What is your best strategy to earn Yahoo! Answers "Best Answer" points quickly?

I have noticed some loop holes in the system. I am just wondering if others have noticed similar strategies.


I have discovered strategies that seem to work, so if you state otherwise, you are misinformed.


I don't violate the Yahoo rules by working multiple IDs, but my "Best Answer" ratio over the last two weeks is astronomical.


kman1830: The loopholes do not involve others any any sort.

I'm a 36-year old middle school teacher who logs onto Yahoo Answers when I'm procrastinating about grading papers!


Favorite Answer

What you do is go to unanswered questions click sort by number of answers and answer the ones with no answers and vote for yourself as best answer! Easy, huh?


i do now no longer think of of there are stupid questions yet I do think of of there are some at right here who do say abusive matters to others and make comments that are thoroughly out of line. I in elementary words checklist those to yahoo recommendations and enable them to deal with them,it extremely is how they get a paycheck for doing their interest in elementary words as each individual attempt to do ours. i'm grateful for yahoo recommendations via certainty I extremely are transforming into an magnificent style of sturdy,informative the help of right here,and not even had to ask the question.


One thing you can do - is to actually have good (even the BEST) answers.

Another thing you can do is answer questions that only get a few answers. your odds of best answer are much higher than if you answer those questions that draw many answers - or those that draw many of the SAME answers.

Multiple ID's and other forms of point gaming are agaist site rules.


How about the reviewing of your answers, looking for the ones that say "in voting" out to the side, then going in and voting for your answer... provided you can remember what you said!!

I've gotten this to work for me a couple of times. Is this the same loophole you found?


Answer truthfully if you know nothing of the subject,move to the next question,i believe i know of your loop holes,friends get on and ask a question,the other answers with a LOL,and she picks that for best answer,if you think it's a serious question and you answer it and they pull that it can get to you,move on.

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