Why does my dog nuzzle my cat's ears when I pet the cat?
My Samoyed thinks he is the centre of my universe - this summer I got a kitten and they get along fine - just wondering what behavioural reason there is behind my dog's nuzzling the cat's ears whenever I'm petting the cat. Jealousy? Affection?
I have two other dogs. He doesn't seem to be particularly interested in THEIR ears when I'm petting them.
Favorite Answer
Your dog is jealous of the attention that you give your cat. try petting them at the same time.
Same as with kids, animals are used to being only 'kids'. When a new one is brought in, they're jealous of not getting all your attention any more.
When and if he even thinks about the bad behaviour I would POP him on the head with a empty 2 liter 7 up (or what ever) bottle - never hit him with your hand - you want only trust to come from those hands never any thing that will make him cowl away. A empty bottle gives just the right amount of getting the attention without causing any real trauma and you are right to start this at the git go.
Do not keep them away from each other put them out side alone together as much as possible and it will not take to much time before he understands she is there to add to his life. As for the pouting so what? Let him be a stupid head if he wants that will soon change when he sees life will go on with out him-if he makes that choice-DO NOT coddle him or coax him when he is doing this just go play or feed or do what ever and then when he comes to see what’s going on greet him as thought your happy to see him.
In other words pay attention to the wanted behaviour and snub the bad. You sound like a good doggy parent so I know this will all work out. Please give the dogs time alone to work through this, there is very little chance with you humans out of the picture that he will actually hurt her and more than likely they will soon start playing and all will be well. Take Care Fran Dog Gone It