Why did Lisa Nowak wear diapers? What kind of car can drive 900 miles on one tank?

Navy CAPT Lisa Nowak drove across the country to confront her secret boyfriend's other girlfriend. She wore astronaut-diapers so she would not have to stop at a bathroom. Why not just pee when she got gas? It's 900 miles! (inquiring minds and all that...)

Does this take astronauts down a click or what?

Secondary question: Were Nowak and her secret boyfriend ever on the shuttle at the same time, and if so, we all know what question is foremost on our minds about THAT trip!


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Lisa Nowak wore diapers to avoid being surveillanced by cameras in public restrooms. She did get out at least once to get gasoline - I heard that. By the way, she averaged 80 miles an hour - surprised she wasn't picked up for speeding.

Yes, it takes astronauts off the "right stuff" pedestal we have been putting them on. It puts the Mars mission in serious doubt, in my opinion.

Nowak and Oefelein were never on the same shuttle, since Nowak was on only one shuttle (2006 July 4) and Oefelein was not on that one.


I had the comparable question, yet i needed to be attentive to this: If she wore them so she did no longer could provide up for a bathing room destroy, would not have had to provide up the automobile to alter the diaper? and persons shop conversing approximately this simply by fact it sounds humorous, even nonetheless she became into going to be killing the lady she became into going after.