"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security"
...while IGNORING (or are they just ignorant?) of the fact that FDR (a liberal Democrat) took away everyone's right to privacy when he authorized all mail to be read (and edited, i.e. sections cut out) by censors and took nearly all freedoms from thousands of Americans when he authorized the "relocation" of Japanese Americans to concentration camps during WWII? Kinda' smacks of hipocracy, doesn't it?
"What do the Dems during the time of FDR have to do with the Dems of today? "
Good question, maybe you should ask all the libs who claim FDR as one of their own (and yes, there have been MANY on these boards).
"Not if you know the definition of hypocrisy. Or how to spell it."
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a poor speller. Too bad you're a poor debater.
BTW, I really love the way you libs are dancing around this one!
Libs, as I'm sure you are unaware, Blueridge, are quite frequently unable to discern sense from nonsense, as your reply indicates.
Favorite Answer
Ben Franklin would spit in the face of today's multiculturalist liberal. Although, he probably would be pretty disappointed with many so called conservatives as well.
Real war is different than that little thing Bush has gotten us into. There was a need as suggested by people on BOTH sides of the isle that mail be read for security. Someone might write something that, if it got into the hands of the enemy could be dangerous. Sort of like the old "loose lips sink ships" kind of thing.
If you don't think censors are looking at mail to and from Iraq and Afghanistan or not looking at emails to and from there you better think again. Whenever there is a war zone that is hot or when there is a possiblity that information could be read by an enemby censoring happens. From the revolution on we have found a degree of sensorship. So be careful what you say you might not be censored but flat out wrong.
They believe that the only reason that a person would fear the goverment poking around in your personal life, is because you are doing something criminal. But I'm here to tell you that a guy was busted out at a VA hospital in my area for only hiring people that agreed with his political preference. This was determined by how they voted during elections. How he got that info, I'll never know. You don't have to be a criminal for things in your personal life to be used against you. that is 100% PURE FACT. the Jews thought they didn't have anything to hide form the German government until Hitler decided they were a bunch of lazy squatters that didn't want to work. What? sounds familiar? FISA was good enough to secure Americans, if anyone even attempted to use it prior to September 11th. Worked for Clinton to catch that guy in Vegas with the 6 vials of Anthrax he was planning to open on New Years eve dring the big New years eve bash in Vegas. But of course that probably didn't make national news because Clitnon admin wasn't about causing a panic. To some of us, it was local news.
No one condones those actions so no hypocrisy exist. And since I live in the present and not the 40s I have to challenge the constitution trampling of the current president. How can you support burning the constitution but not the flag? Don't they both represent the same America? What FDR did and what Bush is doing are both wrong. This is not a partisan issue. This is an American issue.
The war that FDR was fighting was a war which had a defined geographic scope, and a defined end: the surrender of the axis powers. Therefore, there was a time limit to these emergency measures, and it was understood that Americans would regain their peacetime freedoms once the war ended. The war on terror, by contrast, has no geographic location, it is worldwide, nor does it have a defined endpoint or goal. In other words, we're being asked to give up our freedoms for an indefinite period of time which may be forever.