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She stops kissing me?

me and my girlfriend were lieing in bed pretty much all day because she wasnt feeling well. i stayed there with her the whole day, every time we started kissing shed stop after like 2 minutes well i was still going, not pulling away or anything just letting me go at her... and whenever she did it i at first thought she was just takeing a breathe or something so i kept going and always ended up feeling really stupid. why would she stop like that?


umm yea in case ur thinking it she wasnt on her period, and she started alot of it too but we didnt get all that heated

Update 2:

also i would ask her but im pretty sure it would be a stupid question.. like most the things i ask

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    shes probably didnt want to get you sick

  • 1 decade ago

    I do that too.

    It's simple...she does not want to kiss you.

    Not right now(or then) anyways.

    It's probably because it's just not the moment.

    If she's brave enough not to kiss you back, then she is probably brave enough to initiate some kissing again when she feels it's a better mood for kissing.

    Laying in bed all day does not get me hot. Did you consider, also, that maybe your teeth are not brushed or you have bad breath?

    There are things that can ruin a kiss even IF she DOES care about you and is attracted to you.

    Take care of things, it's not exciting to feel like all your doing is lazing around/feeling sick, and then kissing--just cause your bored. Kissing should NEVER be a *bored* thing to do. It should be in the heat of a moment :]

    good luck, I hope you understand.

    Source(s): Source: a good kisser, probably like your girlfriend.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you did say she wasn't feeling good, maybe she didn't want you to catch anything she had.

    If whatever she had wasn't contagious, then maybe there is something that she wants to tell you that she is afraid of telling you. I think you should talk to her about it. The worst thing that you can do is avoid something and make assumptions. I think she will feel a lot better if you open up and tell her how you feel and let her do the same.

    Remember communication is key. :)

    Hope everything works out.

    Source(s): Myself :)
  • 1 decade ago

    Dude, it is only because she wasn't feeling well. I know I wouldn't want my boyfriend all in my face while im sick. It's okay, don't worry about it. Just see if things change when shes feeling better. For now, just give her some space.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well if I'm not feeling well I don't lay in bed and KISS my man O.o..... Normally I lay in bed and rest. Maybe she genuinely was not well. I think your reading too much into it. She probably just wasn't feeling 'kissy'.

    But you could always ask her, but I bet that's her response.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask her if she's not in the mood. She's unwell right? Maybe she doesn't feel like it but is doing it at all so you don't feel rejected. Is she normally like this, no, then don't worry about it (unless it becomes a regular occurence).

  • 1 decade ago

    well she might have just been feeling sick. people can get irritable when they're sick, especially girls. It's probably nothing if she acts this way again, then maybe she's feeling uncomfortable and something is really bothering her. Just confront her about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when i feel ill i dont feel like doing anything, not even turning on the tv so i would take it to serious. she have might not have had the energy but the will might have been here

  • 1 decade ago

    well i guess its because she just wasn't feeling well

    i mean when im sick it kinda kills the mood

    don't take it too personally

    but you should probably ask her why she did that

  • 1 decade ago

    she doesn't wanna go too far if she hasn't already. U may be going faster than she wants u to go. It may not be a good time.

    Us girls have our girl moments.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well you did say she was sick so maybe it was making it worse or it was a bad time for her!

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