Are we living in the time of Revelations?
Listen to the news. Is this the beginning of the End? Is this the war the Anti-Christ is gonna "fix" and light the fuse for the Final Days?
Listen to the news. Is this the beginning of the End? Is this the war the Anti-Christ is gonna "fix" and light the fuse for the Final Days?
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This is not the war that the antichrist is to stop. But he will settle the dispute between Israel and Palestine. He will make a treaty with Israel giving them their land back, which he will later break. You'll know when the end times come, because all the christians will mysteriously disappear first in the rapture. Thats a pretty tell-tale sign.
specific we stay interior the process the prophetic era of Revelation. The signs and indicators of Revelation are in unity with the sign of the arriving of Christ. Revelation a million:a million; Matthew 24:3 An occasion of that's that the e book of Revelation says that there could be a figurative journey of four horsemen. Revelation 6:a million-8 the 1st horseman is the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Revelation 19:13, 14 the 2nd horseman takes peace away. Matthew 24:4-12 The third horseman exhibits the effect of commerce and making a residing. Luke 21:34-36 The fourth horseman exhibits that dying could take a toll upon the earth by it and the previous horsemen. Matthew 24:7, 9; Mark 13:7, 8, 12; Luke 21:9-11, sixteen The e book of Revelation is stuffed with prophecies on the subject of the time wherein we live. Revelation additionally exhibits or uncovers issues on the subject of ways forward for the international previous the tip.
Revelations is what happened in the spirit on the Lord's day. The Lord's day is the day of the cross. It is referred to as this more than once. Revelations is what John saw Jesus go through and fulfill while He was on the cross.
He did not just die as a regular criminal of that day did. His sacrafice was so much more.
It was the end of one world and the beginning of another.
All has been fulfilled and there is nothing left to apease God. Why would there be tribulation when He only sees righteousness now?
It's hard to tell, it might just be. But you have to remember that Revelations is a very symbolic book, and it is thought to not have been a prediction of the future by John, but a letter of encouragement to the Christians that were being persecuted at the time.
The time of Revelation was 2000 years ago.