Downloading personal files &!?

I had to do a system recovery so now my computer has the basics again with a few things on it. Before that I had burned my personal files and documents to disc so I can keep all my files and settings and put it back on computer. Now the big question is, how can I download the two disc of files I saved onto my computer? I tried to open up the files but each time it pops up more little files. I just want to download everything I had saved back onto my computer so I can run normal again. Is there an easy way to do this??


**Please, simple answers with steps, thanks.


I put my files in (my documents) now how do I download it to my computer?


Favorite Answer

Copy everyfile to your secondary partition and store filres only over there. This will retain the sopeed of your system and help it run the same way as before !!!!


downloading some thing you do now not personal is prohibited. putting forward that, Nintendo are cracking down on DS roms and the playing cards they may be kept on as absolutely everyone is downloading video games to maintain that are severe priced, that is illegitimate


its very simple.
open ur CD data----COPY the all the files (cntrl +A)-------paste (cntrl + V) to my documents.
it wud copy the files and documents