions on msn?

    i have the latest version of windows live messenger and untill like yesterday i could see the emoticon things fine but now all i see is the letters u type to make it like for a sade face i see :( help?

    5 AnswersMSN1 decade ago
  • Just got my first snowboard What angle should my front foot binding be at ?

    i just got a new board its a 149 keemper and right now the angle is at like 13 degrees what is a good angle for me.. mostly just free rideing

    7 AnswersSnowboarding1 decade ago
  • what is a good snowboard length for me?

    i am buying my first snowboard and i am kind of a medium difficulty snowboarder ( can do blues) i was wondering what a good size board for me is my boot size is 10 and my height is 5ft 7 1/2 i weigh about 150

    2 AnswersSnowboarding1 decade ago
  • Is it weird that i stay up all night with my gf..?

    I only get too see my girlfriend like once a month and she sleeps at my house.. in my bed (havent had sex) pretty much everytime she comes over we stay up all night talking and messing around, for like 3 days straight is this normal?

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • do long distance relationships ever work out?

    me and my girlfriend live about 3 hour drive from each other, neither of us can drive yet and, we see each other probably on average about once a month... but we have a strong relationship and talk to each other pretty much everyday(msn or phone) do you think it will work out??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I don't know what this means?

    everytime i'm near this girl i get a tingleing in my lower spine what does that mean?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I like a girl and she likes me but..?

    we are like family, so going out wouldn't be weird for us, but it would be extremely weird to our parents, and siblings... what whould i do here?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to love your cousin?

    here's my situation, my "cousin" and i are pretty much best friends, whenever we get to see each other we hang out non-stop, and pull all nighters, because its usually only for a weekend every few months. she is my step dad's cousin, a generation above me. and we both really like each other , and both know it. Is it wrong if we do anything? i know it is social unacceptable to say that i'm dating my cousin, but would it actually be wrong?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago