In a written interview for a development company, I am asked to, using Flash Blitz or Gamemaker, write a demo,
A demo of a little video game. I have no familiarity with these tools, but did graduate with a degree in computer science so I know what coding is. Is this question asking me to literally write out the entire demo? Would writing it in flash code somehow be a lot easier and short than, say, in Java? Should I just fess up for this question (which is for a cell phone game development company, although I am applying for a position in the Q&A dept), admitting I am not familiar with these utilities?
A later question in the interview is "Use all the elements you’ve just defined to build a level map. The level should demonstrate the interest of every ingredient you’ve just defined.
The constraints are the following:
-Map size: 1024*400 pixels (width*height)
-Main Character: 24*24 pixels
By the word 'elements' are they refering to the code asked for in the previous question to create the map in this question, or do they mean 'elements' in the general sense, and I'd just use a bitmap editor for the level map, which is what they ask for in the following question, for a screenshot of the game.