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Umm I'm 15 from Ireland I love animals and have been breeding, caring and raising chickens, ducks and geese for 7 years now lol I also love sports and music!x

  • Think My Dog(s) Has mange?

    anyone here ever had a dog who had sacrcoptic mange, mine is showing the start of symptoms (intense scratching, very small amount of hair loss on back of knees with a small amount of red blotches on stomach and also slightly irritated ears (shes a springer so her ears are reg cleaned)

    and myself too. have a good few red itchy spots.... non one else in my family though as she sleeps in my bed... other dog, jack russell is itching a bit too, not as excessivily so though.

    Now i took her to the vets about 8 days ago because her right lymph node was/is swollen (same leg where intense itching goes on) and mentioned itching, his main focus was on swollen gland and raised platlet count, and gave her a 2 week course of antibiotics but itching has definetly increased.

    so yeah shes due for a review next week so im thinking now that all these symtoms are related and she has the starting of mange.. what you guys think?

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • anyone identify these flowers asap?

    the ones that are purple and closed... defo not lilys.... found in mothers day bouquet any ideaa?

    think they are crocuses?

    2 AnswersBotany8 years ago
  • Is this ok to wear for a job interview?

    so I have an interview on friday for a waitress at a new cafe opening soon, is this dress to loud and colourful? I was planning to tone it down with a black blazer (tights? ) and nude/tan flats?

    either that or grey "dressy" trousers and a blouse of some sort and flats/heels...

    Its my first interview like... ever, and it could be my first job potentially, i have no experience so idk why they picked me for an interview from my CV but fingers and toes crossed.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • can a degree in agricultural science be of any help into eventually becoming a vet?

    I was just wondering is this a path i could follow since i didn't meet the requirement for vet-med in ireland but i was told agr-science is a way round it or something /:

    Thanks in advance, and i'm from ireland, if that matters :)

  • How many young vegans have we?

    just curious, i'm 19 and my sister is 13 and also vegan (:

    also what were your reasons for being vegan?

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • this film will literally change your life, for the better.?


    Earthlings is a documentary that was made a few years back, it discusses and shows the appauling treatment of all the animals that man abuses, from fur farms, to slaughter to abuse in factory farms.

    its aavailableon youtube in its entirety or you can view it in segments. Its also aavailableto buy on DVD.

    It changed my and my families life for good, now vegans we refuse to take part in the aatrocitiesthat go on in front of our eye yet many people chose to ignore. Its one of the best films ever made and if you really care about animals and want to make a difference and understand what really goes on, I'd recommend viewing.

    it is however very graphic but its the truth and its what happens everyday, to billions of animals kept in filthy conditions for human greed.

    Don't just bury your head in the sand and ignore it because you don't like it.

    have any of you seen it? opinions?

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • isnt it time everyone knows the truth?


    Earthlings is a documentary that was made a few years back, it discusses and shows the appauling treatment of all the animals that man abuses, from fur farms, to slaughter to abuse in factory farms.

    its aavailableon youtube in its entirety or you can view it in segments. Its also aavailableto buy on DVD.

    It changed my and my families life for good, now vegans we refuse to take part in the aatrocitiesthat go on in front of our eye yet many people chose to ignore. Its one of the best films ever made and if you really care about animals and want to make a difference and understand what really goes on, I'd recommend viewing.

    it is however very graphic but its the truth and its what happens everyday, to billions of animals kept in filthy conditions for human greed.

    Don't just bury your head in the sand and ignore it because you don't like it.

    have any of you seen it? opinions?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • do you really know what goes on?

    Earthlings is a documentary that was made a few years back, it discusses and shows the appauling treatment of all the animals that man abuses, from fur farms, to slaughter to abuse in factory farms.

    its aavailableon youtube in its entirety or you can view it in segments. Its also aavailableto buy on DVD.

    It changed my and my families life for good, now vegans we refuse to take part in the aatrocitiesthat go on in front of our eye yet many people chose to ignore. Its one of the best films ever made and if you really care about animals and want to make a difference and understand what really goes on, I'd recommend viewing.

    it is however very graphic but its the truth and its what happens everyday, to billions of animals kept in filthy conditions for human greed.

    Don't just bury your head in the sand and ignore it because you don't like it.

    have any of you seen it? opinions?

    before you ask, i am vegan, and proud.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • EARTHLINGS- it will change your life. dont just ignore.?

    Earthlings is a documentary that was made a few years back, it discusses and shows the appauling treatment of all the animals that man abuses, from fur farms, to slaughter to abuse in factory farms.

    its aavailableon youtube in its entirety or you can view it in segments. Its also aavailableto buy on DVD.

    It changed my and my families life for good, now vegans we refuse to take part in the aatrocitiesthat go on in front of our eye yet many people chose to ignore. Its one of the best films ever made and if you really care about animals and want to make a difference and understand what really goes on, I'd recommend viewing.

    it is however very graphic but its the truth and its what happens everyday, to billions of animals kept in filthy conditions for human greed.

    Don't just bury your head in the sand and ignore it because you don't like it.

    have any of you seen it? opinions?

    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • reasons for getting your tonsils out?

    Ok so I may be getting my tonsils out due to p.n.d, tonsil stones and severyly swollen tonsils (NOT strep or tonsillitus)

    So yeah why did you get yours taken out?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • reasons for getting your tonsils out?

    Ok so I may be getting my tonsils out due to p.n.d, tonsil stones and severyly swollen tonsils (NOT strep or tonsillitus)

    So yeah why did you get yours taken out?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • do you keep your dogs in the house or outside in a run or what?

    just a general question over here most keep theirs outside without even a kennel.

    My dogs are indoor dogs though, very much part of the family... we go hiking in the mountains at the weekends behind my house and they go on 2 hour walks on the beach everyday :)

    so yeah?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you all think of dalmatians..?

    I have a dalmatian myself.. 12 months old and deaf :)

    I just want to know what people generally think of them because eveyone i know seems to dislike them :/ anyone have them here?

    also are your mad for food or is it just mine lol

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • your opinons on cocker spaniels /west higland terrier/ springer?


    we have one 9 month old springer spaniel who is perfectly behaved , house trained etc and very respectful and oh so smart. we go on hunts regurlary.

    i really would nlike to get a companion for her.. one that will be able to go hunting with us ( we dont do anything major btw just rambling in the fields and following trails)

    we've decide on one of the following

    eith another english springer or a cocker spaniel or a west highland terrier

    can i have some opinions on people who have had these dogs (esp the latter two)

    also any ailments they seem to get/ and behavioural traits?

    and please dont just give me links to websites. i want first hand experiemnce


    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • a few french translations please?

    from french to english please :D

    sous marine (i think submarine?) am i right

    from the sentence

    son masque de peche sous marine de la placard?

    am i right in thinking it is looking for the wet suit and submarine as in the poster??

    and just the next few phrases please

    de ne pas m'inquieter?

    qu'll allait?

    That will do for now

    and thanks x

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • bebo (deleting a whole photo album) help :S?

    Hi . .

    This is going to sound a really stupid question

    But how can i delete a whole album in my photos

    i used to be able to do it

    I've been on bebo for like 3 years btw)

    any ideas why? xx

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • contacting ea for new codes for sims2 games?

    hello, I heard that you can contact EA games to get a new code for your games (i lost the manual with the coed but i have the discs)

    so i think you can contac ea for a new code?

    also how can i contact them without creating an account?

    I am in ieland btw =)

    please answer :P

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago