Can I get past due child support?

My daughters are 20 and 18. We have been divorced for 12 years. He was ordered to pay child support by Texas. He paid approx 1 years worth in the last 12. Does he still owe the overdue payments? And how do I get it? And he is in the military currently. I want to get the money and give it to the girls for their future.


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If your state has a statute of limitations for collecting on judgements, then you may not be able to collect anything. In the state I'm in you have 10 years to collect. Contact Child Protective Services to see if they can offer any assistance to collect pass due child support.


Generally this is the way it works. The court order usually states that child support is to be paid until the child is 18 yrs of age. Sometimes this goes beyond this age if the child is a college student. After whatever age the court order states, the child support and any back amount stops to the wife.

However, in some states, if there is back child support the child at age 18 may sue the responsible party involved for the money.

You, however, are usually no longer involved. Check you state laws or a casual call to an attorney or his/her paralegal can give you the answer for your state.


Like the answerer above me stated, it doesn't matter how old the kids are, even if they get emancipated as long as there are arrears owed the case will remain open until they are paid in full---- I just don't understand how come the child support office has not put a garnishment in his military pay?? I work for NJ child support and we have many garnishments in place with the military (DFAS - the department of defense)

Contact your local child support and have them contact DFAS asap to do a garnishment- They should have the address and fax number. If they are unable to enforce or collect then someone in that office is just not doing their job!


Yes you still can. The military does not like their soldiers to be behind on childsupport. The court order states he must pay child support. If he is behind you can collect it at any time. I would talk to an attorney and have the attorney send papers to the army showing he has a court order for childsupport. You will have to probably take him to court for it again. But when you do, the papers will be sent to the military and they will take the over payment out of his military pay.
But yes, you can get it. Talk to an attorney to find out the proper way of doing it. You can also contact a Jag officer. That is a military lawyer. Good luck in getting your Childsupport. I know what it's like to go through that.


Thats difficult. If he was ordered to pay and didn't, yes you should get it, But if you were on any kind of public assistance they will deduct that from the amount he owes. Also if he is in the military then you should contact them and they will force him to pay, because they wont tolerate any wrongful treatment of family. Contact you local Child Support Office and or an Attorney and they should be able to help you.

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