lions or dogs? entei,raikou, & suicune?

i'm forever telling the pokemon gamers that they're lions and not dogs lions don't bark they roar and dogs don't roar they bark if you've seen the pokemon movie with entei you'll hear him ROAR NOT BARK


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Entei looks more like a lion to me so I agree.


They're dogs. They're roaring dogs but they're dogs. Growlithe, Arcanine, Houndoor, Houndoom, & Poochyena can all roar and nobody calls them lions.


theyre called dogs probably because dogs are seen as faster than lions in japan

or cuz they dont see many loins.

then it leavs you to wonder; why are there no lion Pkmn? there are kitties, cats, puppies, and dogs, even wolves.


in the game they are call the wind dogs because of how fast they run.


According to they are wild dogs.