Why do shower curtains get dirty?

Is there any good product to clean the dirt in the white shower curtains? It's annoying the heck out of me!

Smarty Pants2007-01-05T10:07:59Z

Favorite Answer

Mineral deposits from the water build up over time. Using a water softener reduces this. CLR can clean it.


I use those hotel type fabric shower curtains instead of the plastic. When my curtains get dingy - I just run it through the washing machine - hang it back up while it is still damp.


I am not sure why they get durty but i know a great product to use. Hg Blue Limescale Remover. http://www.heritage-homeandgarden.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=8053
It works wonders! Try it! Give it a chance!


wrap up in the curtain and run thru a car wash