Ladies! I'm about to propose to my girlfriend. How would you like to be proposed to?

Or... how did you get proposed to?
I just bought the ring, but I have to many ideas in my head on how to ask. Thanks for the help!

ANNA D2007-06-03T10:03:31Z

Favorite Answer

does she like the ocean? you can hide the ring in a sea shell
really you should know what she likes and just surprise her
there are many ways to pop the question.just find the one you think shes will love and go for it. by the way congratulations and good luck


I once overheard two ladies talking about getting proposed to and this was her story...She came home from work and found chocolate kisses leading a path from the front door to the bathroom and then to the shower. When she pulled back the curtain, there was a dozen roses attached to the showerhead with a note that read: If I shower you with roses & kiss the floor that you walk on, will you marry me?


My Physics teacher just got engaged. He said he was gonna plan it in one of three ways:

1) The scoreboard thing - he said he didn't want to do it cuz it was kinda cliche and was $700
2) He was gonna go down on one knee in front of her and then tie his shoe as a joke, then ask her after that.
3) And this is how he did it - he placed the ring under her phone and since no one was calling, he called her phone and she wouldn't answer. Then when she picked it up she didn't even notice the ring, lol. Then she saw something sticking out from under her phone and freaked out.

Do something original and that no one else has done before...just think of something :-)

What did you guys do on your first date? Reflect on that a little.

Good luck! ;-)


He surprised me at Thankgiving dinner with the entire family there he sat nextto me while there were different conversations were going on and he whispered in ym ear will you marry me and I turned aroind and he had the ring right there I was so surprised and the whole family just clapped and popped champagne and welcomed me tothe family and in two weeks I will be saying I do!!! Ask her any way you like just mean it and tell her how much you love her I tink anywhere romantic she would like think I;m sure you know where!!!


Awwwwwwwww, my husband got my closes family members to meet at my place, he made a little speech sayng how much he loved me and got on one knee and proposed. Then we all had dinner. I believe you should do it unexpectedly like you guys can be walking in the park and you start talking about your feelings and then jus pop the question, either way you do it she'll love it.

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