Where can I find PKNA comics in English?

Before you answer, don't say eBay or Amazon, I allready tried.
Some of you may recall them being printed in the back of Disney Adventures about 7-8 years ago. The Comics were called "PK" or "PK New Adventures" and starred Donald Duck as a futuristic Batmanesque crime fighter. They were a spin off of the Italian Disney "Paperinik" comics and were actually so good I kind of forgot they were starring Donald Duck.
Anyway, I'd like to pick some of them up but cannot find them availible anywhere.
Let me know if you've got a comic dealer that could order them for me.


No one has any idea where to get Itallian comic books? No one's even going to try to answer? I wated 5 points for nothing?
That stinks.


Favorite Answer

Disney is not going to translate the missing issues, WE WILL DO IT FOR YOU. Here you can download, FOR FREE, the issues that you haven't read, with full colors, full versions, and no censorship.


It depends